Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

What you are missing is that humans have evolved a much more complex brain than Apes, Chimpanzees, etc. Humans are sentient creatures.

I believe our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that resides in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from. That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would the gods create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities—just at a lower “wattage”? Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would the gods do this, particularly when the bibles says man will have dominion over all beasts? What is more likely, that the gods purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the story was set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

Another fail for fear and superstition? Yes.

>>What you are missing is that humans have evolved a much more complex brain than Apes, Chimpanzees, etc. Humans are sentient creatures.<<

I stopped reading after the first sentence. This is the creation scientist's argument that we didn't develop from monkeys. The evos claim it was due to bipedalism in monkeys that led to humans. Care to try again?

What I've found truly alarming about the creationist / religious arguments is just how unsupported they are.

They entirety of the creationist / religious agenda is managed toward using supernaturalism as the cause of existence. Where science will flex and adjust to new evidence and methods of testing, the creation ministries test nothing.

The creation ministries never provide the results of rigorous testing and methodology for peer review because they can't. They never seek to provide positive evidence of their outrageous claims because they can't. Thus, the difference between science and religious claims. Science will test, falsifying and confirm through the process of study and peer review. Creationism only tries and fails to tear down science to promote a claim not available for investigation.

Now you're going off from what we were discussing. Believe me, my faith does not drive my science. Why do the majority, if not all, atheists think creation science is tied to their faith? Sure, it's based on the Bible, but it only takes what God has said in regards to how the world and universe works. The only supernatural is what's in Genesis. There are no ghosts, fortune tellers, monsters, goblins, witches, aliens and the like. To the contrary, isn't belief in atheism tied to secular science or atheist science today? Atheism is a religion.

Creation science was what was considered science and true before the atheists came up with uniformitariansim and evolution. Both of the latter are theories or hypothesis and not something that is observable science although evolutionists like to think so. The only thing observable is natural selection.

Instead, today the lie has taken over. Today, the God theory, the supernatural (Genesis only) and the Bible cannot be discussed or peer reviewed anymore like it was done in the past. Atheist science or secular science, since uniformitarianism and evolution took over, has systematically eliminated God, the supernatural and the Bible as theories. This was not so before the 1850s. So today, the greatest scientists of the past, i.e. creation scientists, are no more. The ones who believe in creation have to lie to keep their jobs. Creation science has been systematically eliminated from science. People like Sir Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Linus Pauling and those who invented today's modern science and theories have been eliminated. Almost all of the great scientists of the past were creation scientists. Even Einstein came to believe in pantheism. See my list of famous scientists of the past below. They were systematically eliminated by Charles Darwin whose own theories have been rendered pseudoscience today. There's still good science, but the areas of biology, geology, zoology and paleontology are the worst because evolution and evolutionary thinking has taken over.

Creation scientists -

A couple of points. First, it's dishonest to arbitrarily and retroactively assign the label of "creation scientist" to those mathematicians and biologists of the past. Many of them were persecuted by the church which literally held back science and investigation for 800 years.

Secondly, the idea that even today, fundamentalist ministries are still promoting a flat earth and a geocentric model is nearly beyond comprehension. You need to be honest with yourself and others regarding the role of the religious entities in literally crushing science and investigation which furthered the Dark Ages.

The earth is not flat. The planets orbit the Sun. Gravity, while a theory, is not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it is a theory.

The fact is, Psychology and Physiology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of philosophy and theology (although it is only right to recognize the assistance of both theologian and philosopher in this task) and carried much of the pursuit for knowledge to the scientific arena where hard physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation stories.

We should remember that Darwin was not operating in an intellectual vacuum regarding an old earth. The prevailing scientific viewpoint was that the earth was extremely old by the 1800s, which was at odds with a literal interpretation of the bibles.

Pursuing a natural explanation for phenomena has been validated again and again. Even the work of great intellects who sought to use their scientific discoveries as proofs of the glories of the Christian Gods, men like Copernicus and Newton, has been pressed into the service of naturalism. Their methods and the evidence thereby derived were completely sound; their motivations being the pursuit of knowledge. Nevertheless, the naturalist has encompassed their learning and driven on, pushing back the limitations of naturalism further and further into the past, bringing us up even to the threshold of the instant of the expansion of the universe itself.

The second reason is to some extent predicated on the first – as naturalism has had such coruscating success, why place limits on what it might achieve? Introducing supernaturalism into the picture is an unnecessarily limiting factor, particularly when the existence of various supernatural creators is itself speculative. Some would argue that this is a contradictory position to take; that locking out the divine from the picture is blinkered thinking. But I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

I'd have to disagree. The majority did just fine as shown in my link. Modern science was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. Why complain about what happened in the past when it's what happened today with secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? They won't peer-review anything to do with the Bible. In fact, it's so bad that creation scientists had to go in the closet to keep their jobs. They just mouth the BS lines of evolution. Creation scientists have to do their own peer-review. Furthermore, why are you re-writing history to fit your own wrong worldview?

The Bible shows that the earth is not flat. I can give you the verses if you want. Do you know how to simply show that the earth is not flat using science? I do. Are you a flat earther ha ha? You're also going by stereotypes stating there are people who still believe in geocentricity.

As for the rest, I'll let you pontificate on your soapbox. I don't want to go off topic.

>>Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.<<

I think the faithful here have been showing evidence of creation such as only life begats life. The evos can't explain how single-cells creatures became multicells ones nor how asexual reproduction became sexual reproduction. Evos cannot create a blade of grass. God only allowed us to manipulate at the molecular level.
What you are missing is that humans have evolved a much more complex brain than Apes, Chimpanzees, etc. Humans are sentient creatures.

I believe our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that resides in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from. That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would the gods create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities—just at a lower “wattage”? Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would the gods do this, particularly when the bibles says man will have dominion over all beasts? What is more likely, that the gods purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the story was set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

Another fail for fear and superstition? Yes.

>>What you are missing is that humans have evolved a much more complex brain than Apes, Chimpanzees, etc. Humans are sentient creatures.<<

I stopped reading after the first sentence. This is the creation scientist's argument that we didn't develop from monkeys. The evos claim it was due to bipedalism in monkeys that led to humans. Care to try again?

What I've found truly alarming about the creationist / religious arguments is just how unsupported they are.

They entirety of the creationist / religious agenda is managed toward using supernaturalism as the cause of existence. Where science will flex and adjust to new evidence and methods of testing, the creation ministries test nothing.

The creation ministries never provide the results of rigorous testing and methodology for peer review because they can't. They never seek to provide positive evidence of their outrageous claims because they can't. Thus, the difference between science and religious claims. Science will test, falsifying and confirm through the process of study and peer review. Creationism only tries and fails to tear down science to promote a claim not available for investigation.

Now you're going off from what we were discussing. Believe me, my faith does not drive my science. Why do the majority, if not all, atheists think creation science is tied to their faith? Sure, it's based on the Bible, but it only takes what God has said in regards to how the world and universe works. The only supernatural is what's in Genesis. There are no ghosts, fortune tellers, monsters, goblins, witches, aliens and the like. To the contrary, isn't belief in atheism tied to secular science or atheist science today? Atheism is a religion.

Creation science was what was considered science and true before the atheists came up with uniformitariansim and evolution. Both of the latter are theories or hypothesis and not something that is observable science although evolutionists like to think so. The only thing observable is natural selection.

