Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
My answer is no


You did not give enough options in your poll, IMO.

You gave no 'Don't know' option.

That would be the one I would pick.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to know what difference the Russians made to every, single voter - both directly and indirectly.

And considering just about 100,000+ votes in the right states for that bitch Clinton? And that whacko Trump would not be POTUS.

No it's not impossible. Click the below link on this thread for an explanation of how Vladimir Putin changed the outcome of the election. Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a mere 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Putin targeted white conservative voters in swing states, while alienating Bernie Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton. It was really a brilliant manuever, and it worked. James Clapper is on record for stating that without Vladimir Putin's inteference into this election, Trump would not be POTUS today.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


For the collusion. At this link on this thread you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under oath over a year ago, watch 2 Fox News video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

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Wow, that's your evidence, two videos and a link to MSNBC....better get them over to Mueller right away....dumbass.

Mueller won't need any help. Trump and his band of traitors are the ones who need help. And all the bullshit tweets in the world won't turn the tide. A tsunami is building and it has its eye focused directly on the swamp and the King Traitor Gator. Couldn't happen to a finer bunch of assholes. I just hope it comes before they give themselves another 100 Billion dollar gift paid for by the working men/women.
Where’s that tsunami? Judge Ellis told MUELLER’s team to stop with the tactics of aligning to trump. Hmmm now gates isn’t testifying. I think manafort just won. Oh, and the judge told them an indictment is not evidence. Can you fking believe that? :auiqs.jpg:

:auiqs.jpg: Day 2 of a very lenghty trial and you're calling it already--:iyfyus.jpg: Rick Gates has already made a plea deal with Robert Mueller and if he refuses to testify, he will be facing numerous charges. This is what went on in court today, and as you see I can actually produce a link to the information. Manfort is being charged with money laundering , bank fraud, and other associated crimes, in fact 90 in all.

Gates pleaded guilty in February to a case against him and Manafort in Washington, DC, which Manafort is still fighting. Prosecutors then dropped almost two dozen charges against Gates in the Virginia case that's currently on trial.
The most pulse-pumping moment of the trial in day two also involved Gates. That was when prosecutor Uzo Asonye said Gates may or may not testify against Manafort. Several reporters dashed out of the courtroom, and Ellis remarked they "scurried out of here like rats." Asonye then backtracked, saying he didn't mean to suggest that Gates wouldn't testify.
Gates is still expected to testify.
Takeaways from day two of the Paul Manafort trial - CNNPolitics

The Russian investigation is completely a different animal, being handled by a completely different Federal distrct court. It will eventually be up to congress to impeach, not a court hearing, unless Mueller decides to charge Trump Jr. & Trump's son in law Kushner. Mueller is not going to hand over evidence of collusion to a Republican majority who would just bury it or turn it into a new FOX NEWS conspiracy. So he's waiting for November 2018, when Democrats are seated as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. For more on that go to this link.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

For information on the collusion aka the (Russian investigation.) Here you can read one article that was confirmed, under oath, over a year ago by James Clapper, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V. Go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


For how Vlaidimir Putin changed the outcome of the election go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Day 2, that isn’t lengthy. Is day 3 like decades for you? :auiqs.jpg:

BTW, the judge is pushing this to end quickly. You aren’t paying attention punk!
"End quickly" because there is overwhelming evidence. He's going to jail while the Right cheer leads for criminals.
how much you earn calling court cases? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

oh, you're on welfare, hmmmm not successful there eh champ?
Ya know, It's amazing that Trump said he could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and get away with it, and the response by his cult members is to prove him right. Despite a MOUNTAIN of evidence that he's in the pocket of Putin, that he paid off hookers, that he's destroying our democracy by degrees, that his own party has become just another cult group or more accurately groupies, the dummies and the cowards are blind to it all or are complicit. Nixon had nothing on this madman. Hell, McCarthy had noting on him. The difference is that McCarthy and Tricky Dick didn't have a big enough cult to get away with it.
My hope is that The GOP and the staunch Trump cultist's numbers are shrinking enough and that that number is shrinking fast enough to put the hammer down in November. And we need motivated Democrats to get to the polls and we need the Forrest Gumps to stay on the farm so that justice can be done. Our democracy depends on it. This will be rightly seen as a milepost in history and hopefully a turning point back to sanity and the rule of law.
100% yes. It's clear now to anyone with a brain.
So, you're saying would be Hillary voters were to stupid to sort through the chuff? They just believe every meme of gif they see?


100% yes. It's clear now to anyone with a brain.
So, you're saying would be Hillary voters were to stupid to sort through the chuff? They just believe every meme of gif they see?


No, and that's a really stupid thing to say, considering you could only possibly be referring to a small percentage of them. Furthermore, if you would squeeze that brain of yours for a few seconds, you might be awarded with the epiphany that some people may have been convinced to vote for Trump when they might have otherwise stayed home.
100% yes. It's clear now to anyone with a brain.
So, you're saying would be Hillary voters were to stupid to sort through the chuff? They just believe every meme of gif they see?


