Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
After all the lies and misinformation governments, media, academia, and science have told us these last 25 years, one would be wise to question everything they say.
"junk science" is distinct from incorrect conclusion or corrupted data, but these facebook climatologists are guilty of all.
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?

the kennedys, nor king, were shot by a "lone assassin." if trump were really worried about a "deep state" he would watch the zapruder film insrtead of "fox and friends"
You won't fall for a conspiracy theory unless your BS-meter is busted. And if it's busted, you'll fall for them all.
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
maybe you should answer your own question,, at what point do you believe the trump russia collusion??

9-11 Inside job
Fake moon landing

there are a few irregularities on 9/11 that conflict with the "official narrative." i am interested in the Pennsylvania crash as mostly an attempt to instruct passengers on their least bad alternatives in such a case

it would have been more expensive to fake a moon landing than to actually do it. unlike the kennedy assassinations, i don't remember massive witness die offs.
there are a few irregularities on 9/11 that conflict with the "official narrative." i am interested in the Pennsylvania crash as mostly an attempt to instruct passengers on their least bad alternatives in such a case

it would have been more expensive to fake a moon landing than to actually do it. unlike the kennedy assassinations, i don't remember massive witness die offs.
A FEW???
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

My question would be .. you're implying conspiracy theories to this broad range of categories -- is that implicit that you believe none of these exist?


Anti-vax: evidence post COVID clearly indicates patterns and trends the vaccination has produced unintended consequences with blood clots, heart issues, etc.

Dems Kill Kids: abortion .. duh.

Tranny Groomers: duh ... leftists / liberals are infatuated with encouraging and promoting the social contagion we call transgenderism.

Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?​

You missed two:
  1. That MAGA is a movement of dangerous domestic terrorists.
  2. That YOU are a man.

Michelle is a man

Obama is not an American
His own family and his real birth certificate say so.

stolen election
Time published a detailed article on 2/3/21 ADMITTING thety stole it and go into precise detail bragging of the accomplishment!

deep state
Deep State is merely all of the unelected alphabet agencies that never go away.

Dems kill kids
Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 11.14.29 AM.png

Tranny groomers
Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 11.16.26 AM.png

Veneauelan voting machines
Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 11.18.28 AM.png

Seems Tommy that most of your "conspiracies" are easily proven true or at least based in FACT. Which makes you an idiot.

the twin towers are the only ones known to have planes flown into them,,

something happened at the pentagon.

i don't know abt the bldg 5, but given that new york developers are reputationally corrupt, does heat and substandard materials really sound impossible?
Sometimes it takes an Edward Snowden to prove the conspiracy theorists right.
And Julian Assange.

Strange how those who expose wrongdoing by the powerful often suffer great harm but those who lie in support of the powerful, gain fame and fortune.
something happened at the pentagon.

i don't know abt the bldg 5, but given that new york developers are reputationally corrupt, does heat and substandard materials really sound impossible?
yes something happened at the pentagon,, from what I have seen it wasnt a 767 full of fuel,,

yes that sounds impossible,, or we would have buildings falling down for no reason all the time,,

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