Instead, today the lie has taken over. Today, the God theory, the supernatural (Genesis only) and the Bible cannot be discussed or peer reviewed anymore like it was done in the past. Atheist science or secular science, since uniformitarianism and evolution took over, has systematically eliminated God, the supernatural and the Bible as theories. This was not so before the 1850s. So today, the greatest scientists of the past, i.e. creation scientists, are no more. The ones who believe in creation have to lie to keep their jobs. Creation science has been systematically eliminated from science. People like Sir Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Linus Pauling and those who invented today's modern science and theories have been eliminated. Almost all of the great scientists of the past were creation scientists. Even Einstein came to believe in pantheism. See my list of famous scientists of the past below. They were systematically eliminated by Charles Darwin whose own theories have been rendered pseudoscience today. There's still good science, but the areas of biology, geology, zoology and paleontology are the worst because evolution and evolutionary thinking has taken over.

Creation scientists -

A couple of points. First, it's dishonest to arbitrarily and retroactively assign the label of "creation scientist" to those mathematicians and biologists of the past. Many of them were persecuted by the church which literally held back science and investigation for 800 years.

Secondly, the idea that even today, fundamentalist ministries are still promoting a flat earth and a geocentric model is nearly beyond comprehension. You need to be honest with yourself and others regarding the role of the religious entities in literally crushing science and investigation which furthered the Dark Ages.

The earth is not flat. The planets orbit the Sun. Gravity, while a theory, is not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it is a theory.

The fact is, Psychology and Physiology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of philosophy and theology (although it is only right to recognize the assistance of both theologian and philosopher in this task) and carried much of the pursuit for knowledge to the scientific arena where hard physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation stories.

We should remember that Darwin was not operating in an intellectual vacuum regarding an old earth. The prevailing scientific viewpoint was that the earth was extremely old by the 1800s, which was at odds with a literal interpretation of the bibles.

Pursuing a natural explanation for phenomena has been validated again and again. Even the work of great intellects who sought to use their scientific discoveries as proofs of the glories of the Christian Gods, men like Copernicus and Newton, has been pressed into the service of naturalism. Their methods and the evidence thereby derived were completely sound; their motivations being the pursuit of knowledge. Nevertheless, the naturalist has encompassed their learning and driven on, pushing back the limitations of naturalism further and further into the past, bringing us up even to the threshold of the instant of the expansion of the universe itself.

The second reason is to some extent predicated on the first – as naturalism has had such coruscating success, why place limits on what it might achieve? Introducing supernaturalism into the picture is an unnecessarily limiting factor, particularly when the existence of various supernatural creators is itself speculative. Some would argue that this is a contradictory position to take; that locking out the divine from the picture is blinkered thinking. But I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

I'd have to disagree. The majority did just fine as shown in my link. Modern science was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. Why complain about what happened in the past when it's what happened today with secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? They won't peer-review anything to do with the Bible. In fact, it's so bad that creation scientists had to go in the closet to keep their jobs. They just mouth the BS lines of evolution. Creation scientists have to do their own peer-review. Furthermore, why are you re-writing history to fit your own wrong worldview?

The Bible shows that the earth is not flat. I can give you the verses if you want. Do you know how to simply show that the earth is not flat using science? I do. Are you a flat earther ha ha? You're also going by stereotypes stating there are people who still believe in geocentricity.

As for the rest, I'll let you pontificate on your soapbox. I don't want to go off topic.

>>Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.<<

I think the faithful here have been showing evidence of creation such as only life begats life. The evos can't explain how single-cells creatures became multicells ones nor how asexual reproduction became sexual reproduction. Evos cannot create a blade of grass. God only allowed us to manipulate at the molecular level.

In the legitimate science world, scientists publish their work in peer reviewed journals where other scientists have an opportunity to study the data, perform their own tests and compare data to arrive at conclusions. You're claiming that "secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? " I would suggest that it is creationists who have abandoned the discipmine of the scientific method and are simply pressing a religious agenda.

In the world of the creation ministries, they're not just biased, they're biased in extremis and their every effort is couched in terms of pressing a predefined agenda. It's dishonest and contrived. Those at the various Christian creationist ministries don't see it as important whether they present facts or not. If they choose to further opinions and press a religious agenda, that's their choosing. However, don't make the mistake that the opinions of religious fundamentalists are not fostered under the umbrella of a bias and a bigotry firmly in place. The prejudices and preconceptions have earned "creation science" only ridicule and condemnation from the relevant science community. That is probably the greatest indictment against the creation ministries.

"There is no observational fact imaginable which cannot, one way or another, be made to fit the creation model."
- Henry Morris
President, Institute for Creation Research
I know there are similarities but I think they are coincidental, like cats and seals both have whiskers. But cats didn't come from seals or vice a versa.
Nearly all animals on earth today come from a common ancestors, not from any spices that exist today. So cats didn't come from seals but they did come from a common ancestor many millions of ears ago, long before cats or seals existed.
All animals, not "nearly all."
Bond, what do you believe your afterlife consists of? Where? And why?

"The New Heaven and the New Earth
Then I saw ya new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." Revelation 21

The Bible states that God will get rid of the universe and the faithful will live on a new Earth as paradise. It's God's promise. Also, we will have new and perfect spiritual bodies. The non-believers will have theirs destroyed by the lake of fire. This could be the cause of weeping, gnashing of teeth and eternal woe.
And that promise is only true to believers of that particular religion?

It starts with reading and believing in John 3:16. Have you heard of it?
>>What you are missing is that humans have evolved a much more complex brain than Apes, Chimpanzees, etc. Humans are sentient creatures.<<

I stopped reading after the first sentence. This is the creation scientist's argument that we didn't develop from monkeys. The evos claim it was due to bipedalism in monkeys that led to humans. Care to try again?

What I've found truly alarming about the creationist / religious arguments is just how unsupported they are.

They entirety of the creationist / religious agenda is managed toward using supernaturalism as the cause of existence. Where science will flex and adjust to new evidence and methods of testing, the creation ministries test nothing.

The creation ministries never provide the results of rigorous testing and methodology for peer review because they can't. They never seek to provide positive evidence of their outrageous claims because they can't. Thus, the difference between science and religious claims. Science will test, falsifying and confirm through the process of study and peer review. Creationism only tries and fails to tear down science to promote a claim not available for investigation.

Now you're going off from what we were discussing. Believe me, my faith does not drive my science. Why do the majority, if not all, atheists think creation science is tied to their faith? Sure, it's based on the Bible, but it only takes what God has said in regards to how the world and universe works. The only supernatural is what's in Genesis. There are no ghosts, fortune tellers, monsters, goblins, witches, aliens and the like. To the contrary, isn't belief in atheism tied to secular science or atheist science today? Atheism is a religion.

Creation science was what was considered science and true before the atheists came up with uniformitariansim and evolution. Both of the latter are theories or hypothesis and not something that is observable science although evolutionists like to think so. The only thing observable is natural selection.

