Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?
To be a MAGA, means you are a psycho, brain-dead Neanderthal, dumber than the Tea Party. You are the opposite of a Patriot! You want an autocracy! You want to replace the Constitution with a Dictator! In this case, the Great Orange Man Bad, who happens to be the most stupid fuckhead on the planet.
I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?

To make it clear I always refer to people like you as:

"MAGA Idiots"

or to be more descriptive:

"Putin's useful idiots"

Either one works!
It says they're terrified of what they know is coming and lashing out at what they fear.
Yes but I think it goes beyond the election. It's all part of the demonization of Donald Trump and anyone who supports him. It's one of the most disgraceful things I've ever seen in American politics.
To be a MAGA, means you are a psycho, brain-dead Neanderthal, dumber than the Tea Party. You are the opposite of a Patriot! You want an autocracy! You want to replace the Constitution with a Dictator! In this case, the Great Orange Man Bad, who happens to be the most stupid fuckhead on the planet.
Billo up your anger meds, they aren't working.
To be a MAGA, means you are a psycho, brain-dead Neanderthal, dumber than the Tea Party. You are the opposite of a Patriot! You want an autocracy! You want to replace the Constitution with a Dictator! In this case, the Great Orange Man Bad, who happens to be the most stupid fuckhead on the planet.

So, to support America means you are a psycho, brain-dead Neanderthal?

I guess we can't all be as sophisticated as you Nazis, with your bitter hatred for America.
Hey, I’m not the one going off on random rants. If you want a DS then look in the mirror

All you've done is rant.

You're eaten alive by the fact that Donald Trump stood up to your school yard bully party. Even though Trump is gone, you're obsessed with "getting" him, because you need to prove to all that NO ONE dare stand against you, or you'll destroy them and their families. In the end, terror is all you have to maintain your power.

It is this that is the basis of the TDS insanity you suffer from.
If you’re talking about Hitler then no. Not a hero of mine. He was the epitome of evil

I don't like talking about dogshit, but when there is a pile of it in the middle of the room, the topics going to come up.

America has a Nazi problem - the filthy National Socialist democrats.
All you've done is rant.

You're eaten alive by the fact that Donald Trump stood up to your school yard bully party. Even though Trump is gone, you're obsessed with "getting" him, because you need to prove to all that NO ONE dare stand against you, or you'll destroy them and their families. In the end, terror is all you have to maintain your power.

It is this that is the basis of the TDS insanity you suffer from.
The things you tell yourself about how your imaginary enemies think is hilarious. But by all means keep telling yourself that I’m the one who is ranting here. Haha
That’s ok, no offense taken. It’s expected for y’all to resort to meaningless insults once you get a schooling. Good game man, looking forward to the next one!
Schooling? Another good one! I never said you were stupid, only that you were playing stupid, you seem reasonably intelligent, well, except for voting.
Schooling? Another good one! I never said you were stupid, only that you were playing stupid, you seem reasonably intelligent, well, except for voting.

Yep, being coy -- playing stupid -- is one of the favorite tools of leftist vermin. It doesn't work, but then neither do any of their old, overused tools, like the name calling and gaslighting.
Whether it's the President or a USMB member, if they use MAGA or MAGAts as derogatory terms, that speaks volumes about THEM.
MAGA IS derogatory and needs to be viewed that way. It’s anti science, fascist bigotry. It’s head is a criminal with anti democracy intent. You have to be shitting us thinking MAGAs can spend years insulting peoples and thinking their little whimpering and whining should be viewed in any way but distain. MAGAs are AWOL when it comes to integrity.

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