Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?
The Democrats have stolen the meme. That's what they do as good little Marxist tools. Change the meanings of words and phrases. They also like to confuse folks as to what born sex they are.
Trump supporters should be ashamed of what they advocate for.

That they’re not ashamed is the problem.
Donald Trump or Biden shitstain obama? Donald Trump or Pelosi Schumer? Donald Trump or Lightfoot Newsom? Keisha Bottoms? (with apologies to William Shakespeare) Kim Foxx? Donald Trump or BLM, LBGTIQIQ+, Teachers Unions, NAMBLA, Donald Trump or open borders, end of energy independence. Donald Trump or eating crickets, meal worms and cockaroach milk.
Decisions decisions. Oh I know
Donald Trump or Biden shitstain obama? Donald Trump or Pelosi Schumer? Donald Trump or Lightfoot Newsom? Keisha Bottoms? (with apologies to William Shakespeare) Kim Foxx? Donald Trump or BLM, LBGTIQIQ+, Teachers Unions, NAMBLA, Donald Trump or open borders, end of energy independence. Donald Trump or eating crickets, meal worms and cockaroach milk.
Decisions decisions. Oh I know
It is a sad reality that CCJ needs someone to be lower than himself on the social scale.

‘MAGA’ is illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, and neo-fascist.

‘MAGA’ is reactionary – fearful of, and hostile to, positive, beneficial change, diversity, dissent, and inclusion.

‘MAGA’ is nativist, racist, bigoted, and hateful.

‘MAGA’ seeks to compel conformity at the expense of individual liberty.

‘MAGA’ has nothing to do with making America great – it has to do with white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and dividing the American people.
Dumb shit speaking for others again.

Maga isn't even a new thing. It's just trump gave a phrase to name something Americans had for hundreds of years is all it is.

It's an idea to have a strong country, where ambition and hard work can get you a good life, strong citizens, a love for your home, pride in your country, a secure border to make America for Americans (both natural citizens and ones that become citizens), being a nation other countries respect, having American values and morals, and so on.

They didn't have a name for it 60 years ago, but 60 years ago Americans wanted America to be great. That's why we are a young country but skyrocketed to the top of the food chain of countries because we wanted to be great, we wanted to be Americans and being an American actually meant something.
What are you talking about?!
Fascism is demofks middle name. Still after those business owners eh? Fk those independent Americans, not on your watch
The right’s neo-fascist, illiberal war on democracy continues.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was just the beginning.

Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results

“A dozen Republican candidates in competitive races for governor and Senate have declined to say whether they would accept the results of their contests, raising the prospect of fresh post-election chaos two years after Donald Trump refused to concede the presidency.

In a survey by The Washington Post of 19 of the most closely watched statewide races in the country, the contrast between Republican and Democratic candidates was stark. While seven GOP nominees committed to accepting the outcomes in their contests, 12 either refused to commit or declined to respond. On the Democratic side, 17 said they would accept the outcome and two did not respond to The Post’s survey.

The reluctance of many GOP candidates to embrace a long-standing tenet of American democracy shows how Trump’s assault on the integrity of U.S. elections has spread far beyond the 2020 presidential race. This year, multiple losing candidates could refuse to accept their defeats.”

Our democracy is in fact in jeopardy.
The right’s neo-fascist, illiberal war on democracy continues.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was just the beginning.

Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results

“A dozen Republican candidates in competitive races for governor and Senate have declined to say whether they would accept the results of their contests, raising the prospect of fresh post-election chaos two years after Donald Trump refused to concede the presidency.

In a survey by The Washington Post of 19 of the most closely watched statewide races in the country, the contrast between Republican and Democratic candidates was stark. While seven GOP nominees committed to accepting the outcomes in their contests, 12 either refused to commit or declined to respond. On the Democratic side, 17 said they would accept the outcome and two did not respond to The Post’s survey.

The reluctance of many GOP candidates to embrace a long-standing tenet of American democracy shows how Trump’s assault on the integrity of U.S. elections has spread far beyond the 2020 presidential race. This year, multiple losing candidates could refuse to accept their defeats.”

Our democracy is in fact in jeopardy.

So Saul, is Stacy Abrams committed to accepting the outcome of her coming defeat?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say "no."


You Nazis are such reeking hypocrites.
The right’s neo-fascist, illiberal war on democracy continues.