Instead, today the lie has taken over. Today, the God theory, the supernatural (Genesis only) and the Bible cannot be discussed or peer reviewed anymore like it was done in the past. Atheist science or secular science, since uniformitarianism and evolution took over, has systematically eliminated God, the supernatural and the Bible as theories. This was not so before the 1850s. So today, the greatest scientists of the past, i.e. creation scientists, are no more. The ones who believe in creation have to lie to keep their jobs. Creation science has been systematically eliminated from science. People like Sir Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Linus Pauling and those who invented today's modern science and theories have been eliminated. Almost all of the great scientists of the past were creation scientists. Even Einstein came to believe in pantheism. See my list of famous scientists of the past below. They were systematically eliminated by Charles Darwin whose own theories have been rendered pseudoscience today. There's still good science, but the areas of biology, geology, zoology and paleontology are the worst because evolution and evolutionary thinking has taken over.

Creation scientists -

A couple of points. First, it's dishonest to arbitrarily and retroactively assign the label of "creation scientist" to those mathematicians and biologists of the past. Many of them were persecuted by the church which literally held back science and investigation for 800 years.

Secondly, the idea that even today, fundamentalist ministries are still promoting a flat earth and a geocentric model is nearly beyond comprehension. You need to be honest with yourself and others regarding the role of the religious entities in literally crushing science and investigation which furthered the Dark Ages.

The earth is not flat. The planets orbit the Sun. Gravity, while a theory, is not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it is a theory.

The fact is, Psychology and Physiology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of philosophy and theology (although it is only right to recognize the assistance of both theologian and philosopher in this task) and carried much of the pursuit for knowledge to the scientific arena where hard physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation stories.

We should remember that Darwin was not operating in an intellectual vacuum regarding an old earth. The prevailing scientific viewpoint was that the earth was extremely old by the 1800s, which was at odds with a literal interpretation of the bibles.

Pursuing a natural explanation for phenomena has been validated again and again. Even the work of great intellects who sought to use their scientific discoveries as proofs of the glories of the Christian Gods, men like Copernicus and Newton, has been pressed into the service of naturalism. Their methods and the evidence thereby derived were completely sound; their motivations being the pursuit of knowledge. Nevertheless, the naturalist has encompassed their learning and driven on, pushing back the limitations of naturalism further and further into the past, bringing us up even to the threshold of the instant of the expansion of the universe itself.

The second reason is to some extent predicated on the first – as naturalism has had such coruscating success, why place limits on what it might achieve? Introducing supernaturalism into the picture is an unnecessarily limiting factor, particularly when the existence of various supernatural creators is itself speculative. Some would argue that this is a contradictory position to take; that locking out the divine from the picture is blinkered thinking. But I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

I'd have to disagree. The majority did just fine as shown in my link. Modern science was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. Why complain about what happened in the past when it's what happened today with secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? They won't peer-review anything to do with the Bible. In fact, it's so bad that creation scientists had to go in the closet to keep their jobs. They just mouth the BS lines of evolution. Creation scientists have to do their own peer-review. Furthermore, why are you re-writing history to fit your own wrong worldview?

The Bible shows that the earth is not flat. I can give you the verses if you want. Do you know how to simply show that the earth is not flat using science? I do. Are you a flat earther ha ha? You're also going by stereotypes stating there are people who still believe in geocentricity.

As for the rest, I'll let you pontificate on your soapbox. I don't want to go off topic.

>>Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.<<

I think the faithful here have been showing evidence of creation such as only life begats life. The evos can't explain how single-cells creatures became multicells ones nor how asexual reproduction became sexual reproduction. Evos cannot create a blade of grass. God only allowed us to manipulate at the molecular level.
>>What you are missing is that humans have evolved a much more complex brain than Apes, Chimpanzees, etc. Humans are sentient creatures.<<

I stopped reading after the first sentence. This is the creation scientist's argument that we didn't develop from monkeys. The evos claim it was due to bipedalism in monkeys that led to humans. Care to try again?

What I've found truly alarming about the creationist / religious arguments is just how unsupported they are.

They entirety of the creationist / religious agenda is managed toward using supernaturalism as the cause of existence. Where science will flex and adjust to new evidence and methods of testing, the creation ministries test nothing.

The creation ministries never provide the results of rigorous testing and methodology for peer review because they can't. They never seek to provide positive evidence of their outrageous claims because they can't. Thus, the difference between science and religious claims. Science will test, falsifying and confirm through the process of study and peer review. Creationism only tries and fails to tear down science to promote a claim not available for investigation.

Now you're going off from what we were discussing. Believe me, my faith does not drive my science. Why do the majority, if not all, atheists think creation science is tied to their faith? Sure, it's based on the Bible, but it only takes what God has said in regards to how the world and universe works. The only supernatural is what's in Genesis. There are no ghosts, fortune tellers, monsters, goblins, witches, aliens and the like. To the contrary, isn't belief in atheism tied to secular science or atheist science today? Atheism is a religion.

Creation science was what was considered science and true before the atheists came up with uniformitariansim and evolution. Both of the latter are theories or hypothesis and not something that is observable science although evolutionists like to think so. The only thing observable is natural selection.

Instead, today the lie has taken over. Today, the God theory, the supernatural (Genesis only) and the Bible cannot be discussed or peer reviewed anymore like it was done in the past. Atheist science or secular science, since uniformitarianism and evolution took over, has systematically eliminated God, the supernatural and the Bible as theories. This was not so before the 1850s. So today, the greatest scientists of the past, i.e. creation scientists, are no more. The ones who believe in creation have to lie to keep their jobs. Creation science has been systematically eliminated from science. People like Sir Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Linus Pauling and those who invented today's modern science and theories have been eliminated. Almost all of the great scientists of the past were creation scientists. Even Einstein came to believe in pantheism. See my list of famous scientists of the past below. They were systematically eliminated by Charles Darwin whose own theories have been rendered pseudoscience today. There's still good science, but the areas of biology, geology, zoology and paleontology are the worst because evolution and evolutionary thinking has taken over.

Creation scientists -

A couple of points. First, it's dishonest to arbitrarily and retroactively assign the label of "creation scientist" to those mathematicians and biologists of the past. Many of them were persecuted by the church which literally held back science and investigation for 800 years.

Secondly, the idea that even today, fundamentalist ministries are still promoting a flat earth and a geocentric model is nearly beyond comprehension. You need to be honest with yourself and others regarding the role of the religious entities in literally crushing science and investigation which furthered the Dark Ages.

The earth is not flat. The planets orbit the Sun. Gravity, while a theory, is not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it is a theory.

The fact is, Psychology and Physiology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of philosophy and theology (although it is only right to recognize the assistance of both theologian and philosopher in this task) and carried much of the pursuit for knowledge to the scientific arena where hard physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation stories.

We should remember that Darwin was not operating in an intellectual vacuum regarding an old earth. The prevailing scientific viewpoint was that the earth was extremely old by the 1800s, which was at odds with a literal interpretation of the bibles.

Pursuing a natural explanation for phenomena has been validated again and again. Even the work of great intellects who sought to use their scientific discoveries as proofs of the glories of the Christian Gods, men like Copernicus and Newton, has been pressed into the service of naturalism. Their methods and the evidence thereby derived were completely sound; their motivations being the pursuit of knowledge. Nevertheless, the naturalist has encompassed their learning and driven on, pushing back the limitations of naturalism further and further into the past, bringing us up even to the threshold of the instant of the expansion of the universe itself.

