Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
Every Democrat and Republican who has looked at the evidence says it was definitely the Russians who hacked. Powerless staffers bullshiting about dreams on emails mean nothing anyway, Dupes ...

What evidence ... DNC wouldn't release the server to the FBI to investigate.
Where did the evidence come from or are you just believing whatever you want to believe?

Julian Assange is the person who supplied WikiLeaks with the emails ...
And said he didn't get them from Russia.

The classified evidence that Congressional intelligence committees looked at, super duper. Change the goddamn Channel and get some real news, dumbass.
Every Democrat and Republican who has looked at the evidence says it was definitely the Russians who hacked. Powerless staffers bullshiting about dreams on emails mean nothing anyway, Dupes ...

What evidence ... DNC wouldn't release the server to the FBI to investigate.
Where did the evidence come from or are you just believing whatever you want to believe?

Julian Assange is the person who supplied WikiLeaks with the emails ...
And said he didn't get them from Russia.

Meanwhile in the real world...

Trump's DNC 'Server' Conspiracy Rebutted
Hillary bought info from Fusion GPS.

Why all the stupid questions? Is your Google broken again?

Hillary bought info from Fusion GPS.

Info from foreigners. I heard that wasn't allowed.

One law for Normals, a VERY different law for party members
No, the letter of the law is clear. You should look it up, might save you some embarrassment.

Let's test that, go ahead and post the text of the law you fantasize Trump broke?
I am not asserting that he broke any law. Certain other conditions would have to be met. I was parsing the difference between accepting information directly from a foreign national and buying it from an American company.

You damn Trump for allegedly doing what Hillary was proven doing.

It's cool though, if it wasn't for double standards, you Stalinists would have no standards at all.
then give the purpose of an investigation into finding interference
To assess what they did and how they did it. Duh, what a mind numbingly stupid question.
Cyber is cyber. How is trump part of Russia cyber? They supposedly hacked the DNC server and no one looked at it. And we’re in month 15 of the investigation and still no one has looked at it. My opinion is, they ain’t good investigators. Just saying, if the investigation is about cyber hacking, wouldn’t one be interested in ground zero? :dunno:

The notoriously corrupt "Crowd Strike" supposedly examined the server. "We'll stop Trump" FSB Agent Peter Strzok said that was just fine.

What they really did was sanitize it in case law enforcement had ever checked it. not a corrupt traitor like Strzok, but REAL law enforcement.
You damn Trump for allegedly doing what Hillary was proven doing.
No so. Clearly there is a difference between hiring an American research firm and getting dirt in an opportunity from a foreign national, for one. Second, i have specifically said that this was not illegal , unless certain other conditions were met.
Cyber is cyber. How is trump part of Russia cyber? They supposed hacked the DNC server and no one looked at it. And we’re in month 15 of the investigation and still no one has looked at it. My opinion is, they ain’t good investigators. Just saying, if the investigation is about cyber hacking, wouldn’t one be interested in ground zero? :dunno:
Correct, And Comey's absurd name for the ludicrous Crowdstrike "report" as being an "appropriate substitute", has to qualify as in the top 10 of all nutty things ever been said by a person in the US govt.

To call a private company assessment of an alleged interference with a US presidential election by a foreign entity, "appropriate", is beyond belief.

The DNC using Crowdstrike was no different that Hillary using Bleach Bit - the objective in both cases was to destroy damaging evidence.

From its beginning in 2012, CrowdStrike has been using fraudulent attribution methodology to attract publicity, to confuse customers, and to alarm potential customers. Alarmism and fraud were hallmarks of Obama’s administration. CrowdStrike’s close relationship with the Obama administration, especially FBI Director Robert Mueller (until 2013), and rotating door between them ensured not only impunity, but quick success. CrowdStrike was valued at $3B in the last investment round, and closed around June 16.

Since around 2005, corporations and government agencies faced a new kind of cyberthreat: external intrusions into their networks followed by data theft. Technological solutions have failed. The intrusions usually started when hackers obtained some insider’s password or tricked a user into installing malware on his or her computer inside of the network. Malware components are frequently the same or similar, because hackers sell code to each other and frequently open source it. The hackers are caught only rarely. A hacker anywhere in the world can use an intermediate computer anywhere else in the world. The Obama administration had other priorities than securing U.S. networks.

Volunteers and security companies classified hackers’ methods and malware families. In 2011, Dmitri Alperovitch, a former VP of threat research in McAfee, came up with a trick. He announced: “You don’t have a malware problem, you have an adversary problem.” He claimed that advanced malware families are unique to hacker groups, and that the hacker groups can be identified by the kind of malware they use. This was a false statement. Alperovitch doubled down by claiming that he could identify a foreign government behind most intrusions. Thus, he moved the discussion from the technical realm into the political one. In his first attribution he pointed finger at China. Later, Alperovitch even claimed to know which unit of PLA had committed intrusion, and the DOJ indicted its officers!}

Dangerous Pseudo-Science in Cyber Security
Not when the campaign has paid a firm for opposition research, and they acquired it, it is not.

Hillary is allowed to buy info from foreigners, but Trump is in trouble for not actually getting free info from foreigners?
Hillary bought info from Fusion GPS.

Why all the stupid questions? Is your Google broken again?

Hillary bought info from Fusion GPS.

Info from foreigners. I heard that wasn't allowed.
Thats an American company. But you knew that.

