Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

Sure........keep telling yourself that, while you use a cell phone, drive a car and get treated by doctors all of which represents the opposite of everything you stand for. Without real science ,you’d be a third world hack. The internet you communicate on is based upon quantum theory. 80% of our economy is managed by the science you deplore. You’d have a life expectancy of 35 without the same science pro climate change advocates promote literally, everywhere other then the land of Oz
Wow. That might be the most non sequitur post of the night. Congratulations and good night.
Have a care for my ribs, bro'. I don't want to break them laughing.

When the United States finally entered the war, as one of the many historians consulted for the documentary points out, the war department didn't want American soldiers to know about the mass extermination of Europe's Jewish population. They were afraid that our G.I.s wouldn't fight as hard if they thought they were fighting for Jews. anti semitism why we pump billions into Israel ?
Using Govt to oppress women’s rights is fascist.

REMEMBER THAT JACKASS as you send mutilated men into their sports to destroy their careers and leer at them and little girls as they change and use the rest rooms while trying to de-evolve and undefine what being a woman even is.
REMEMBER THAT JACKASS as you send mutilated men into their sports to destroy their careers and leer at them and little girls as they change and use the rest rooms while trying to de-evolve and undefine what being a woman even is.
Not everyone behaves like the LOTUS at a beauty contest.
REMEMBER THAT JACKASS as you send mutilated men into their sports to destroy their careers and leer at them and little girls as they change and use the rest rooms while trying to de-evolve and undefine what being a woman even is.
Wow, that makes no sense.......there’s a comment in there somewhere, or not.
You saying the information is incorrect?
I’m saying nothing about the information. It has no bearing on what the nation did, drain itself of natural resources to keep fascism from spreading and defeat Hitler a known racist. . Now we had President waiting to be indicted for being a traitor who is also a Racist. Funny, since Judaism is not a race.
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Wow. That might be the most non sequitur post of the night. Congratulations and good night.
Nope. It makes all the sense in the world. Criticizing the same science, the same scientists and the same institutions, Govt agencies and research facilities that you depend upon every day because you disagree with its findings in climate change is ignorance. I hear the right criticize NASA for example, for its stance on climate when the entire shipping industry, defense related industry and defense department itself depends upon them for some of the same information they disseminate daily for other uses. It’s hilarious.
REMEMBER THAT JACKASS as you send mutilated men into their sports to destroy their careers and leer at them and little girls as they change and use the rest rooms while trying to de-evolve and undefine what being a woman even is.
More MAGA nut job fear mongering. This is a perfect example why Trump Humpers have no credibility.
Wow. That might be the most non sequitur post of the night. Congratulations and good night.
How about this. Give us the date in time MAGA wants to return to. Make America Great “Again”

When was it America was greater ? You must have a time.
REMEMBER THAT JACKASS as you send mutilated men into their sports to destroy their careers and leer at them and little girls as they change and use the rest rooms while trying to de-evolve and undefine what being a woman even is.
The Jack Ass is the person who supports gop policies that put every woman at more risk during pregnancy. Only idiots would support such govt MANDATED policies that add to the risk of women dying or maimed in a situation where only the
bureaucrats get to decide who lives or dies.
REMEMBER THAT JACKASS as you send mutilated men into their sports to destroy their careers and leer at them and little girls as they change and use the rest rooms while trying to de-evolve and undefine what being a woman even is.
So, as a response to your made up shit, you support oppressing a woman's reproductive rights
Because you and Mac1958 say so?
MAGA’s are devoted to Trump for one reason and one reason only….he 100% positively HATES and fights against all things Left just like all good real core Americans or MAGA’s do….Trump is simply the current commander of the MAGA movement.
All things left…like science, Medicare, social security and a balanced budget and rule of law.
Democrats don't even want Biden to run again! The majority of republicans seem to condone Trump stealing government secrets and breaking federal laws. Who's the criminal here? The difference between democrats and republicans is, democrats have no interest in idolizing a politician, they're not looking for someone to rule over them like some dictator. No one is buying a silly red hate and attending a Biden rally. Democrats are not hanging on every word uttered by Joe Biden. If Biden stole government secrets democrats wouldn't be running to defend him at every turn, they'd want him arrested. If Biden incited a riot they'd want him investigated and jailed. Democrats are a not a cult, that is the difference.
Is Obama God?

I am God and I gave you no such right.

He came to me in a dream.

No, that was Adolf Hitler that was buttfucking you in your dream.

He laid his hand on my shoulder (in the form of a lighning bolt of course), and he said in his thunderous God voice.....

And there you have it.

Anymore stupid questions?
I am the answer to all, almighty God.
Democrats don't even want Biden to run again! The majority of republicans seem to condone Trump stealing government secrets and breaking federal laws. Who's the criminal here? The difference between democrats and republicans is, democrats have no interest in idolizing a politician, they're not looking for someone to rule over them like some dictator. No one is buying a silly red hate and attending a Biden rally. Democrats are not hanging on every word uttered by Joe Biden. If Biden stole government secrets democrats wouldn't be running to defend him at every turn, they'd want him arrested. If Biden incited a riot they'd want him investigated and jailed. Democrats are a not a cult, that is the difference.
I want Adolf Biden to run again.

Look at what a wonderful Resident he is? Why just the other day Emperor Xi was remarking about what a faithful servant his little dog Biden is.

Oh, and as Commander In Chief, it's not POSSIBLE for Biden to "steal government secrets."

Barack Obama gave classified intelligence directly to Vladimir Putin to assist in the first invasion of Ukraine for Allah's sake - and the court ruled that the act of the CIC handing secrets to a hostile foreign government declassified the documents.

The CIC - which is the president - is the final arbiter of what is or is not classified. It is no more possible for Xi's man Biden to "steal secrets" than it was for Trump, Obama, Bush, or any other president.

The obsessive hatred of the Nazi party for Emanuel Goldstein causes you to post such idiocy.

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