Do you believe our fiscal mess would have been different had McCain won?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
I have to be honest....I don't.

I do believe it could have been different under Romney but that's water under the bridge at this point.

As a side note what terrible choices we've had for quite some time now. I really hope for new blood in BOTH parties.
No but we wouldn't have a divider in chief,or some of the questionable cabnit members that we got.

But then this is all conjecture.
Not in the least, the same people would have been pulling his strings too.
I have to be honest....I don't.

I do believe it could have been different under Romney but that's water under the bridge at this point.

As a side note what terrible choices we've had for quite some time now. I really hope for new blood in BOTH parties.

We would still have an economic mess, but Republicans wouldn't care because the president would have an R beside his name. It doesn't matter if you're a Republican.
We'd just be on a slower slide into Socialism, but we wouldn't have had The Stimulus or ObamaCare.

It's likely we would have had a budget each year with spending in the standard 19-20% of GDP range - resulting in far lower debt levels than we now have.
No, I think it would be worse, as he's bound by his party to give corporations and banks even more of a free pass than Obama does.
Something tells me we wouldn't of spent at twice the rate of Bush under him. Obama easily did in one term what it took Bush two...

I think McCain would of spent at about what Bush did. Still sucks, but doesn't approach obongo.
> If Colonel Simpleton Windsock McCain had been elected in 2008, where would the USA be today? - interesting question

In a lot more trouble than it is now.
Bomb bomb Iran.

Simp never met a corporate dollar he wouldn't blow someone to get.

The man is a tempest in a teabag... er, teapot.
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I have to be honest....I don't.

I do believe it could have been different under Romney but that's water under the bridge at this point.

As a side note what terrible choices we've had for quite some time now. I really hope for new blood in BOTH parties.

Not with McCain but it would have changed with Mitt. I dont like McCain especially after this week.
Its a good thing we were rescued by a marxist community organizer and fiscally responsible degenerate like barack hussein..........

All it takes is a village , high tax rates, some redistribution and

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