Saul, you lie that the Americans are "neo-fascist," what do you base your lie on?

Typical exchange with a democrat:

democrat: Fascism is right wing
American: What makes it right wing?
d: Because it's fascist
A: Okay, but what makes fascism right wing?
d: because it's capitalist
A: Weren't Mussolini and Hitler collectivists with the state controlling the means of production?
d: They were corporatists
A: So they sold stock in and exchange?
d: well, there were private owners
A: So there was no exchange or stock involved like a corporation would use?
d: greedy Capitalists pigs
A: but there was no stock for the public to buy and ownership was set by the party that ruled the government?
d: see - capitalists
A: Government controlling the means of production is capitalism?
d: Racist
A: isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity?
d: Racism is right wing
A: From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America?
d: Democrats were Republicans back then
A: That's just stupid. Back to fascism.
d: Fascism is right wing
A: Fascism holds that the state - the government, is supreme. Isn't that what democrats claim?
d: Republicans are fascists
A: Don't Republicans advocate for individual civil rights?
d: We need courts to make laws at the federal level to ensure rights for women by imposing law from the top
A: shouldn't people decide for themselves on a state by state basis?
d: You're destroying democracy

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was just the beginning.

Nazi to English dictionary:


Peaceful Protest:

Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results

“A dozen Republican candidates in competitive races for governor and Senate have declined to say whether they would accept the results of their contests, raising the prospect of fresh post-election chaos two years after Donald Trump refused to concede the presidency.

In a survey by The Washington Post of 19 of the most closely watched statewide races in the country, the contrast between Republican and Democratic candidates was stark. While seven GOP nominees committed to accepting the outcomes in their contests, 12 either refused to commit or declined to respond. On the Democratic side, 17 said they would accept the outcome and two did not respond to The Post’s survey.

The reluctance of many GOP candidates to embrace a long-standing tenet of American democracy shows how Trump’s assault on the integrity of U.S. elections has spread far beyond the 2020 presidential race. This year, multiple losing candidates could refuse to accept their defeats.”

Our democracy is in fact in jeopardy.
Will Adolf Biden end elections to save democracy?
The right’s neo-fascist, illiberal war on democracy continues.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was just the beginning.

Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results

“A dozen Republican candidates in competitive races for governor and Senate have declined to say whether they would accept the results of their contests, raising the prospect of fresh post-election chaos two years after Donald Trump refused to concede the presidency.

In a survey by The Washington Post of 19 of the most closely watched statewide races in the country, the contrast between Republican and Democratic candidates was stark. While seven GOP nominees committed to accepting the outcomes in their contests, 12 either refused to commit or declined to respond. On the Democratic side, 17 said they would accept the outcome and two did not respond to The Post’s survey.

The reluctance of many GOP candidates to embrace a long-standing tenet of American democracy shows how Trump’s assault on the integrity of U.S. elections has spread far beyond the 2020 presidential race. This year, multiple losing candidates could refuse to accept their defeats.”

Our democracy is in fact in jeopardy.
Tell me, Moron, IF your voting precinct had 560 legal registered votes and it magically had another 1,000 votes, totaling more than the KNOWN legal voters and you lost. would you accept it? That is what happened in 2020. You demofascists stuffed the ballot boxes in 7 states and made real voters irrelevant. WE know how you committed the fraud, and we have the evidence of your fraud but the current DOJ refuses to even look at the evidence... THAT IS FASCISM. ala democrats..
I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?
When they use the word MAGA in a derogatory manner, as well as all the 100s of names they call us like Anti-Vaxxers, Science Deniers, Deplorables, Pro Lifers, Soccer Moms, Conspiracy Theorists, Election Deniers, etc. etc. I know what they really mean to say is "Dirty Joos" or "Filthy Neo Conservatives".

They are simply using The Nazi Blueprint - Saul Alinsky Blueprint to take over our Republic like The Nazis took over The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany.

They first need to dehumanize us, then ostracize us, then they need to outlaw us, censor us, and silence us. Once they have done that, they can eliminate us.

Everything right now coming from The Left is just more hate speech disguised in a variety of ways.
I'd rather be hated by such Satanic people than be liked by them.

I consider being labeled by such Evil people as a badge of honor, as they have no honor, and no principles but that which serves their narrow minded selfish interests.
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