Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
Correct, And Comey's absurd name for the ludicrous Crowdstrike "report" as being an "appropriate substitute", has to qualify as in the top 10 of all nutty things ever been said by a person in the US govt.

To call a private company assessment of an alleged interference with a US presidential election by a foreign entity, "appropriate", is beyond belief.

trump can get it by merely requesting it. but ...he hasn't..... why would that be? i bet you like steak tartare.

How is Trump a "traitor" to the Democrat party when he doesn't say he's a Democrat? Wouldn't he have to say he's one of you to betray you? Otherwise, he's not really betraying you, is he?

where in any of my post did you get that i said he's a traitor to the (D)s? wow- go back & take a reading comp class,

Your sig, brainiac. You're right that Trump is against you. But he's not a traitor by definition since he never said he was one of you

the president should be for all americans, regardless of their support... & any patriotic american knows this is a nation of laws, not for any man or woman.

your president doesn't know that; & thinks anyone who is critical of him... is being disloyal to him... is his 'enemy'. what he really is :

is a traitor to the Constitution.

Democrats are such pathetic liars. Obama was against me and said so. He told the Republicans to go to the back of the bus and that elections have consequences. Obviously he wasn't for a libertarian either. He rammed Obamacare down my throat.

Now you're suddenly that the President should be on all our side? You're a selfish, pathetic liar who just wants your way
i think mueller will be getting the last laugh. you?

not so much. :mm:

I don't think Mueller has ever laughed in his life

But if you think Mueller will present the evidence any day now, the orange clown gets impeached, Hillary gets her rightful crown back, it will be the 1980's again and everybody lives happily ever after then you're totally insane

ok.... soooooooooooo assange said he didn't get them from the russians. whew! that settles it then 'eh? oh well, i guess it seems some people are just that gullible to think his hands are clean.

oh ya, one more thing... i am not worried at all, so your post is flawed from the start; but i will tell you who should be worried.... roger stone. he's the link between assange, wikileaks & the roooskies.

how soon b4 an indictment for him gets the headlines?

mmm mmm mmmm.... damn good popcorn.... :popcorn:

I didn't say it settled anything ...
Just that Assange stated he didn't get the emails from the Russians.

I am not worried about anyone or anything ...
And certainly not worried about all the speculation nit-wits come up with ... :thup:

trump can get it by merely requesting it. but ...he hasn't..... why would that be? i bet you like steak tartare.

How is Trump a "traitor" to the Democrat party when he doesn't say he's a Democrat? Wouldn't he have to say he's one of you to betray you? Otherwise, he's not really betraying you, is he?

where in any of my post did you get that i said he's a traitor to the (D)s? wow- go back & take a reading comp class,

Your sig, brainiac. You're right that Trump is against you. But he's not a traitor by definition since he never said he was one of you

the president should be for all americans, regardless of their support... & any patriotic american knows this is a nation of laws, not for any man or woman.

your president doesn't know that; & thinks anyone who is critical of him... is being disloyal to him... is his 'enemy'. what he really is :

is a traitor to the Constitution.

Democrats are such pathetic liars. Obama was against me and said so. He told the Republicans to go to the back of the bus and that elections have consequences. Obviously he wasn't for a libertarian either. He rammed Obamacare down my throat.

Now you're suddenly that the President should be on all our side? You're a selfish, pathetic liar who just wants your way

lol...obamacare was fought over for a fucking year b4 the chief (R) justice said to go for it.

i pity you.
How is Trump a "traitor" to the Democrat party when he doesn't say he's a Democrat? Wouldn't he have to say he's one of you to betray you? Otherwise, he's not really betraying you, is he?

where in any of my post did you get that i said he's a traitor to the (D)s? wow- go back & take a reading comp class,

Your sig, brainiac. You're right that Trump is against you. But he's not a traitor by definition since he never said he was one of you

the president should be for all americans, regardless of their support... & any patriotic american knows this is a nation of laws, not for any man or woman.

your president doesn't know that; & thinks anyone who is critical of him... is being disloyal to him... is his 'enemy'. what he really is :

is a traitor to the Constitution.

Democrats are such pathetic liars. Obama was against me and said so. He told the Republicans to go to the back of the bus and that elections have consequences. Obviously he wasn't for a libertarian either. He rammed Obamacare down my throat.

Now you're suddenly that the President should be on all our side? You're a selfish, pathetic liar who just wants your way

lol...obamacare was fought over for a fucking year b4 the chief (R) justice said to go for it.

i pity you.