No, and that's a really stupid thing to say, considering you could only possibly be referring to a small percentage of them. Furthermore, if you would squeeze that brain of yours for a few seconds, you might be awarded with the epiphany that some people may have been convinced to vote for Trump when they might have otherwise stayed home.
What got them to vote for Trump if it wasn't meme's and gif trolls?

100% yes. It's clear now to anyone with a brain.
So, you're saying would be Hillary voters were to stupid to sort through the chuff? They just believe every meme of gif they see?


No, and that's a really stupid thing to say, considering you could only possibly be referring to a small percentage of them. Furthermore, if you would squeeze that brain of yours for a few seconds, you might be awarded with the epiphany that some people may have been convinced to vote for Trump when they might have otherwise stayed home.
What got them to vote for Trump if it wasn't meme's and gif trolls?

Could be some shared many of his negative qualities. Could be a few things, including Russian propaganda. Why do you ask? Can't puzzle that out for yourself?

Wow, that's your evidence, two videos and a link to MSNBC....better get them over to Mueller right away....dumbass.

Mueller won't need any help. Trump and his band of traitors are the ones who need help. And all the bullshit tweets in the world won't turn the tide. A tsunami is building and it has its eye focused directly on the swamp and the King Traitor Gator. Couldn't happen to a finer bunch of assholes. I just hope it comes before they give themselves another 100 Billion dollar gift paid for by the working men/women.

Where’s that tsunami? Judge Ellis told MUELLER’s team to stop with the tactics of aligning to trump. Hmmm now gates isn’t testifying. I think manafort just won. Oh, and the judge told them an indictment is not evidence. Can you fking believe that? :auiqs.jpg:

:auiqs.jpg: Day 2 of a very lenghty trial and you're calling it already--:iyfyus.jpg: Rick Gates has already made a plea deal with Robert Mueller and if he refuses to testify, he will be facing numerous charges. This is what went on in court today, and as you see I can actually produce a link to the information. Manafort is being charged with money laundering , bank fraud, and other associated crimes, in fact 90 in all.

Gates pleaded guilty in February to a case against him and Manafort in Washington, DC, which Manafort is still fighting. Prosecutors then dropped almost two dozen charges against Gates in the Virginia case that's currently on trial.The most pulse-pumping moment of the trial in day two also involved Gates. That was when prosecutor Uzo Asonye said Gates may or may not testify against Manafort. Several reporters dashed out of the courtroom, and Ellis remarked they "scurried out of here like rats." Asonye then backtracked, saying he didn't mean to suggest that Gates wouldn't testify.
Gates is still expected to testify.
Takeaways from day two of the Paul Manafort trial - CNNPolitics

The Russian investigation is completely a different animal, being handled by a completely different Federal distrct court. It will eventually be up to congress to impeach, not a court hearing, unless Mueller decides to charge Trump Jr. & Trump's son in law Jerad Kushner. Papalopodous has already pleaded guilty and he is working with Mueller. Mueller is not going to hand over evidence of collusion to a Republican majority who would just bury it or turn it into a new FOX NEWS conspiracy. So he's waiting for November 2018, when Democrats are seated as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. For more on that go to this link.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

For information on the collusion aka the (Russian investigation.) Here you can read one article that was confirmed, under oath, over a year ago by James Clapper, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V. Go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


For how Vlaidimir Putin changed the outcome of the election go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

prosecution to rest tomorrow. nine days. ewwwww lengthy trial. LOL. yep they got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. nine days. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Why would people who are here illegally try to vote? It makes no sense. They're here to earn money for their families. They aren't going to do anything to draw attention to themselves - like trying to vote.
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Why would people who are here illegally try to vote? It makes no sense. They're here to earn money for their families. They aren't going to do anything to draw attention to themselves - like trying to vote.

Well, I guess my question would be that if the illegals are not voting in enough numbers to matter then why is the Democratic Party alienating so many legal voters with their positions on DACA, amnesty, and open borders? I think there's a better chance that the Dems cost themselves that election based just on those issues moreso than whatever the Russians did.

Maybe they're playing the long game, thought they could get by in 2016 with Hillary for 8 years and by then allow all those illegals to vote by 2024. Never mind - I think I just answered my own question.
100% yes. It's clear now to anyone with a brain.
So, you're saying would be Hillary voters were to stupid to sort through the chuff? They just believe every meme of gif they see?


No, and that's a really stupid thing to say, considering you could only possibly be referring to a small percentage of them. Furthermore, if you would squeeze that brain of yours for a few seconds, you might be awarded with the epiphany that some people may have been convinced to vote for Trump when they might have otherwise stayed home.
What got them to vote for Trump if it wasn't meme's and gif trolls?

Pure stupidity!
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Why would people who are here illegally try to vote? It makes no sense. They're here to earn money for their families. They aren't going to do anything to draw attention to themselves - like trying to vote.

Well, I guess my question would be that if the illegals are not voting in enough numbers to matter then why is the Democratic Party alienating so many legal voters with their positions on DACA, amnesty, and open borders? I think there's a better chance that the Dems cost themselves that election based just on those issues moreso than whatever the Russians did.