The second reason is to some extent predicated on the first – as naturalism has had such coruscating success, why place limits on what it might achieve? Introducing supernaturalism into the picture is an unnecessarily limiting factor, particularly when the existence of various supernatural creators is itself speculative. Some would argue that this is a contradictory position to take; that locking out the divine from the picture is blinkered thinking. But I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

I'd have to disagree. The majority did just fine as shown in my link. Modern science was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. Why complain about what happened in the past when it's what happened today with secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? They won't peer-review anything to do with the Bible. In fact, it's so bad that creation scientists had to go in the closet to keep their jobs. They just mouth the BS lines of evolution. Creation scientists have to do their own peer-review. Furthermore, why are you re-writing history to fit your own wrong worldview?

The Bible shows that the earth is not flat. I can give you the verses if you want. Do you know how to simply show that the earth is not flat using science? I do. Are you a flat earther ha ha? You're also going by stereotypes stating there are people who still believe in geocentricity.

As for the rest, I'll let you pontificate on your soapbox. I don't want to go off topic.

>>Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.<<

I think the faithful here have been showing evidence of creation such as only life begats life. The evos can't explain how single-cells creatures became multicells ones nor how asexual reproduction became sexual reproduction. Evos cannot create a blade of grass. God only allowed us to manipulate at the molecular level.

In the legitimate science world, scientists publish their work in peer reviewed journals where other scientists have an opportunity to study the data, perform their own tests and compare data to arrive at conclusions. You're claiming that "secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? " I would suggest that it is creationists who have abandoned the discipmine of the scientific method and are simply pressing a religious agenda.

In the world of the creation ministries, they're not just biased, they're biased in extremis and their every effort is couched in terms of pressing a predefined agenda. It's dishonest and contrived. Those at the various Christian creationist ministries don't see it as important whether they present facts or not. If they choose to further opinions and press a religious agenda, that's their choosing. However, don't make the mistake that the opinions of religious fundamentalists are not fostered under the umbrella of a bias and a bigotry firmly in place. The prejudices and preconceptions have earned "creation science" only ridicule and condemnation from the relevant science community. That is probably the greatest indictment against the creation ministries.

"There is no observational fact imaginable which cannot, one way or another, be made to fit the creation model."
- Henry Morris
President, Institute for Creation Research

Hollie I didn't get past your first sentence this time.

Let's rewind this a bit. The way I learned science to be is that of rigorous argument. Sometimes, this argument became so heated that the opposing scientists would have gladly stepped into and ring with boxing gloves to settle who was right. Today, we have peer-review, but that peer-review is biased because of having only atheist scientists or those who believe only in evolution. This is because the creation scientists have been systematically left out as I have been complaining for several pages now. This has been done since the 1850s. Thus, we have had tremendous amount of fraud and mis-identification of fossil evidence. We had Piltdown Man (fooled an entire generation of people), Nebraska Man, Peking Man, Lucy and more when it came to identifying missing links or evidence of a major transformation of species. This is because evolutionists are evaluating their own work. Why not let a creation scientist evaluate the work? This is the kind of science that I was brought up believing. However, they are not allowed to peer-review any work because they have been systematically eliminated from scientific peer-review. Thus, the fraud and fake science continues unabated. Any intelligent person would just ignore the findings unless they had reason to become famous, get a promotion or get money for validating the evidence for evolution. Again, this is not the way I learned science. Real science comes about through great argument and differences of opinion. The same could be done with atheist scientists evaluation what a creation scientist is saying using the Bible as theory. However, today this does not happen. Instead, we are led to situations such as the great birds to dinosaurs fakery. Dinosaurs did not have feathers!

"Is it a bird? Is it a dinosaur? No, it's a fake
It was a coup for National Geographic - the first pictures of a creature whose existence would turn the theory of bird evolution on its head. Then it was exposed as a hoax.

Archaeoraptor first turned up in a hotel room in Tucson, Arizona. Stephen Czerkas, a dinosaur enthusiast who ran a small private museum, was wandering around a fossil fair when he heard that a Chinese dealer had something extraordinary.
When the dealer unwrapped a foot-long slab of rock, Czerkas experienced a paleontological epiphany. Embedded in the stone were the fossilised bones of an extraordinary prehistoric animal, with the complex limbs of a prototype bird and the distinctive tail of an earth-bound dromaeosaur, edged with the shadow of what seemed to be feathers. It looked like a dinosaur that could fly.

"It was stunning," Czerkas recalls. "I could see right away that it didn't belong on sale. It belonged in a museum."

He hastily contacted a patron who put up the $80,000 the dealer was asking for, and took his prize home in a state of high excitement, convinced he had discovered evidence of a pivotal moment in evolution."

Is it a bird? Is it a dinosaur? No, it's a fake

Thus, let the creation scientists back in the game and let's have some real science accomplished. Otherwise, we will continue to have embarrassments such as humans came from monkeys and birds are dinosaurs wrong-way science.
What I've found truly alarming about the creationist / religious arguments is just how unsupported they are.

They entirety of the creationist / religious agenda is managed toward using supernaturalism as the cause of existence. Where science will flex and adjust to new evidence and methods of testing, the creation ministries test nothing.

The creation ministries never provide the results of rigorous testing and methodology for peer review because they can't. They never seek to provide positive evidence of their outrageous claims because they can't. Thus, the difference between science and religious claims. Science will test, falsifying and confirm through the process of study and peer review. Creationism only tries and fails to tear down science to promote a claim not available for investigation.

Now you're going off from what we were discussing. Believe me, my faith does not drive my science. Why do the majority, if not all, atheists think creation science is tied to their faith? Sure, it's based on the Bible, but it only takes what God has said in regards to how the world and universe works. The only supernatural is what's in Genesis. There are no ghosts, fortune tellers, monsters, goblins, witches, aliens and the like. To the contrary, isn't belief in atheism tied to secular science or atheist science today? Atheism is a religion.

Creation science was what was considered science and true before the atheists came up with uniformitariansim and evolution. Both of the latter are theories or hypothesis and not something that is observable science although evolutionists like to think so. The only thing observable is natural selection.

Instead, today the lie has taken over. Today, the God theory, the supernatural (Genesis only) and the Bible cannot be discussed or peer reviewed anymore like it was done in the past. Atheist science or secular science, since uniformitarianism and evolution took over, has systematically eliminated God, the supernatural and the Bible as theories. This was not so before the 1850s. So today, the greatest scientists of the past, i.e. creation scientists, are no more. The ones who believe in creation have to lie to keep their jobs. Creation science has been systematically eliminated from science. People like Sir Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Linus Pauling and those who invented today's modern science and theories have been eliminated. Almost all of the great scientists of the past were creation scientists. Even Einstein came to believe in pantheism. See my list of famous scientists of the past below. They were systematically eliminated by Charles Darwin whose own theories have been rendered pseudoscience today. There's still good science, but the areas of biology, geology, zoology and paleontology are the worst because evolution and evolutionary thinking has taken over.

Creation scientists -

A couple of points. First, it's dishonest to arbitrarily and retroactively assign the label of "creation scientist" to those mathematicians and biologists of the past. Many of them were persecuted by the church which literally held back science and investigation for 800 years.

Secondly, the idea that even today, fundamentalist ministries are still promoting a flat earth and a geocentric model is nearly beyond comprehension. You need to be honest with yourself and others regarding the role of the religious entities in literally crushing science and investigation which furthered the Dark Ages.

The earth is not flat. The planets orbit the Sun. Gravity, while a theory, is not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it is a theory.

