Do you believe in gobal warming?

When the next global winter hits, whether by volcanic activity, nuclear war or collision with an asteroid, it might be a good thing to have to earth a tad warmer before it happens.:dunno:
When the next global winter hits, whether by volcanic activity, nuclear war or collision with an asteroid, it might be a good thing to have to earth a tad warmer before it happens.:dunno:

WHo knows. But it looks like all the ice will melt before hand. We might get sucked up by a black hole before then. Personally, I find that scarier than global warming.

On on the other hand, like the girl I work with says "that hole has to lead to somewhere" maybe it's not such a bad thing?
WHo knows. But it looks like all the ice will melt before hand. We might get sucked up by a black hole before then. Personally, I find that scarier than global warming.

On on the other hand, like the girl I work with says "that hole has to lead to somewhere" maybe it's not such a bad thing?

Hey, the magnetic poles are going to flip before the ice melts too..
What to do, what to do..Nutin. It will happen as it has before.
Hey, the magnetic poles are going to flip before the ice melts too..
What to do, what to do..Nutin. It will happen as it has before.

Isn't that the name of a Sunday spiritual program "It will happpen" or "As it happens"?
So I take it that you are an enthusiatic supporter of nuclear power? Is there a better way to reduce CO2 emissions?

Yes I am actually. Nuclear power is the most efficient power source that we have available to us, but due to unnecessary restrictions we are unable to tap that power source....

Realistically, we need to invest heavily in fusion development and research. That's where the future lies. Forget alternative energy sources. Fund fusion. We can develop electric cars that are efficient enough provided that we have the electricity to run them.
Yes I am actually. Nuclear power is the most efficient power source that we have available to us, but due to unnecessary restrictions we are unable to tap that power source....

Realistically, we need to invest heavily in fusion development and research. That's where the future lies. Forget alternative energy sources. Fund fusion. We can develop electric cars that are efficient enough provided that we have the electricity to run them.

I almost wet me pants a few years ago when Georgia Tech supposedly accomplished cold fusion. Oh well.
Yes I am actually. Nuclear power is the most efficient power source that we have available to us, but due to unnecessary restrictions we are unable to tap that power source....

Realistically, we need to invest heavily in fusion development and research. That's where the future lies. Forget alternative energy sources. Fund fusion. We can develop electric cars that are efficient enough provided that we have the electricity to run them.

Dude I have a substancially increased chance of certain types of cancers becuase my mother was 500 miles away from Chernobyle when it blew. Some of my uncles died of cancer from an accident in a nuclear powerplant in which they were exposed to irradiated water. I am extremely wary of nuclear power.

What restrictions do you see as being unneccesary?
Apparently the aboriginal people practiced slash and burn, but let the land recover, this process isn't happening, for the most part now.

That was used to get food, but now days with food stores and the Aboriginal folk not living in the tall grass this practice has all but gone.
WHo knows. But it looks like all the ice will melt before hand. We might get sucked up by a black hole before then. Personally, I find that scarier than global warming.

On on the other hand, like the girl I work with says "that hole has to lead to somewhere" maybe it's not such a bad thing?

The hole does not have to lead anywhere. The term "black hole" is a misnomer. A black hole is simply an extremely dense and extremely massive hunk of matter. Falling into a black hole simply means being caught in its gravity and draged to its surface much like earth constantly pulls you down.
Yes I am actually. Nuclear power is the most efficient power source that we have available to us, but due to unnecessary restrictions we are unable to tap that power source....

Realistically, we need to invest heavily in fusion development and research. That's where the future lies. Forget alternative energy sources. Fund fusion. We can develop electric cars that are efficient enough provided that we have the electricity to run them.

Those restrictions are caused by liberal loonies.

30 years ago they said fusion power was 30 years into the future. Now they are saying 50 or more. Nuclear is available now.
By the time fusion is commercially available you're grandkids will be hitting retirement.
By the time fusion is commercially available you're grandkids will be hitting retirement.

Why is that? Because its being mired down by the international beaurocracy that is partially helping to finance it. I say screw the international community on this one. The US government needs to recognize that fusion is realistic within two to three decades if properly funded (most expect fusion around 2030). If we were to get behind this kind of project, with oh I dont know... The same amount of money we're spending on the Iraq War, then fusion could be obtained relatively fast. It's a simple concept. I'm sure it would not be particularly well received amongst people, but the harsh reality of it is that the will to develop fusion based technologies is prohibitively priced out of reach of major corporations.

The pay off is tremendous. The benefits for essentially 'free' energy are limitless.
The hole does not have to lead anywhere. The term "black hole" is a misnomer. A black hole is simply an extremely dense and extremely massive hunk of matter. Falling into a black hole simply means being caught in its gravity and draged to its surface much like earth constantly pulls you down.

It was a joke, Norton. I saw the Learning Channel special, aussi. :D
That was used to get food, but now days with food stores and the Aboriginal folk not living in the tall grass this practice has all but gone.

Yes, to grow food. And, I know this might sound shocking, but there are still tribes living in the 'tall grass', on reserves in Brazil and other countries. Neat, eh? I wonder what one has to do to get a squishy in the rain forest, probably just go to the store.
I’ve read articles from researchers warning about global warming. I’ve read articles from scientists and researchers that say that there is no global warming or that we should not be concerned about global warming. I’ve come to the conclusion that atmospheric and geologic events do more to influence “global warming” and other such concerns than humans could ever come close to doing. We might be contributing less that 1/100 of a percent to global warming or greenhouse gasses or whatever the case may be. The eruption of Mount Saint Helens alone did more to spew toxins and create bad conditions than man could have done in the past 100 years in my humble opinion.

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