Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

According to whom? You Nazis? What gives you any right to judge?
He came to me in a dream.
He laid his hand on my shoulder (in the form of a lighning bolt of course), and he said in his thunderous God voice.....

And there you have it.

Anymore stupid questions?
How does supporting Trump differ in any significant way from supporting Biden and other Dim criminals?

Democrats don't even want Biden to run again! The majority of republicans seem to condone Trump stealing government secrets and breaking federal laws. Who's the criminal here? The difference between democrats and republicans is, democrats have no interest in idolizing a politician, they're not looking for someone to rule over them like some dictator. No one is buying a silly red hate and attending a Biden rally. Democrats are not hanging on every word uttered by Joe Biden. If Biden stole government secrets democrats wouldn't be running to defend him at every turn, they'd want him arrested. If Biden incited a riot they'd want him investigated and jailed. Democrats are a not a cult, that is the difference.
So, you don’t believe in science, education and free elections.
I believe in real science, not politically designed science.
I believe in real education and not social engineering indoctrination disguised as education.
I believe in free and honest elections, not elections in which anybody and everybody can vote without proving they are eligible to register and when they don't have to prove they are who they say they are when they vote and, after the fact, there is no way to know whether the vote was honest or not.
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I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?

Maga isn't about patriotism or "american values," it's about one individual
Nationalism? When has nationalism ever been a good thing throughout history? In that I agree with you.
Who is threatening America's sovereignty? Weird.

Maga is a cult full of disturbed individuals. Look no further than this board and the posts you see on here. More or less every single one has been radicalized.
Maga isn't about patriotism or "american values," it's about one individual
Nationalism? When has nationalism ever been a good thing throughout history? In that I agree with you.
Who is threatening America's sovereignty? Weird.

Maga is a cult full of disturbed individuals. Look no further than this board and the posts you see on here. More or less every single one has been radicalized.
You’re sadly mistaken….MAGA is Americans First.
ALL good real core Americans have always been hardcore nationalists…ALWAYS.
A nation without a border is a nation without sovereignty…haha…you honestly didn’t know that?

“Maga is a cult full of disturbed individuals. Look no further than this board and the posts you see on here. More or less every single one has been radicalized.”
Maga isn't about patriotism or "american values," it's about one individual
Nationalism? When has nationalism ever been a good thing throughout history? In that I agree with you.
Who is threatening America's sovereignty? Weird.

Maga is a cult full of disturbed individuals. Look no further than this board and the posts you see on here. More or less every single one has been radicalized.

Well, American nationalism is what broke US away from the British Empire and what ended the Confederacy and slavery in the US, and what defeated Japanese and Nazis Imperialism, and the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

The world would be a shitter place if the other side won in any of those battles. Far shittier in some of them.
I believe in real science, not politically designed science.
I believe in real education and not social engineering indoctrination disguised as education.
I believe in free and honest elections, not elections in which anybody and everybody can vote without proving they are eligible to register and when they don't have to prove they are who they say they are when they vote and, after the fact, there is no way to know whether the vote was honest or not.
Cop out. There is only one science. Fix News and Heritage group isn’t one. This is the distinct difference and why Trump voters are incapable of governing. It’s real simple. There are 3400 universities, every country and every major corporation in the world with the smartest people in science in agreement...Humpers are Delusional

As far as voting is concerned. We’ve been down this road 60 times with many gop and dem appointed judges. No one has presented any proof. If you’re a Fix News devotee and watcher only, you’re FOS on this issue and a fascist.
You’re sadly mistaken….MAGA is Americans First.
Nope. MAGA is for white and Trump following anti Americans first.
Trump is a traitor. Trump is a liar. Trump is a self admitted fraud. Trump is a degenerate and a criminal.
Many followed the Nazi party and Hitler in the name of racism. They followed apartheid and white majority rule. They were Make Germany and South Africa great again as well.
No difference. Racism and fascism rears it’s ugly head every so often around the world....MAGA is time here. They have to be refuted at every turn.
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Well, American nationalism is what broke US away from the British Empire and what ended the Confederacy and slavery in the US, and what defeated Japanese and Nazis Imperialism, and the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

The world would be a shitter place if the other side won in any of those battles. Far shittier in some of them.'re rewriting history. America was for freedom everywhere.....we drained our country of oil to save democracy around the world during ww2. We saved democracy everywhere we could , that’s not nationalism. We fought wars for centuries to preserve freedom around the world. It’s an affront to those who served and died in foreign wars to call them nationalists. They saved oppressed peoples of every race and nationality everywhere they could. .
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I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?

When any Tard throws that moniker up intended as an insult, they are only admitting frustration at the SUCCESS of Trump and his MAGA! And they hate that.
I have a lot of evidence for my perspective on that. I would wager a pretty good steak dinner that you have no evidence for yours.
Evidence claimed means nothing. If you could present it, you would. Trumpets made 60 claims of voter fraud. No evidence. You have lots of evidence ? Geesus, why are you using this board to make the claim. You should be in every court in the land. Hilarious.
I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?
It means you're down the Qanon wormhole with the LOTUS. Pretty demeaning, really...


When any Tard throws that moniker up intended as an insult, they are only admitting frustration at the SUCCESS of Trump and his MAGA! And they hate that.
Success ? Really ? Trump won one election since . He’s been fraud and a loser ever since. His followers are dwindling in numbers everytime as they stand up and abuse the rights of anyone in their way. Big mistake. The majority of Women in every party are anti Trumpers now. Using Govt to oppress women’s rights is fascist.
I believe in real science, not politically designed science.
Sure........keep telling yourself that, while you use a cell phone, drive a car and get treated by doctors all of which represents the opposite of everything you stand for. Without real science ,you’d be a third world hack. The internet you communicate on is based upon quantum theory. 80% of our economy is managed by the science you deplore. You’d have a life expectancy of 35 without the same science pro climate change advocates promote literally, everywhere other then the land of Oz
We fought wars for centuries to preserve freedom around the world. It’s an affront to those who served and died in foreign wars to call them nationalists. They saved oppressed peoples of every race and nationality everywhere they could.
Have a care for my ribs, bro'. I don't want to break them laughing.

When the United States finally entered the war, as one of the many historians consulted for the documentary points out, the war department didn't want American soldiers to know about the mass extermination of Europe's Jewish population. They were afraid that our G.I.s wouldn't fight as hard if they thought they were fighting for Jews.
Make America Great Again
Those who hate America would Prevert the meaning of MAGA
Again ? Tell us, when was America so great you want to return-to it ? When was that ? Give us a date that everything turned to shit and you MAGA humpers want to return to. When ?

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