Do You Complain At Restaurants?

Do You Complain At Restaurants?

  • Yes. Always

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Sometimes.

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No. Never

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I don't eat out

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Other / Pineapple

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Are you one to complain and/or report bad service, cleanliness etc., or, are you afraid they will "alter" your food if you do?
Unless it is something obviously wrong, like brought me the wrong order - probably not.
I just wouldn't go there again.
Bad food is usually what you get, so my expectations are usually not that high.
Unless it is something obviously wrong, like brought me the wrong order - probably not.
I just wouldn't go there again.
Bad food is usually what you get, so my expectations are usually not that high.

Especially when you're an awesome cook ! ;)
Are you one to complain and/or report bad service, cleanliness etc., or, are you afraid they will "alter" your food if you do?
Usually no. If you complain they take it back and make you another, which takes too long. If it's really bad, I just don't go back.
At my local diner where I'm a regular, though, if something is really off, I'll warn them.
I usually don't complain. Maybe at the end of the meal. I'll ask for something that is missing on the table, or that they didn't bring me.
Sometimes I'll just get up and go get it myself. Like napkins, missing salt/pepper etc.

If it's bad, I won't go back for sure. But sometimes, the food is fine, but the server...
Are you one to complain and/or report bad service, cleanliness etc., or, are you afraid they will "alter" your food if you do?
If the food is bad, I won't eat it.

If the service is bad, I won't tip.

If both are bad then I don't go back there again.
If they completely botch my order, I will point out their error. But I do it politely.

If I am ignored I will make sure the manager knows they lost a customer for life.
WinterBorn wrote: If they completely botch my order, I will point out their error. But I do it politely.

Granny snarls at `em...

... like a pit bull...

... it makes `em sit up an' take notice.
I agree with the ignore part. I've often even gone into the servers stations to get something. OTOH, I definitely won't send something back either. I've seen (and probably experienced) where if there was a food issue, the "new" item has been messed with somehow. (I think my local pizza hut got pissed when I kept mentioning I wanted marinara sauce on my cheese pizza, not that indescribable white sauce. I wound up with uber salty pizza the next time.)
It depends.

If I like the restaurant, I will politely voice my dissatisfaction. 99% of the time they will make amends.

If they really piss me off or seen that they don’t give a shit. I’ll just never darken their doors again.

I had a restaurant manager when I was 17 and I worked at Friches Big Boy, who told me that he wasn’t concerned about the customers who complained, he was worried about the ones who said nothing and never came back.
Are you one to complain and/or report bad service, cleanliness etc., or, are you afraid they will "alter" your food if you do?
If the food is bad, I won't eat it.

If the service is bad, I won't tip.

If both are bad then I don't go back there again.

If the service is bad and you don’t leave a tip, the waitress/waiter will just assume you are a cheapskate.
I voted "sometimes", but whenever I do have anything to make the wait staff aware of, I put it out there for them respectfully.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. To me, those who do nothing but complain should just stay home if they don't like the way that the rest of the planet is.

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