The fact is, Psychology and Physiology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of philosophy and theology (although it is only right to recognize the assistance of both theologian and philosopher in this task) and carried much of the pursuit for knowledge to the scientific arena where hard physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation stories.

We should remember that Darwin was not operating in an intellectual vacuum regarding an old earth. The prevailing scientific viewpoint was that the earth was extremely old by the 1800s, which was at odds with a literal interpretation of the bibles.

Pursuing a natural explanation for phenomena has been validated again and again. Even the work of great intellects who sought to use their scientific discoveries as proofs of the glories of the Christian Gods, men like Copernicus and Newton, has been pressed into the service of naturalism. Their methods and the evidence thereby derived were completely sound; their motivations being the pursuit of knowledge. Nevertheless, the naturalist has encompassed their learning and driven on, pushing back the limitations of naturalism further and further into the past, bringing us up even to the threshold of the instant of the expansion of the universe itself.

The second reason is to some extent predicated on the first – as naturalism has had such coruscating success, why place limits on what it might achieve? Introducing supernaturalism into the picture is an unnecessarily limiting factor, particularly when the existence of various supernatural creators is itself speculative. Some would argue that this is a contradictory position to take; that locking out the divine from the picture is blinkered thinking. But I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

I'd have to disagree. The majority did just fine as shown in my link. Modern science was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. Why complain about what happened in the past when it's what happened today with secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? They won't peer-review anything to do with the Bible. In fact, it's so bad that creation scientists had to go in the closet to keep their jobs. They just mouth the BS lines of evolution. Creation scientists have to do their own peer-review. Furthermore, why are you re-writing history to fit your own wrong worldview?

The Bible shows that the earth is not flat. I can give you the verses if you want. Do you know how to simply show that the earth is not flat using science? I do. Are you a flat earther ha ha? You're also going by stereotypes stating there are people who still believe in geocentricity.

As for the rest, I'll let you pontificate on your soapbox. I don't want to go off topic.

>>Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.<<

I think the faithful here have been showing evidence of creation such as only life begats life. The evos can't explain how single-cells creatures became multicells ones nor how asexual reproduction became sexual reproduction. Evos cannot create a blade of grass. God only allowed us to manipulate at the molecular level.
What I've found truly alarming about the creationist / religious arguments is just how unsupported they are.

They entirety of the creationist / religious agenda is managed toward using supernaturalism as the cause of existence. Where science will flex and adjust to new evidence and methods of testing, the creation ministries test nothing.

The creation ministries never provide the results of rigorous testing and methodology for peer review because they can't. They never seek to provide positive evidence of their outrageous claims because they can't. Thus, the difference between science and religious claims. Science will test, falsifying and confirm through the process of study and peer review. Creationism only tries and fails to tear down science to promote a claim not available for investigation.

Now you're going off from what we were discussing. Believe me, my faith does not drive my science. Why do the majority, if not all, atheists think creation science is tied to their faith? Sure, it's based on the Bible, but it only takes what God has said in regards to how the world and universe works. The only supernatural is what's in Genesis. There are no ghosts, fortune tellers, monsters, goblins, witches, aliens and the like. To the contrary, isn't belief in atheism tied to secular science or atheist science today? Atheism is a religion.

Creation science was what was considered science and true before the atheists came up with uniformitariansim and evolution. Both of the latter are theories or hypothesis and not something that is observable science although evolutionists like to think so. The only thing observable is natural selection.

Instead, today the lie has taken over. Today, the God theory, the supernatural (Genesis only) and the Bible cannot be discussed or peer reviewed anymore like it was done in the past. Atheist science or secular science, since uniformitarianism and evolution took over, has systematically eliminated God, the supernatural and the Bible as theories. This was not so before the 1850s. So today, the greatest scientists of the past, i.e. creation scientists, are no more. The ones who believe in creation have to lie to keep their jobs. Creation science has been systematically eliminated from science. People like Sir Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Linus Pauling and those who invented today's modern science and theories have been eliminated. Almost all of the great scientists of the past were creation scientists. Even Einstein came to believe in pantheism. See my list of famous scientists of the past below. They were systematically eliminated by Charles Darwin whose own theories have been rendered pseudoscience today. There's still good science, but the areas of biology, geology, zoology and paleontology are the worst because evolution and evolutionary thinking has taken over.

Creation scientists -

A couple of points. First, it's dishonest to arbitrarily and retroactively assign the label of "creation scientist" to those mathematicians and biologists of the past. Many of them were persecuted by the church which literally held back science and investigation for 800 years.

Secondly, the idea that even today, fundamentalist ministries are still promoting a flat earth and a geocentric model is nearly beyond comprehension. You need to be honest with yourself and others regarding the role of the religious entities in literally crushing science and investigation which furthered the Dark Ages.

The earth is not flat. The planets orbit the Sun. Gravity, while a theory, is not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it is a theory.

The fact is, Psychology and Physiology began the evisceration of metaphysics as the province of philosophy and theology (although it is only right to recognize the assistance of both theologian and philosopher in this task) and carried much of the pursuit for knowledge to the scientific arena where hard physical truths must be accounted for. In a similar way the development of the scientific method and the consensus it brings, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, left less and less room for literal interpretations of any creation stories.

We should remember that Darwin was not operating in an intellectual vacuum regarding an old earth. The prevailing scientific viewpoint was that the earth was extremely old by the 1800s, which was at odds with a literal interpretation of the bibles.

Pursuing a natural explanation for phenomena has been validated again and again. Even the work of great intellects who sought to use their scientific discoveries as proofs of the glories of the Christian Gods, men like Copernicus and Newton, has been pressed into the service of naturalism. Their methods and the evidence thereby derived were completely sound; their motivations being the pursuit of knowledge. Nevertheless, the naturalist has encompassed their learning and driven on, pushing back the limitations of naturalism further and further into the past, bringing us up even to the threshold of the instant of the expansion of the universe itself.

The second reason is to some extent predicated on the first – as naturalism has had such coruscating success, why place limits on what it might achieve? Introducing supernaturalism into the picture is an unnecessarily limiting factor, particularly when the existence of various supernatural creators is itself speculative. Some would argue that this is a contradictory position to take; that locking out the divine from the picture is blinkered thinking. But I have yet to see a convincing argument as to how allowing for supernatural creation really advances our understanding. Without a plausible framework to show us how we are to know the sculptors hand or understand the tools that he used, it is futile.

Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.

I'd have to disagree. The majority did just fine as shown in my link. Modern science was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. Why complain about what happened in the past when it's what happened today with secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? They won't peer-review anything to do with the Bible. In fact, it's so bad that creation scientists had to go in the closet to keep their jobs. They just mouth the BS lines of evolution. Creation scientists have to do their own peer-review. Furthermore, why are you re-writing history to fit your own wrong worldview?

The Bible shows that the earth is not flat. I can give you the verses if you want. Do you know how to simply show that the earth is not flat using science? I do. Are you a flat earther ha ha? You're also going by stereotypes stating there are people who still believe in geocentricity.

As for the rest, I'll let you pontificate on your soapbox. I don't want to go off topic.