Poor girl, you've been crying again. I guess it's from all that losing that Trump told you was going to happen to you

i think mueller will be getting the last laugh. you?

not so much. :mm:

I don't think Mueller has ever laughed in his life

But if you think Mueller will present the evidence any day now, the orange clown gets impeached, Hillary gets her rightful crown back, it will be the 1980's again and everybody lives happily ever after then you're totally insane


oh my- you see a whole lot of what's not there. mueller has much time to get the job right. who said anything about 'any day now'? i don't want him to come out with anything until he is positive the intel he is getting is turned into hard evidence & then goes for indictments & trials. like he has been doing....slowly....& methodically.

after all, watergate took over 2 years & was a cakewalk... lol...your pussy grabber hasn't even been in office that long. this whole russia infiltration is gonna take some time to go thru all the rotten layers.

tick tock....
How is trump part of Russia cyber?
I don't know. But i think that, if you squeeze that brain of yours a alittle bit, you might come up with a few possibilities.

Yes, it's because you want to believe that.

Just don't be a dick when you assume that Russia = Trump then you lose the support of people to investigate that given your assumption. We're not stupid, we know what you're doing.

1) If you don't want to investigate, you're OK with Russia meddling
2) If you do want to investigate, you admit Trump should be impeached.

So pick 1 or 2.

It's a bull shit question
ok.... soooooooooooo assange said he didn't get them from the russians. whew! that settles it then 'eh? oh well, i guess it seems some people are just that gullible to think his hands are clean.

oh ya, one more thing... i am not worried at all, so your post is flawed from the start; but i will tell you who should be worried.... roger stone. he's the link between assange, wikileaks & the roooskies.

how soon b4 an indictment for him gets the headlines?

mmm mmm mmmm.... damn good popcorn.... :popcorn:

I didn't say it settled anything ...
Just that Assange stated he didn't get the emails from the Russians.

I am not worried about anyone or anything ...
And certainly not worried about all the speculation nit-wits come up with ... :thup:


sure seems like you are leaning in that direction or you wouldn't have mentioned it at all. yaaaaaaa............... 17 intel agencies are saying it & you call them & those that would believe them nit wits over a con man turned reality star?

there aren't enough laughing at you emojiis in stock to cover that thought, so i won't even bother.
Yes, it's because you want to believe that
Not so. He asked me what it had to do with Trump, personally, and I said I don't know. But, I'm sure the two of you could put your heads together and come up with some possibilities.
Putin tells Russian spies to give info to Steele, he gives it to Hillary.
That's a cute fantasy.

You think Russian spies go off on their own initiative? LOL!
I don't know. You're the expert!

I love that buying info from foreigners is legal but not paying for info you never got is illegal.
Liberal gymnastics are fun!
I did not assert that what the Trump campaign did was illegal, because other conditions would have to be met. For the third time. Please pause from cackling once in a while to follow the thread.
Insults are evidence of having nothing else... thanks for confirmation.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.

stop breathing that methane you are engulfed with in that bubble of yours.

<pop> <pop> <pop>

hear that?

that's the sound of your brain cells committing suicide.

uh-huh. you are sporting a god damn CONfed flag in your avatar.

'nuff said about how i care about your feelings on the way i reply to you.
MadMax is ok with burning the American flag! Which one is worse?
Insults are evidence of having nothing else... thanks for confirmation.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.

stop breathing that methane you are engulfed with in that bubble of yours.

<pop> <pop> <pop>

hear that?

that's the sound of your brain cells committing suicide.

uh-huh. you are sporting a god damn CONfed flag in your avatar.

'nuff said about how i care about your feelings on the way i reply to you.
MadMax is ok with burning the American flag! Which one is worse?
Burning a flag versus open treason of the Confederates over slavery?

Gee, tough call....
Insults are evidence of having nothing else... thanks for confirmation.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.

stop breathing that methane you are engulfed with in that bubble of yours.

<pop> <pop> <pop>

hear that?

that's the sound of your brain cells committing suicide.

uh-huh. you are sporting a god damn CONfed flag in your avatar.

'nuff said about how i care about your feelings on the way i reply to you.
MadMax is ok with burning the American flag! Which one is worse?

who is madmax?
Insults are evidence of having nothing else... thanks for confirmation.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.

stop breathing that methane you are engulfed with in that bubble of yours.

<pop> <pop> <pop>

hear that?

that's the sound of your brain cells committing suicide.

uh-huh. you are sporting a god damn CONfed flag in your avatar.

'nuff said about how i care about your feelings on the way i reply to you.
MadMax is ok with burning the American flag! Which one is worse?
Burning a flag versus open treason of the Confederates over slavery?

Gee, tough call....

some wouldn't mind seeing the right to own people to be just as protected under the Constitution as free speech( like flag burning) is.
Every Democrat and Republican who has looked at the evidence says it was definitely the Russians who hacked. Powerless staffers bullshiting about dreams on emails mean nothing anyway, Dupes ...

What evidence ... DNC wouldn't release the server to the FBI to investigate.
Where did the evidence come from or are you just believing whatever you want to believe?

Julian Assange is the person who supplied WikiLeaks with the emails ...
And said he didn't get them from Russia.

Try real news someday...

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