Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

MAGA is an unquestioning devotion to Donald Trump. Any other description is bullshit.
You want a Bullshit slogan? Try the failed, Build Back Better. ”Better” is considered to be more dependent on foreign oil, record high inflation, and failing alternative energy programs.

What a great slogan.
Biden isn't just some snarky radio voice or CNN shill, he is the president. Something is terribly wrong when he brands Americans as terrorists because they don't support his policies. Now Americans are on the defensive when his minions on the left ask us how we feel about being enemies of the government because we wear a red hat with MAGA.
Good points, but I’d like to clarify one word that you used, shill. Biden is in fact a shill, but likely unaware that he is being used as a front man for Obama‘s continuation of policies.

Obama’s US National Security Advisor and UN representative, Susan Rice, as Biden‘s Director of the Security Council, is a go-between (along with other Biden affiliates) meeting with Biden regularly. It’s illegal for a person to hold 3 terms of presidential office. No surprise that it’s hidden from the public and liberally owned press will certainly not be talking about it.

Full disclosure: at first, I wasn’t certain about the existence of an Obama shadow government (although aware of various supporters/entities for a forced, globalized government) but after hours of reading various sources have learned it’s not only possible but a reality.

If any reader thinks that LameStreamMedia concerns itself with sticking to factual information over inflaming the muck to up their ratings, a wakeup call is overdue. I need many wake up calls and am glad to have the mindset that is open to them on a daily basis.
I neither want or need a leader
True, you seek a ruler - so you never need be responsible for your own actions.

nor do I feel compelled to defend any politician no matter what they do.

Well now, that's a lie. You have defended Bathhouse Barry and his little dog Quid Pro endlessly,

There is no equivalency here. I am my own leader and cannot understand being devoted to any man.

You're a drone of your Reich. Nothing more. MSNBC and Raw Sewage decide what you think, you turn to Reich to tell you what you can or cannot do, say, or think.
Adolf Biden say's he'll use nuclear weapons on you if you oppose him. That IS a threat of violence against the citizens of this great nation by the Resident.
and it is fascism...where a leader (using the term loosely) demonizes his opposition which will eventually lead to persecution and violence just as it did in Nazi Germany for one.
it makes you a liar to say anything about personal responsibility since it is the prevailing view of MAGA jerks that Trump is above the law.

Fucking liar.

You Nazi vermin invent a whole slew pretend laws to attack Orange Man Bad with.

For EXAMPLE, you Nazi scum - you traitor filth impeached the president in a second attempted coup on the claim that he asked the Ukraine to uphold their treaty obligation and investigate the in your face corruption by Joe Biden who was actively embezzling tax payer money sent to Ukraine in the Burisma kickback scheme.

Now you criminal traitors said that since Joe Biden might be his opponent in 2020- he was unannounced at the time, Trump should be impeached for suggesting a rival be investigated for blatant criminal acts.

Fast forward and we have Adolf Biden dispatching what was formerly the FBI - and is now his personal Gestapo - against his 2024 opponent , Donald Trump. Should Quid Pro be impeached?

Well of COURSE NOT say you Nazis, that law (which doesn't exist) only applied to Trump, not to Biden. Biden isn't subject to any laws - he's a Reich member. In fact that's why it was wrong for Trump to expose Biden's open corruption - because laws don't apply to Nazi democrats.

That's just one example of the reality that democrats are not subject to any sort of law - and that in fact you Nazis have destroyed the rule of law in this nation.

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