>>Until theology or creation science can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge? Even the more sophisticated arguments of intelligent design only seem to serve as foils for complexity, not as alternative mechanisms. In physics, when infinity shows up as a result of equations, the equations are not considered solved; they are considered to have no real-world validity. Supernatural intervention as a function seems to have a similar deadening effect.<<

I think the faithful here have been showing evidence of creation such as only life begats life. The evos can't explain how single-cells creatures became multicells ones nor how asexual reproduction became sexual reproduction. Evos cannot create a blade of grass. God only allowed us to manipulate at the molecular level.

In the legitimate science world, scientists publish their work in peer reviewed journals where other scientists have an opportunity to study the data, perform their own tests and compare data to arrive at conclusions. You're claiming that "secular scientists systematically eliminating creation scientists from science? " I would suggest that it is creationists who have abandoned the discipmine of the scientific method and are simply pressing a religious agenda.

In the world of the creation ministries, they're not just biased, they're biased in extremis and their every effort is couched in terms of pressing a predefined agenda. It's dishonest and contrived. Those at the various Christian creationist ministries don't see it as important whether they present facts or not. If they choose to further opinions and press a religious agenda, that's their choosing. However, don't make the mistake that the opinions of religious fundamentalists are not fostered under the umbrella of a bias and a bigotry firmly in place. The prejudices and preconceptions have earned "creation science" only ridicule and condemnation from the relevant science community. That is probably the greatest indictment against the creation ministries.

"There is no observational fact imaginable which cannot, one way or another, be made to fit the creation model."
- Henry Morris
President, Institute for Creation Research

Hollie I didn't get past your first sentence this time.

Let's rewind this a bit. The way I learned science to be is that of rigorous argument. Sometimes, this argument became so heated that the opposing scientists would have gladly stepped into and ring with boxing gloves to settle who was right. Today, we have peer-review, but that peer-review is biased because of having only atheist scientists or those who believe only in evolution. This is because the creation scientists have been systematically left out as I have been complaining for several pages now. This has been done since the 1850s. Thus, we have had tremendous amount of fraud and mis-identification of fossil evidence. We had Piltdown Man (fooled an entire generation of people), Nebraska Man, Peking Man, Lucy and more when it came to identifying missing links or evidence of a major transformation of species. This is because evolutionists are evaluating their own work. Why not let a creation scientist evaluate the work? This is the kind of science that I was brought up believing. However, they are not allowed to peer-review any work because they have been systematically eliminated from scientific peer-review. Thus, the fraud and fake science continues unabated. Any intelligent person would just ignore the findings unless they had reason to become famous, get a promotion or get money for validating the evidence for evolution. Again, this is not the way I learned science. Real science comes about through great argument and differences of opinion. The same could be done with atheist scientists evaluation what a creation scientist is saying using the Bible as theory. However, today this does not happen. Instead, we are led to situations such as the great birds to dinosaurs fakery. Dinosaurs did not have feathers!

"Is it a bird? Is it a dinosaur? No, it's a fake
It was a coup for National Geographic - the first pictures of a creature whose existence would turn the theory of bird evolution on its head. Then it was exposed as a hoax.

Archaeoraptor first turned up in a hotel room in Tucson, Arizona. Stephen Czerkas, a dinosaur enthusiast who ran a small private museum, was wandering around a fossil fair when he heard that a Chinese dealer had something extraordinary.
When the dealer unwrapped a foot-long slab of rock, Czerkas experienced a paleontological epiphany. Embedded in the stone were the fossilised bones of an extraordinary prehistoric animal, with the complex limbs of a prototype bird and the distinctive tail of an earth-bound dromaeosaur, edged with the shadow of what seemed to be feathers. It looked like a dinosaur that could fly.

"It was stunning," Czerkas recalls. "I could see right away that it didn't belong on sale. It belonged in a museum."

He hastily contacted a patron who put up the $80,000 the dealer was asking for, and took his prize home in a state of high excitement, convinced he had discovered evidence of a pivotal moment in evolution."

Is it a bird? Is it a dinosaur? No, it's a fake

Thus, let the creation scientists back in the game and let's have some real science accomplished. Otherwise, we will continue to have embarrassments such as humans came from monkeys and birds are dinosaurs wrong-way science.

I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen
Bond, what do you believe your afterlife consists of? Where? And why?

"The New Heaven and the New Earth
Then I saw ya new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." Revelation 21

The Bible states that God will get rid of the universe and the faithful will live on a new Earth as paradise. It's God's promise. Also, we will have new and perfect spiritual bodies. The non-believers will have theirs destroyed by the lake of fire. This could be the cause of weeping, gnashing of teeth and eternal woe.
And that promise is only true to believers of that particular religion?

It starts with reading and believing in John 3:16. Have you heard of it?
Yes I have, but it doesn't seem to rule out others who don't believe.

Remember I am a born Catholic. I just realized reality at a young age and rejected religions. And always thought that living a good life should be good enough.
Those that tell me that I have to believe in their religion to get to the afterlife, are full of shit, and their religions are seeking money and/or armies.
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

creationism is not science. "Creation scientists" have made no advancements to human knowledge. None.
In fact, they have detracted knowledge that humans had already accumulated by burning books and scrolls, and destroying anything (inc people) that disagreed with their agenda. Thank god the Sumerian tablets survived.

We'd probably already have colonies on Mars, if not for religious interference and dogma.

I mean, how long ago was it, when Christians stopped killing and jailing people for thinking the Earth went around the Sun?
Last edited:
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

Your claim that supernaturalism is “observational science” is simply not true. You offered no relevant examples of what is observable within supernaturalism which I believe was a calculated strategy. Do you have any observable examples of men rising from the dead? How about global floods or Arcs or the planets revolving around the sun?

For examples of things that are observable, testable and falsifiable within evolution, well, there are many. Start here:

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 1

The above is part 1.

You have heard of the flu virus, right? The various strains that kill people every year is one obvious example of evolution.

I think what you’re missing is that the latest version of fundamentalist Christianity called “creation science” is just rebranded “Biblical Creationism” Fundamentalists have become self-destructive with their efforts to force christian dogma into the public schools under the masquerade of science. Years ago, fundamentalist christians made no effort to conceal their agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. It was originally called "Biblical Creationism" with no pretense. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they regrouped and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design." In the process, the creationist movement has become progressively more reactionary, more desperate, and truly, more reactionary.

For examples of how fundamentalists have been eviserated in their attempts to illegally force Christian dogma into the public school syllabus, look here: Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism

There is nothing absurd about the natural world. Every discovery by science has been shown to have a natural causation and natural explanation. Not a single, understandable event in nature can be assigned a supernatural, supermagical cause.

We know with certainty that species and organisms evolve. That's a fact not in dispute by the modern science community. You may insist that modern science is flawed and unreliable but that is an issue only a fringe minority accepts.
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

creationism is not science. "Creation scientists" have made no advancements to human knowledge. None.

Wrong. Creation scientists have explained how mountains, rivers, canyons and trees are formed. They've explained the laws of motion and universal gravitation and formed the dominant scientific viewpoint before the theory of relativity. They created physics. Compared to the great creation scientists, atheist scientists have not done much. In fact, can you name anything great that came out of believing in evolution?
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

Your claim that supernaturalism is “observational science” is simply not true. You offered no relevant examples of what is observable within supernaturalism which I believe was a calculated strategy. Do you have any observable examples of men rising from the dead? How about global floods or Arcs or the planets revolving around the sun?

For examples of things that are observable, testable and falsifiable within evolution, well, there are many. Start here:

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 1

The above is part 1.

