Do you believe that a person has to have sex in order to be a cheater?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
With today being Valentines Day, what better day to ask such a question? Why am I asking? I have heard people say that an emotional affair can take happen between two people even if a sexual one does not and that sometimes the emotional connection can be more hurtful compared to a physical one if them two people are not having either kind with whoever it is that they are married to.

God bless you always!!!

With today being Valentines Day, what better day to ask such a question? Why am I asking? I have heard people say that an emotional affair can take happen between two people even if a sexual one does not and that sometimes the emotional connection can be more hurtful compared to a physical one if them two people are not having either kind with whoever it is that they are married to.

God bless you always!!!


The way I see it . . . one really can't generalize an answer to questions like this. Meaning, it all depends on how it makes a spouse or significant other feel. Essentially, if the act of one's spouse simply flirting at the grocery store with another man or women makes them feel terrible inside, then that could be no less hurtful than physical cheating. It is all in the eye of the beholder or the person experiencing the potential act of infidelity.
The way I see it . . . one really can't generalize an answer to questions like this. Meaning, it all depends on how it makes a spouse or significant other feel. Essentially, if the act of one's spouse simply flirting at the grocery store with another man or women makes them feel terrible inside, then that could be no less hurtful than physical cheating. It is all in the eye of the beholder or the person experiencing the potential act of infidelity.
Hey thanks... I was going to make my own post... Instead, I adopt this one as my own. Hell of a time saver.
With today being Valentines Day, what better day to ask such a question? Why am I asking? I have heard people say that an emotional affair can take happen between two people even if a sexual one does not and that sometimes the emotional connection can be more hurtful compared to a physical one if them two people are not having either kind with whoever it is that they are married to.

God bless you always!!!

I believe you're referring to alienation of affection. Whether or not that is considered cheating depends on how both individuals view the matter and what expectations and obligations they've outlined for one another.

It's unfortunate that these things have to be specified but this is a good way to manage expectations and know when something is out of bounds.

My professional opinion for what it may be worth.

Happy Valentine's Day to you & your hubby.
Well if your going to cheat you might as well do both as one is a lot more fun.

Hmm emotionless sex works just as well but not as tiring.
With today being Valentines Day, what better day to ask such a question? Why am I asking? I have heard people say that an emotional affair can take happen between two people even if a sexual one does not and that sometimes the emotional connection can be more hurtful compared to a physical one if them two people are not having either kind with whoever it is that they are married to.

God bless you always!!!

That depends on what the definition of Is, Is.
^^^ What do you mean by what the definition of 'Is' is?

With today being Valentines Day, what better day to ask such a question? Why am I asking? I have heard people say that an emotional affair can take happen between two people even if a sexual one does not and that sometimes the emotional connection can be more hurtful compared to a physical one if them two people are not having either kind with whoever it is that they are married to.

God bless you always!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you & your hubby.
I'm not married, but thank you.

God bless you two always!!!

The reason why I asked about this is because of the way that my mom was before she got married. I love her, I will never see this matter the way that she looks at it. She never went to bed with anyone other than my dad, but before him, she never dated one guy at a time either. She actually went with two guys at the same time who had the same name. One was in another state. That man at one point sent her flowers. Who kept her from saying "Thank you!" to the wrong guy? My grandmother, God rest her soul, but in my opinion, she should've let my mom fall flat on her face. Another guy in my mom's past actually confronted her about sneaking around by his back. He found out from another person that she had gone out with someone else. The guy made my mom admit it to his face that she had gone out with this other guy, his best friend actually. The guy that she admitted it to, my mom was everything to him and so he was the one who got hurt the most due to my mom's frame of mind.

God bless you and him and my mother's other past endeavors always!!!


P.S. I recently heard my mom encourage another person to "play the field" just like she did even when she knows that this other person may go further than my mom did. I guess that its true that a leopard never knows when to change its spots.
I failed to mention earlier one more thing about my mom. She and my dad eventually divorced because of his cheating on her and of course, he went all the way into the cheating picture. Well after I recently learned just how much her frame of mind has not changed about this matter, I said to her that while she didn't deserve to be crapped on by my dad, in my opinion, it didn't make her urinating on them other guys any less shameful especially when she was well aware of how the stand outs felt about her.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


P.S. Yeah, to me, my grandmother finding out who sent them flowers and letting my mom know before she thanked the wrong guy for them in my opinion was not the right kind of favor to do for my mom or them two guys that my mom was seeing then. Forgive me if I am the one who is looking at this matter the wrong way, but how is a person supposed to learn how to treat other people if another person is willing to be the safety net that will only make the wrong kind of difference? My mom, again I do love her, but she is one of them people who thinks that they can do whatever and not suffer a price and will never own up the right way to what they are guilty of. She is always telling me to have some pride. Well in my opinion, having some considerateness towards other people may be what is more important.
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^^^ What do you mean by what the definition of 'Is' is?

With today being Valentines Day, what better day to ask such a question? Why am I asking? I have heard people say that an emotional affair can take happen between two people even if a sexual one does not and that sometimes the emotional connection can be more hurtful compared to a physical one if them two people are not having either kind with whoever it is that they are married to.

God bless you always!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you & your hubby.
I'm not married, but thank you.

God bless you two always!!!

LOLOL. THat was what Clinton said about sex, BJs and the like under Always expect something of humor from me. Except it will make libtards scream TDS.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife. According to this, just wishing to have sex with someone is as bad as the deed itself. So logically it is better to do the deed and get punished, rather than wishing it and getting punished....Amirite
^^^ True, but what I am meaning by this whole conversation pretty much is that if your own needs, feelings, etc. are going to be placed above anyone else's, perhaps you shouldn't be wasting the time of whoever it is that you are going with should their frame of mind be nothing like yours and that right there is what my mom made it as clear as crystal glass that she still has yet to understand.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. By the way, in case y'all are wondering, the one guy who made her admit to him what she was doing behind his back, because of how much he still loved her, he forgave her. As far as I know, the two guys who had the same name, they never did find out about each other. I do know that one of them wanted to marry my mom.

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