Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Why do you need to fantasize just because you can't contrive any legitimate scientific source that corroborates Randy's hysteria?

If you cannot accept credible, expert commentary, that is not my problem.
This response is why conversation with leftists is impossible
Holyfuckingshit, ShortBus. You're getting more retarded with every post you make. :cuckoo:

No, I didn't say they polled the entire nation. :cuckoo:

I said their pool was the entire nation, which is about 340 million. Whereas this poll's pool was USMB members who happened to stumble on this thread, which is less than 3K. Prolly just a few hundred.

Just throw out a number... any number... the number of times you're going to demonstrate for this forum why you're known as ShortBus.....
Check out the comments on this article. Looks like most people don't like Fauci...




Check out the comments on this article. Looks like most people don't like Fauci...

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^^^ not a poll
This response is why conversation with leftists is impossible
Try to focus.

I'm not concerned with those "leftists" that fester in your noggin.

The hysterical Randy has charged Dr Fauci with lying concerning a matter with which Fauci is far more experienced and knowledgable that Randy, virology.

My reasonable request of Randy is that he present any comments supportive of his accusation from recognized experts in that discipline.

Hyper-partisan hysteria is irrelevant.

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"There are 'leftist' in my noggin!"
The reader may be able to swiftly drive to San Diego today to see where the snow leopards were placed in quarantine due the SARS-CoV-2, a zoo where eight gorillas had the same problem in January.

We again address our feline trajectory by pointing out the reversal of feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus:
’....Shifts in tissue or cell tropism and resulting changes in virulence have also been reported for coronaviruses....transmissible gastroenteritis virus in young pigs with a high fatality, by spontaneous mutations and deletions in its genome. Seemingly innocuous coronavirus infection can also be turned deadly by changing its tropism, exemplified by mutation of feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) to feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV). Feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIP) has intrigued researchers for half a century since its first description in the 1960s.’

The J&J vaccine uses AD26, a strain first identified in 1961 in anal swabs of children in Washington, D.C. POSPOTUS Puppet JoeXi is not fooling anyone about butt wiping.
The reader may be able to swiftly drive to San Diego today to see where the snow leopards were placed in quarantine due the SARS-CoV-2, a zoo where eight gorillas had the same problem in January.

We again address our feline trajectory by pointing out the reversal of feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus:
’....Shifts in tissue or cell tropism and resulting changes in virulence have also been reported for coronaviruses....transmissible gastroenteritis virus in young pigs with a high fatality, by spontaneous mutations and deletions in its genome. Seemingly innocuous coronavirus infection can also be turned deadly by changing its tropism, exemplified by mutation of feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) to feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV). Feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIP) has intrigued researchers for half a century since its first description in the 1960s.’

The J&J vaccine uses AD26, a strain first identified in 1961 in anal swabs of children in Washington, D.C. POSPOTUS Puppet JoeXi is not fooling anyone about butt wiping.
Peritonial macrophages are the powerful machines that are awakened during rabies vaccination, thus AstraZeneca uses chimpanzee adenovirus and here is a Texas report for Guillain-Barre in a chimp recently vaccinated for rabies in 1995:
For those still unsure whether the funding stopped at Wuhan though the GOF was consistently practiced regardless in Level 4, Fau Chi would have been already aware of HIV-1 like insertions in COVID-19 spike protein linking to HIV-1 vaccine, and the snake referred to, Bungarus multicinctus, was already studied by U.S. Army Intelligence for chloroquine’s ability to increase the potency of its venom. One American and five apparently Chinese Americans authored the following:

Mar 2020 Protein Structure and Sequence Reananalysis of 2019-nCoV Genome Refutes Snakes As Its Intermediate Host and the Unique Similarity Between Its Spike Protein Insertions and HIV-1 (Dept of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and Dept. of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
’....We noted that these fragments are not bona fide “insertions”; in fact, at least three out of the four fragments are also shared with bat coronavirus RaTG13 spike glycoprotein (NCBI accession QHR63300.1). Nevertheless, we still refer to these fragments as “insertions” in this Communication for consistency with the original report....Table 1. 2019-nCoV sequence: GTNGTKR; uncultured marine virus sequence: GTNGTKR; Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 sequence: -TNGTKR; RaTG13 sequence: GTNGIKR.’

The isoleucine in RaTG13 rather than threonine in SARS-CoV-2. Threonine is also important in increased potency of fentanyl, made by Janssen, a division of J&J.
And almost everyone here saying Fauci lied is on the right while almost everyone here saying he didn't is on the left.
That's a very true statement and a very telling one. But there's no doubt that Fauci lied because he has been on both sides of every argument - no masks, masks, 2 masks, 3 masks, flu, end of the world,. whoops - masks for you and not for me, no masks outside, masks not needed if you're vaccinated, good for cities like LA to require masks even of the vaccinated, was GoF in emails to his crew in China but not GoF in front of any camera and under oath in Congress.