You have heard of the flu virus, right? The various strains that kill people every year is one obvious example of evolution.

I think what you’re missing is that the latest version of fundamentalist Christianity called “creation science” is just rebranded “Biblical Creationism” Fundamentalists have become self-destructive with their efforts to force christian dogma into the public schools under the masquerade of science. Years ago, fundamentalist christians made no effort to conceal their agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. It was originally called "Biblical Creationism" with no pretense. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they regrouped and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design." In the process, the creationist movement has become progressively more reactionary, more desperate, and truly, more reactionary.

For examples of how fundamentalists have been eviserated in their attempts to illegally force Christian dogma into the public school syllabus, look here: Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism

There is nothing absurd about the natural world. Every discovery by science has been shown to have a natural causation and natural explanation. Not a single, understandable event in nature can be assigned a supernatural, supermagical cause.

We know with certainty that species and organisms evolve. That's a fact not in dispute by the modern science community. You may insist that modern science is flawed and unreliable but that is an issue only a fringe minority accepts.

The greatest evidence for a man rising from the dead is the Resurrection of Jesus. He is the only one. There are many people who witnessed the miracle and they are written down. The giant stone that could not be moved in front of Jesus' burial tomb was cast aside and the entrance open. There is more evidence if you read the evidence of the biblical scholars. The global flood is evidence by what we see in stratification. We see that canyons were cut out from the rushing waters. We see that mountains came up from beneath the seas. You can easily take a look at the evidence from the Ark Encounter Museum.

Is There Evidence of the Flood?

None of your 29+ evidence is valid. Dr. Theobald fails to address the origin of the first living thing or the mechanism by which that first organism diverged into every life form that has ever existed.

The flu virus traded parts with other flu viruses and mutated. However, neither the flu nor its new virus is evidence for evolution. The virus targets specific animals such as birds, swine, human and certain types of tissue. New variations of the virus arises from these infected animals. For example, a pig gets one strain of virus and is exposed to another strain from another animal. The cells within the pig creates the new virus.

The court cases are a different battle. It's not about science, but the mostly a battle over separation of church and state. The good fight will go in trying to teach creation science in our schools. That is the only way that we can bring back real science back into our classrooms and institutions of higher learning.
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

Your claim that supernaturalism is “observational science” is simply not true. You offered no relevant examples of what is observable within supernaturalism which I believe was a calculated strategy. Do you have any observable examples of men rising from the dead? How about global floods or Arcs or the planets revolving around the sun?

For examples of things that are observable, testable and falsifiable within evolution, well, there are many. Start here:

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 1

The above is part 1.

You have heard of the flu virus, right? The various strains that kill people every year is one obvious example of evolution.

I think what you’re missing is that the latest version of fundamentalist Christianity called “creation science” is just rebranded “Biblical Creationism” Fundamentalists have become self-destructive with their efforts to force christian dogma into the public schools under the masquerade of science. Years ago, fundamentalist christians made no effort to conceal their agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. It was originally called "Biblical Creationism" with no pretense. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they regrouped and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design." In the process, the creationist movement has become progressively more reactionary, more desperate, and truly, more reactionary.

For examples of how fundamentalists have been eviserated in their attempts to illegally force Christian dogma into the public school syllabus, look here: Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism

There is nothing absurd about the natural world. Every discovery by science has been shown to have a natural causation and natural explanation. Not a single, understandable event in nature can be assigned a supernatural, supermagical cause.

We know with certainty that species and organisms evolve. That's a fact not in dispute by the modern science community. You may insist that modern science is flawed and unreliable but that is an issue only a fringe minority accepts.

The greatest evidence for a man rising from the dead is the Resurrection of Jesus. He is the only one. There are many people who witnessed the miracle and they are written down. The giant stone that could not be moved in front of Jesus' burial tomb was cast aside and the entrance open. There is more evidence if you read the evidence of the biblical scholars. The global flood is evidence by what we see in stratification. We see that canyons were cut out from the rushing waters. We see that mountains came up from beneath the seas. You can easily take a look at the evidence from the Ark Encounter Museum.

Is There Evidence of the Flood?

None of your 29+ evidence is valid. Dr. Theobald fails to address the origin of the first living thing or the mechanism by which that first organism diverged into every life form that has ever existed.

The flu virus traded parts with other flu viruses and mutated. However, neither the flu nor its new virus is evidence for evolution. The virus targets specific animals such as birds, swine, human and certain types of tissue. New variations of the virus arises from these infected animals. For example, a pig gets one strain of virus and is exposed to another strain from another animal. The cells within the pig creates the new virus.

The court cases are a different battle. It's not about science, but the mostly a battle over separation of church and state. The good fight will go in trying to teach creation science in our schools. That is the only way that we can bring back real science back into our classrooms and institutions of higher learning.

Not much of a Bible thumper, but just off hand it seems that anything is possible with a God. So he or she or it, could have created anything he wanted to. I kind of like the dual Evolution in some form. The DNA factor does not really add much to the subject since we are made of space stuff.
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

Your claim that supernaturalism is “observational science” is simply not true. You offered no relevant examples of what is observable within supernaturalism which I believe was a calculated strategy. Do you have any observable examples of men rising from the dead? How about global floods or Arcs or the planets revolving around the sun?

For examples of things that are observable, testable and falsifiable within evolution, well, there are many. Start here:

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 1

The above is part 1.

You have heard of the flu virus, right? The various strains that kill people every year is one obvious example of evolution.

I think what you’re missing is that the latest version of fundamentalist Christianity called “creation science” is just rebranded “Biblical Creationism” Fundamentalists have become self-destructive with their efforts to force christian dogma into the public schools under the masquerade of science. Years ago, fundamentalist christians made no effort to conceal their agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. It was originally called "Biblical Creationism" with no pretense. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they regrouped and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design." In the process, the creationist movement has become progressively more reactionary, more desperate, and truly, more reactionary.

For examples of how fundamentalists have been eviserated in their attempts to illegally force Christian dogma into the public school syllabus, look here: Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism

There is nothing absurd about the natural world. Every discovery by science has been shown to have a natural causation and natural explanation. Not a single, understandable event in nature can be assigned a supernatural, supermagical cause.

We know with certainty that species and organisms evolve. That's a fact not in dispute by the modern science community. You may insist that modern science is flawed and unreliable but that is an issue only a fringe minority accepts.

The greatest evidence for a man rising from the dead is the Resurrection of Jesus. He is the only one. There are many people who witnessed the miracle and they are written down. The giant stone that could not be moved in front of Jesus' burial tomb was cast aside and the entrance open. There is more evidence if you read the evidence of the biblical scholars. The global flood is evidence by what we see in stratification. We see that canyons were cut out from the rushing waters. We see that mountains came up from beneath the seas. You can easily take a look at the evidence from the Ark Encounter Museum.

Is There Evidence of the Flood?

None of your 29+ evidence is valid. Dr. Theobald fails to address the origin of the first living thing or the mechanism by which that first organism diverged into every life form that has ever existed.

The flu virus traded parts with other flu viruses and mutated. However, neither the flu nor its new virus is evidence for evolution. The virus targets specific animals such as birds, swine, human and certain types of tissue. New variations of the virus arises from these infected animals. For example, a pig gets one strain of virus and is exposed to another strain from another animal. The cells within the pig creates the new virus.

