Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

What is "unhealthy" about the way they do it?
There is a toxic level of lies, bigotry, exclusion, selfishness, and demonization involved in the grievance driven “MAGA” crowd. Some might call them angry whiney little bitches. But I’d prefer to avoid the childish name calling
You're my little dog, bitch! Now bark, boy!

That's right.

That first Amendment the you Nazis have updated!

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof unless it's those dirty Christians; or abridging the freedom of speech that promotes the democrat party, or of the press unless they report news harmful to the democrat Reich; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, unless they support Donald Trump in which case the people must be cast into gulags without trial or charge.”
There is a toxic level of lies, bigotry, exclusion, selfishness, and demonization involved in the grievance driven “MAGA” crowd.

Yes, and all of those toxic lies are told by you Nazi scum.

Some might call them angry whiney little bitches. But I’d prefer to avoid the childish name calling

You just want to jump straight to the final solution.
I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?
Democrats hate America and Americans.
There is no way they could mutter the words make America great again . They are the biggest threat to America and Americans. Don't believe me, just read the democrats reply to this thread .

Are you an American or are you a Democrat? That's the question.
Trump's actions are 100% self-serving. He is your leader and you would follow him out on any limb. This shameless devotion has been on full display all this time as Dear Leader has made a mockery of traditional conservative values. Nothing more needs to be said.
Secure border, full employment, religious freedom, America first, low inflation, pro-life, originalist judges, are all traditional conservative values, which Democrats hate any other time but when they talk about Trump.

The difference between Trump and the Republican leadership before him is that Trump actually followed through and did not melt like a snowflake when a Democrat activist dressed as a journalist called him names.
Funny who's bringing race to this thread as a sad little attempt to derail it. A very sad little attempt. Little is your thing?
Yep, remind you who you are, kkk and your obsession with blacks inferiority to you
it makes you a liar to say anything about personal responsibility since it is the prevailing view of MAGA jerks that Trump is above the law.
So you don’t want Americans to be great! Gotcha
Big fucking lie.

"Illegal aliens aren't immigrants, douchebag." They're invaders.

"Reactionary" is a term invented by communists.

I don't have all day to debunk your lies.
Neo-fascism is to be illiberal and anti-democratic; the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy incited by Trump was an act of anti-democratic illiberalism and indeed an act of neo-fascism.

And Trump and his supporters continue their neo-fascist attack on America’s democracy.

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