Maybe they're playing the long game, thought they could get by in 2016 with Hillary for 8 years and by then allow all those illegals to vote by 2024. Never mind - I think I just answered my own question.
"I think"? The only party that talks about "open borders" are Republicans. Democrats never mention it.
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Why would people who are here illegally try to vote? It makes no sense. They're here to earn money for their families. They aren't going to do anything to draw attention to themselves - like trying to vote.
Because they don't vote. That myth came from Kris Kobach who developed Crosscheck to purge millions of legal voters claiming they were illegal; The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast

The three million illegals nonsense that Trump has been milking, came from Kris Kobach.
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I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Why would people who are here illegally try to vote? It makes no sense. They're here to earn money for their families. They aren't going to do anything to draw attention to themselves - like trying to vote.

Well, I guess my question would be ...

Nah. You answer my question first. If you were in another country illegally, would marching down to city hall and casting your vote seem like a good idea? Or would you keep low profile and hope no one noticed you?

This boogeyman of Mexicans voting is Trumpster horseshit. It doesn't pass the sniff test.
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Why would people who are here illegally try to vote? It makes no sense. They're here to earn money for their families. They aren't going to do anything to draw attention to themselves - like trying to vote.

Well, I guess my question would be ...

Nah. You answer my question first. If you were in another country illegally, would marching down to city hall and casting your vote seem like a good idea? Or would you keep low profile and hope no one noticed you?

This boogeyman of Mexicans voting is Trumpster horseshit. It doesn't pass the sniff test.
Not only that. They have no proof. The 3 million illegals voting originally came from Kris Kobach who had his own voter suppression scheme going on with Crosscheck.

Mueller won't need any help. Trump and his band of traitors are the ones who need help. And all the bullshit tweets in the world won't turn the tide. A tsunami is building and it has its eye focused directly on the swamp and the King Traitor Gator. Couldn't happen to a finer bunch of assholes. I just hope it comes before they give themselves another 100 Billion dollar gift paid for by the working men/women.

Where’s that tsunami? Judge Ellis told MUELLER’s team to stop with the tactics of aligning to trump. Hmmm now gates isn’t testifying. I think manafort just won. Oh, and the judge told them an indictment is not evidence. Can you fking believe that? :auiqs.jpg:

:auiqs.jpg: Day 2 of a very lenghty trial and you're calling it already--:iyfyus.jpg: Rick Gates has already made a plea deal with Robert Mueller and if he refuses to testify, he will be facing numerous charges. This is what went on in court today, and as you see I can actually produce a link to the information. Manafort is being charged with money laundering , bank fraud, and other associated crimes, in fact 90 in all.

Gates pleaded guilty in February to a case against him and Manafort in Washington, DC, which Manafort is still fighting. Prosecutors then dropped almost two dozen charges against Gates in the Virginia case that's currently on trial.The most pulse-pumping moment of the trial in day two also involved Gates. That was when prosecutor Uzo Asonye said Gates may or may not testify against Manafort. Several reporters dashed out of the courtroom, and Ellis remarked they "scurried out of here like rats." Asonye then backtracked, saying he didn't mean to suggest that Gates wouldn't testify.
Gates is still expected to testify.
Takeaways from day two of the Paul Manafort trial - CNNPolitics

The Russian investigation is completely a different animal, being handled by a completely different Federal distrct court. It will eventually be up to congress to impeach, not a court hearing, unless Mueller decides to charge Trump Jr. & Trump's son in law Jerad Kushner. Papalopodous has already pleaded guilty and he is working with Mueller. Mueller is not going to hand over evidence of collusion to a Republican majority who would just bury it or turn it into a new FOX NEWS conspiracy. So he's waiting for November 2018, when Democrats are seated as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. For more on that go to this link.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

For information on the collusion aka the (Russian investigation.) Here you can read one article that was confirmed, under oath, over a year ago by James Clapper, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V. Go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


For how Vlaidimir Putin changed the outcome of the election go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

prosecution to rest tomorrow. nine days. ewwwww lengthy trial. LOL. yep they got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. nine days. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

You didn't think it would last longer than 2 days---:abgg2q.jpg:

Now what do you think is going to happen with Manafort is officially found guilty of one or more of the crimes against him?
Here's a clue. I imagine it will be time for Paul Manafort to sit down with Robert Mueller on another plea deal.
Manafort’s Trial Isn’t About Russia, but It Will Be in the Air
I want to hear more about the Mexican or illegal influence on our election, that what needs to be stopped.

Russian interfernce did change the outcome of the election, not illegals. No illegal is stupid enough to risk immediate deportation so they can cast a single vote---:auiqs.jpg:

Click this link on this thread and it's explained how Vladimir Putin managed to change the outcome of the election. Bernie Sanders supporters, and white conservative voters in swing states were the targets. It was brilliant and it worked.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


For the collusion within the Trump campaign go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

And for the classified information that Trump has already given Putin go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


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