Putin tells Russian spies to give info to Steele, he gives it to Hillary.
Suddenly the foreign info from foreigners is legal?

The CRIME that Trump committed was defeating Hillary.

No, that's not right - the CRIME is that he saved the Constitution, when the democrats were so close to putting an end to it once and for all.

Had Hillary won, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments would be gone; ruled unconstitutional by the 5 to 4 Marxist majority.
We don't know that Comrade.

You Communists never allowed any law enforcement agency to look at the servers that were allegedly hacked.

Oh, and you claim that 50,000 in Facebook ads over came the 1.6 BILLION the clinton crime syndicate spent? :lol:

FAKE NEWS. the FBI didn't actually have to remove any servers to get a looksey at all the juicy little tidbits inside. in fact, removing it might have actually damaged it, thus making any intel gathering damn near impossible. then you would have been barking about that being a cover-up, right little muttski?

yaaaaaa................. that's the ticket.


Lying fuck.

The Communist Party employed CROWD STRIKE, a "security company" (which was embroiled in corruption and malpractice 3 years later) to examine the server. No law enforcement ever had access to the DNC servers.

FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers - CNNPolitics

they got the info from the servers. they did not have to move them, nor is the FBI unable to take possession of the info like you are trying to peddle. oh & there is this:

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server
Watch the latest video at
(Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight")
By Jason Devaney | Tuesday, 17 July 2018 10:22 PM

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he has the authority to order the FBI to examine a hacked Democratic National Committee Server at the center of Russian election meddling, and added the inspector general report on the bureau's Hillary Clinton probe had a "politically correct" conclusion.

Trump spoke with Fox News' Tucker Carlson after his summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and covered a variety of issues, including the U.S. intelligence community's assessment Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.

Part of that election interference purportedly involved Russians hacking into a DNC server and stealing emails during the campaign, but the FBI has never been given access to the server.

"The answer is absolutely it is possible and maybe at some point it will be done," Trump said in regard to whether he will order the FBI to seize and look at the server.

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server

so why hasn't he done it yet, 'eh? almost 2 years have gone by.... i'll tell you why, little doggie. to keep you &the rest your ilk trained like pavlov's dogs... salivate at anything he wants you to.

They didn't get nor ask for shit, lying fuck.

The FSB let the corrupt Communists just say "well, the third party we hired (wink wink nod) says it was them thar RUSKIES."

The corrupt motherfuckers never let ANY law enforcement examine the servers.

Now I WONDER why you Stalinists wouldn't let the FSB check the servers you claim were hacked? The RNC did - just not you Commie scum...

your posts remind me of charly brown's teacher....

You lied, got busted, and now blow smoke.

Such is the way of you Communists.
then give the purpose of an investigation into finding interference
To assess what they did and how they did it. Duh, what a mind numbingly stupid question.
Cyber is cyber. How is trump part of Russia cyber? They supposedly hacked the DNC server and no one looked at it. And we’re in month 15 of the investigation and still no one has looked at it. My opinion is, they ain’t good investigators. Just saying, if the investigation is about cyber hacking, wouldn’t one be interested in ground zero? :dunno:



What a fucking retard.
You damn Trump for allegedly doing what Hillary was proven doing.
No so. Clearly there is a difference between hiring an American research firm and getting dirt in an opportunity from a foreign national, for one. Second, i have specifically said that this was not illegal , unless certain other conditions were met.

Hillary got FABRICATED "dirt" from the Kremlin, which Obama's DOJ and FSB used to SPY on the opposition candidate - flat out treason.

What Obama and Clinton did is treason.
Insults are evidence of having nothing else... thanks for confirmation.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.

stop breathing that methane you are engulfed with in that bubble of yours.

<pop> <pop> <pop>

hear that?

that's the sound of your brain cells committing suicide.

uh-huh. you are sporting a god damn CONfed flag in your avatar.

'nuff said about how i care about your feelings on the way i reply to you.
MadMax is ok with burning the American flag! Which one is worse?
Burning a flag versus open treason of the Confederates over slavery?

Gee, tough call....
What is the difference in your question? Sitting representative of the country and an internet poster? Too fked up bubba! And the sitting rep is good with burning our flag. I’ll say it again, fk madmax
oh my- you see a whole lot of what's not there. mueller has much time to get the job right. who said anything about 'any day now'?

Are you kidding me, the #resistance and the MSM have been going nuts over every new 'revelation' from the Mueller inquisition since day one, proclaiming this is the definate proof the Russians did it and it will lead to the downfall of the orange regime
i don't want him to come out with anything until he is positive the intel he is getting is turned into hard evidence & then goes for indictments & trials. like he has been doing....slowly....& methodically.

And at the same time you're claiming that the evidence is overwhelming and anyone who questions the vast Russian conspiracy is a traitor.... but now you're saying Mueller doesn't have 'positive' proof?
after all, watergate took over 2 years & was a cakewalk... lol...your pussy grabber hasn't even been in office that long. this whole russia infiltration is gonna take some time to go thru all the rotten layers.

The difference is that there was actually some evidence against Nixon and the MSM still did some real journalism at the time..
tick tock....

So, any day now?

trump can get it by merely requesting it. but ...he hasn't..... why would that be? i bet you like steak tartare.
You think the DNC is going to give Trump a server that doesn't have a thing on it about Russian meddling ? LOL. They'll either just say no, or they'll fabricate.
Trump isn't stupid.

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