The court cases are a different battle. It's not about science, but the mostly a battle over separation of church and state. The good fight will go in trying to teach creation science in our schools. That is the only way that we can bring back real science back into our classrooms and institutions of higher learning.

There is no evidence of Jesus rising from the dead. None. It is false to claim there were witnesses. There were none.

There was no immovable stone in front of any cave where Jesus was buried. Why are you re-writing the Bible’s?

There is no evidence of any global flood. The Ark museum is an embarrassment to thinking humans.

Oddly, your description of viruses identifies adaptation and evolution.

Kitzmiller certainly was about science. It was about the religion being taught under the false name of science. Real science does not teach magic and supernaturalism as “science”. Also, real science does not teach such absurdities as a geocentric model.
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

creationism is not science. "Creation scientists" have made no advancements to human knowledge. None.

Pasteur believed in experimental science. As he said himself, “Experimental science is essentially positivist in the sense that in its conceptions it never concerns itself with the essence of things, the origin of the world or its final destiny.” I would suggest that evolutionists have only tried to turn society atheistic with their unobservable theories but have not really done anything that would be regarded as valuable in terms of a Ford, Edison, Pasture or even Einstein. Practical application far out ways theory for the sake of eliminating GOD as the revealed CREATOR of ALL.
I think you’re missing the goals of the creationist industry.

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

It’s precisely the agenda of creationists that excludes them from a reliable association for peer review.

Hence, creationism is not science.

An important part of the scientific method is the rejection or modification of a theory if the theory does not fit the observed facts. But in creationism, it is the other way around. If the facts don't fit the theory, then deny the facts, and curse the finder. Find some way to reject the data, at all costs.

"But the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
Dr. Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33

Thus, creationism is not science.

Science starts with observations. From the observations may come Scientific Laws, or detailed descriptions of physical phenomena. But science goes further than that. If a scientist can see connections, patterns and regularity, a hypothesis can be formulated to explain the observations. If enough data is gathered that supports the hypothesis, and experiments confirm the idea, and no contrary observations can be found, a scientific theory is put forward. Theories are the goal, the pinnacle, of science. But in creationism, the observations don't come first--they don't even count at all. Creationism starts with the bible and will not deviate from what is written. All data, observations and conclusions must conform with their interpretation of the bible, or be rejected out of hand.

It’s important that you raised the case of Piltdown man. One might wonder how Charles Dawson got away with his deceptions for so long, but the important thing is that his fraud was discovered by scientists, reported by scientists, and it will be scientists who will work to correct the record. This is how science works. Sometimes the discovery is quick as in the case of Archaeoraptor. Sometimes it is slow as in the case of Piltdown. But eventually the correction occurs.

I’m curious to get your reaction to one of the many creationist frauds that was perpetrated by a “creation scientist”. Are these the folks you believe should be doing peer review?

She Must Be a Scientist; She Works in Front of a Green Screen

Creationism is science because it's observational science. It's testable. It's falsifiable for the the most part. I don't think you have been listening to what I wrote. Why don't you name one thing that is observable, testable and falsifiable with evolution? Don't use natural selection or microevolution because we agree on that. Can you admit that evolution hasn't produced much by believing in it?

On the other hand, we have made numerous and remarkable advancement through creation science. I don't think I have to repeat the list of accomplishments of creation scientists and how important they have been from my previous links.

Finally, you do not know the difference between ID and creation science. You may as well get the fail award. ROTFL :abgg2q.jpg:

Your claim that supernaturalism is “observational science” is simply not true. You offered no relevant examples of what is observable within supernaturalism which I believe was a calculated strategy. Do you have any observable examples of men rising from the dead? How about global floods or Arcs or the planets revolving around the sun?

For examples of things that are observable, testable and falsifiable within evolution, well, there are many. Start here:

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 1

The above is part 1.

You have heard of the flu virus, right? The various strains that kill people every year is one obvious example of evolution.

I think what you’re missing is that the latest version of fundamentalist Christianity called “creation science” is just rebranded “Biblical Creationism” Fundamentalists have become self-destructive with their efforts to force christian dogma into the public schools under the masquerade of science. Years ago, fundamentalist christians made no effort to conceal their agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. It was originally called "Biblical Creationism" with no pretense. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they regrouped and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design." In the process, the creationist movement has become progressively more reactionary, more desperate, and truly, more reactionary.

For examples of how fundamentalists have been eviserated in their attempts to illegally force Christian dogma into the public school syllabus, look here: Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism

There is nothing absurd about the natural world. Every discovery by science has been shown to have a natural causation and natural explanation. Not a single, understandable event in nature can be assigned a supernatural, supermagical cause.

We know with certainty that species and organisms evolve. That's a fact not in dispute by the modern science community. You may insist that modern science is flawed and unreliable but that is an issue only a fringe minority accepts.

The greatest evidence for a man rising from the dead is the Resurrection of Jesus. He is the only one. There are many people who witnessed the miracle and they are written down. The giant stone that could not be moved in front of Jesus' burial tomb was cast aside and the entrance open. There is more evidence if you read the evidence of the biblical scholars. The global flood is evidence by what we see in stratification. We see that canyons were cut out from the rushing waters. We see that mountains came up from beneath the seas. You can easily take a look at the evidence from the Ark Encounter Museum.

Is There Evidence of the Flood?

None of your 29+ evidence is valid. Dr. Theobald fails to address the origin of the first living thing or the mechanism by which that first organism diverged into every life form that has ever existed.

The flu virus traded parts with other flu viruses and mutated. However, neither the flu nor its new virus is evidence for evolution. The virus targets specific animals such as birds, swine, human and certain types of tissue. New variations of the virus arises from these infected animals. For example, a pig gets one strain of virus and is exposed to another strain from another animal. The cells within the pig creates the new virus.

The court cases are a different battle. It's not about science, but the mostly a battle over separation of church and state. The good fight will go in trying to teach creation science in our schools. That is the only way that we can bring back real science back into our classrooms and institutions of higher learning.

There is no evidence of Jesus rising from the dead. None. It is false to claim there were witnesses. There were none.

There was no immovable stone in front of any cave where Jesus was buried. Why are you re-writing the Bible’s?

There is no evidence of any global flood. The Ark museum is an embarrassment to thinking humans.

Oddly, your description of viruses identifies adaptation and evolution.

Kitzmiller certainly was about science. It was about the religion being taught under the false name of science. Real science does not teach magic and supernaturalism as “science”. Also, real science does not teach such absurdities as a geocentric model.

There were at least 500 eyewitness accounts to the fact that the Messiah arose. All but one of the Apostles died for what they observed (no one dies for what they know to be a lie).
There are canyons all over the world carved out by rushing water. There are marine fossils found on mountain tops. There are trees standing nearly vertical through many layers of sediment. There are stories across the globe regarding a man and his family building a vessel to save himself and his family and selected animals according to GOD's command.The vast number of fossils found are the result of drowning in mud.

As for viruses, with all their adaptation they are clearly still viruses. And the man driving a car is really no different than the man riding a chariot. In fact, if we were hit with a major solar flare, it is likely the man driving his auto would become the man in a chariot. Adaptation demonstrates only an ability to roll with the punches. And frankly GOD has given man the creative ability to invent air conditioning, and improved lighting, and recording devices. HOWEVER, man is still no better than ADAM after the fall.

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