Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

I believe in real science, not politically designed science.
I believe in real education and not social engineering indoctrination disguised as education.
I believe in free and honest elections, not elections in which anybody and everybody can vote without proving they are eligible to register and when they don't have to prove they are who they say they are when they vote and, after the fact, there is no way to know whether the vote was honest or not.
Welcome back Foxy, I had forgotten how much I missed you! :thup:
Maga isn't about patriotism or "american values," it's about one individual

You NAZIS are about one individual, Emanuel Goldstein - who you fear will make your enemy, America, strong and able to beat back the fascist dictatorship you promote,

Nationalism? When has nationalism ever been a good thing throughout history? In that I agree with you.


An independent nation? That has ALWAYS been a good thing.

There are two options, Globalist or Nationalist. Free and independent nations or a global dictatorship. The dream of the left has always been world government, where the elite rule with absolute power.

The United States has always been a thorn in the side of those who seek such evil, a proud and free NATION with proud and free people.

This is why you of the Nazi democrat Reich wage war against us.

Who is threatening America's sovereignty? Weird.

You JUST got though saying America shouldn't even BE a nation, that nations cannot exist, only the global, one world dictatorship.

Maga is a cult full of disturbed individuals. Look no further than this board and the posts you see on here. More or less every single one has been radicalized.

Nazism is a sickness, the desire of people to impose their will over all people. You would use your Reich to dictate what we say, what we worship, what we think.

Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim, Ho, Castro, Biden, Xi - they are all the same.

The appeal of dictatorship to those like you is that you never have to take responsibility. Sure, you may starve and be put in a slave labor camp, but it won't be your fault - you'll be able to blame others - Emanuel Goldstein.
Well, American nationalism is what broke US away from the British Empire and what ended the Confederacy and slavery in the US, and what defeated Japanese and Nazis Imperialism, and the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

The world would be a shitter place if the other side won in any of those battles. Far shittier in some of them.

There is nationalism, and their is globalism. Those who oppose nationalism are advocating for globalism.
Cop out. There is only one science.
There are only two genders, but that doesn't stop you anti-science Nazis.

Fix News and Heritage group isn’t one. This is the distinct difference and why Trump voters are incapable of governing. It’s real simple. There are 3400 universities, every country and every major corporation in the world with the smartest people in science in agreement...Humpers are Delusional

As far as voting is concerned. We’ve been down this road 60 times with many gop and dem appointed judges. No one has presented any proof. If you’re a Fix News devotee and watcher only, you’re FOS on this issue and a fascist.

And you're vomiting hatred that does nothing to support your claim.

What you fucking morons don't have the brains to grasp is that "science" isn't some god to worship. Science is a PROCESS, not a thing. Saying "there is only one science" is utterly retarded. It's like saying "there is only one water."

Science is an organized method of discovery. It isn't a result, it isn't a political position.

  • Hypothesize
  • Test
  • Modify- refine
  • Test - repeat as needed
  • Postulate a theory

"Communism GOOD, freedom BAD" is nowhere to be found in science - though you can use the method to test your hypothesis.
Nope. MAGA is for white and Trump following anti Americans first.


I understand. All that is wrong in the world is the fault of Der Juden - the hated whites.

Trump is a traitor. Trump is a liar. Trump is a self admitted fraud. Trump is a degenerate and a criminal.

Yes, Emanuel Goldstein has HORNS and makes Matzo from the blood of colored (POC) babies that you never even had a chance to abort.

Many followed the Nazi party and Hitler in the name of racism.

Now you Nazis follow Soros and Adolf Biden in the name of your white hating racism.

They followed apartheid and white majority rule. They were Make Germany and South Africa great again as well.
No difference. Racism and fascism rears it’s ugly head every so often around the world....MAGA is time here. They have to be refuted at every turn.

If only your Reich could come up with a final solution to the white people problem - the world would be perfect - Seig Heil.
Welcome back Foxy, I had forgotten how much I missed you! :thup:
Aw thanks friend. I've been here, but mostly in the Coffee Shop until recently. But it's election season so I decided to wade in a bit on Some other topics.

And Biden and his followers inspired me with their oh so honest, kind, thoughtful descriptions of what we MAGA Patriots are all about. LOL
Nope. MAGA is for white and Trump following anti Americans first.
Trump is a traitor. Trump is a liar. Trump is a self admitted fraud. Trump is a degenerate and a criminal.
Many followed the Nazi party and Hitler in the name of racism. They followed apartheid and white majority rule. They were Make Germany and South Africa great again as well.
No difference. Racism and fascism rears it’s ugly head every so often around the world....MAGA is time here. They have to be refuted at every turn.