But what he hasn't done was to come up with a cure or vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome so none of you can ever accept anything short of the end of the world for the Wuhan Virus. But mostly, and your TDS is related to this anyway, you've all just taken the bait from your elitist masters on the left and are echoing what they tell you to echo even though any thoughtful consideration would convince you that the crap you're spewing is no more than communist propaganda.
That's a very true statement and a very telling one. But there's no doubt that Fauci lied because he has been on both sides of every argument - no masks, masks, 2 masks, 3 masks, flu, end of the world,. whoops - masks for you and not for me, no masks outside, masks not needed if you're vaccinated, good for cities like LA to require masks even of the vaccinated, was GoF in emails to his crew in China but not GoF in front of any camera and under oath in Congress.

But what he hasn't done was to come up with a cure or vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome so none of you can ever accept anything short of the end of the world for the Wuhan Virus. But mostly, and your TDS is related to this anyway, you've all just taken the bait from your elitist masters on the left and are echoing what they tell you to echo even though any thoughtful consideration would convince you that the crap you're spewing is no more than communist propaganda.
He wasn't on both sides of every argument. When he said masks were not needed, they weren't needed because it wasn't much of a threat to the U.S. at the time he said that. That changed, along with the need for masks. He also never inimated masks are for others, not him. There is a photo of him wearing a mask he had pulled down but that is just a fraction of a second of him at a baseball game where there was no one around him except his wife and a friend and a snapshot doesn't reveal for how long he pulled it down. And playing the TDS card is moronic as that "syndrome" affects many on both sides of the aisle and does so for fans and foes of all presidents.
That's a very true statement and a very telling one. But there's no doubt that Fauci lied because he has been on both sides of every argument - no masks, masks, 2 masks, 3 masks, flu, end of the world,. whoops - masks for you and not for me, no masks outside, masks not needed if you're vaccinated, good for cities like LA to require masks even of the vaccinated, was GoF in emails to his crew in China but not GoF in front of any camera and under oath in Congress.

But what he hasn't done was to come up with a cure or vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome so none of you can ever accept anything short of the end of the world for the Wuhan Virus. But mostly, and your TDS is related to this anyway, you've all just taken the bait from your elitist masters on the left and are echoing what they tell you to echo even though any thoughtful consideration would convince you that the crap you're spewing is no more than communist propaganda.
March 9th, 2020:
“If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.” - Dr. Fauci

March 16th, 2020:
At least 712 out of the 3,711 passengers and crew on the Diamond Princess had tested positive for the virus.

April 14th, 2020::
14 of those who were on board had died from the disease

Jan 24th, 2020:
Fauci said both he and Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told the senators that imposing travel restrictions was "not a good idea at this time." "That would create a lot of disruption economically and otherwise and it wouldn't necessarily have a positive effect," Fauci told S&P Global Market Intelligence. (1)

Feb 2nd, 2020:
Trump Admin implements travel restrictions for China (2)

March 13th, 2020:
Fauci takes credit for the brilliant travel ban. (3)

(1) https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/trending/lfG-uPOaVGA2qlV4OSZnQg2
(2) COVID-19 pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia
March 9th, 2020:
“If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.” - Dr. Fauci

March 16th, 2020:
At least 712 out of the 3,711 passengers and crew on the Diamond Princess had tested positive for the virus.

April 14th, 2020::
14 of those who were on board had died from the disease

Jan 24th, 2020:
Fauci said both he and Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told the senators that imposing travel restrictions was "not a good idea at this time." "That would create a lot of disruption economically and otherwise and it wouldn't necessarily have a positive effect," Fauci told S&P Global Market Intelligence. (1)

Feb 2nd, 2020:
Trump Admin implements travel restrictions for China (2)

March 13th, 2020:
Fauci takes credit for the brilliant travel ban. (3)

(1) Senators suggest coronavirus travel ban, emergency; GOP briefs timeline denied
(2) COVID-19 pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia

You took Fauci's comment out of context. What he actually said was...

“If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship. But the fact is that if you have…an individual who has an underlying condition, particularly an elderly person who has an underlying condition, I would recommend strongly that they do not go on a cruise ship.”

... though even that was misguided as young people can still spread it.
March 9th, 2020:
“If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.” - Dr. Fauci

March 16th, 2020:
At least 712 out of the 3,711 passengers and crew on the Diamond Princess had tested positive for the virus.

April 14th, 2020::
14 of those who were on board had died from the disease

Jan 24th, 2020:
Fauci said both he and Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told the senators that imposing travel restrictions was "not a good idea at this time." "That would create a lot of disruption economically and otherwise and it wouldn't necessarily have a positive effect," Fauci told S&P Global Market Intelligence. (1)

Feb 2nd, 2020:
Trump Admin implements travel restrictions for China (2)

March 13th, 2020:
Fauci takes credit for the brilliant travel ban. (3)

(1) Senators suggest coronavirus travel ban, emergency; GOP briefs timeline denied
(2) COVID-19 pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia

And masks aren't required for sex with someone you met on Tinder.

This is the tinder hook-up to ponder:

2012 Fau Chi / Gain-of-Function
We are beginning to list military connections to Wuhan. For GOF, two entries add to the files:

Feb 2018 Chinese Military Vaccinia Vaccine / IFITM3
(Click on Affiliations)

Feb 2021 NCI, Frederick, Md., HIV Replication Dynamics Program / Ohio State U. / SARS-CoV-2 / IFITM3 GOF-LOF

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