So, as a response to your made up shit,
You can't show one thing I said is "made up," shit-mouth.

you support oppressing a woman's reproductive rights!
No one has a right to murder other people, and killing babies isn't a "reproductive right." If you don't want kids, don't get knocked up, simple as that, skank. No one "reproduces" by killing, stump-4-brains, as much as you'd LOVE to support whoring around.'re rewriting history. America was for freedom everywhere.....we drained our country of oil to save democracy around the world during ww2. We saved democracy everywhere we could , that’s not nationalism. We fought wars for centuries to preserve freedom around the world. It’s an affront to those who served and died in foreign wars to call them nationalists. They saved oppressed peoples of every race and nationality everywhere they could. .
Hahaha….silly libtard.
We never fought a single war for any nations interests but our own….you emotional feelz people never get shit right.'re rewriting history. America was for freedom everywhere.....we drained our country of oil to save democracy around the world during ww2. We saved democracy everywhere we could , that’s not nationalism. We fought wars for centuries to preserve freedom around the world. It’s an affront to those who served and died in foreign wars to call them nationalists. They saved oppressed peoples of every race and nationality everywhere they could. .

Nonsense. We were allied with the Soviet Union and the British Empire, ie communism and imperalism.

It served our national interestst to NOT have Europe conqured by the Freaking NAZIS.

The motivating force of those fighting was AMERICAN NATIONALISM. They fought for AMERICA, not world democracy or some such pie in teh shit dreams.
When any Tard throws that moniker up intended as an insult, they are only admitting frustration at the SUCCESS of Trump and his MAGA! And they hate that.
His on,y success is in ability to organize the group of the most gullible, fearful, racist and ignorant faction of voting public. It’s the 30% retards he is most successful with.
MAGA isn't an ideology so they wouldn't get anything more than an odd look from me.
It’s not even policy based. By their own admission, they try to advance an agenda that matches whatever Trump made up in his rallies. From “lock her up“ to blaming immigrants for every one if their problems; it’s fear mongering.
You’re sadly mistaken….MAGA is Americans First.
ALL good real core Americans have always been hardcore nationalists…ALWAYS.
A nation without a border is a nation without sovereignty…haha…you honestly didn’t know that?

“Maga is a cult full of disturbed individuals. Look no further than this board and the posts you see on here. More or less every single one has been radicalized.”

Maga is whatever your orange god tells you it is.

You know what's funny, is that no matter how many times I accuse you maga ppl of being a cult, no one ever denies that they're not. Funny how that works out.

You NAZIS are about one individual, Emanuel Goldstein - who you fear will make your enemy, America, strong and able to beat back the fascist dictatorship you promote,


An independent nation? That has ALWAYS been a good thing.

There are two options, Globalist or Nationalist. Free and independent nations or a global dictatorship. The dream of the left has always been world government, where the elite rule with absolute power.

The United States has always been a thorn in the side of those who seek such evil, a proud and free NATION with proud and free people.

This is why you of the Nazi democrat Reich wage war against us.

You JUST got though saying America shouldn't even BE a nation, that nations cannot exist, only the global, one world dictatorship.

Nazism is a sickness, the desire of people to impose their will over all people. You would use your Reich to dictate what we say, what we worship, what we think.

Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim, Ho, Castro, Biden, Xi - they are all the same.

The appeal of dictatorship to those like you is that you never have to take responsibility. Sure, you may starve and be put in a slave labor camp, but it won't be your fault - you'll be able to blame others - Emanuel Goldstein.

This post accurately describes the unhinged individuals in the maga cult, just as I had previously stated.

It's funny how hard you project. Who here wants a dictatorship more? Are democrats arguing for Biden to escape federal charges for stealing government secrets, hence making him above the law, as is the case with most autocrats? Are democrats storming the capitol building in an effort to help Trump stage a clown coup in order to remain in power illegally, even though he lost a fair election that both the GOP and DNC have certified? Are democrats in favor of Biden cozying up and befriending dictators and having adversarial relationships with it's western allies and abandoning NATO? The answer to all this is no, democrats aren't doing any of these things. Democrats don't even want Biden to run in 2024. However, everything i've described so far is what republicans and maga have been up to since Drumpf stepped into office. You ppl would love the thought of a dictatorship as long as your party and your guy were the ones in charge. How's that for irony.
Maga is whatever your orange god tells you it is.

You know what's funny, is that no matter how many times I accuse you maga ppl of being a cult, no one ever denies that they're not. Funny how that works out.
That would be like denying 1 + 1 = 5. Only a prog retard would feel that's necessary. In fact, they would agree with it.

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