Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

Have you heard of the squad? They are leftist lawmakers who hate the Jewish people and would love to see them eradicated. Also, you can stop with the return to slavery B.S, as a white working man, I am more a slave than anyone!
You’re a slave to ignorance. The less informed you are, the more fearful you are…now you’re afraid of women.
MAGA IS derogatory and needs to be viewed that way. It’s anti science, fascist bigotry. It’s head is a criminal with anti democracy intent. You have to be shitting us thinking MAGAs can spend years insulting peoples and thinking their little whimpering and whining should be viewed in any way but distain. MAGAs are AWOL when it comes to integrity.
Wow triggered much? Anti science? y'all are the ones telling kids to mutilate themselves, and become a different sex. Fascism, Bigotry? We aren't a Democracy, learn something. By the way your whimpering, whining, and name calling are noted. You're tolerance also.
MAGA IS derogatory and needs to be viewed that way. It’s anti science, fascist bigotry. It’s head is a criminal with anti democracy intent. You have to be shitting us thinking MAGAs can spend years insulting peoples and thinking their little whimpering and whining should be viewed in any way but distain. MAGAs are AWOL when it comes to integrity.

MAGA! Say it, bitch!
The things you tell yourself about how your imaginary enemies think is hilarious. But by all means keep telling yourself that I’m the one who is ranting here. Haha

These are the things you, and your filthy fascist party - with you Nazi show trials and hundreds of political prisoners, show us every day.

We KNOW the reason that you can't let it go with Trump - if a bully let's one person defy them, soon everyone will. Your Reich uses terror to maintain power. IF you fail to destroy Trump, then you prove yourself impotent. Others will stand up to you. Soon you no longer rule.
MAGA IS derogatory

Well, to Nazi scum like you it is - you hate America.

But then, you're a pile of shit....

and needs to be viewed that way. It’s anti science, fascist bigotry. It’s head is a criminal with anti democracy intent. You have to be shitting us thinking MAGAs can spend years insulting peoples and thinking their little whimpering and whining should be viewed in any way but distain. MAGAs are AWOL when it comes to integrity.

Ooze back to your Sewer Nazi = you're done, at least for a couple of years.
You’re a slave to ignorance. The less informed you are, the more fearful you are…now you’re afraid of women.

So amusing to hear a Nazi, who thinks there are 57 genders, who thinks masks stop viruses, who thinks that what a woman carries in her womb is not human, talk about ignorance.

You Nazi filth reject science, knowledge, and reality.
Have you been diagnosed as insane?

Of course not. Your the one calling criminals political prisoners. They have video footage of your guy hitting cops with a stick. In the USA that’s a crime.

Video footage from police body cameras showed Mellis along with other people using sticks and other items as weapons to assault officers protecting the Capitol, court documents said. The criminal complaint also said Mellis was seen in the footage taking a stick and saying "Knock their masks off," before the video shows him strike an officer. Another video that law enforcement obtained appeared to show Mellis making contact with officers necks between their helmet and body armor.

Is the squad, or isn't it, blatantly anti semetic, let's start with that.
I guess that depends on your definition of antisemitic. Do you consider pro-Muslim / Pro-Palestine antisemitic?

Do you consider being against politics in Israel as antisemitic?
I guess that depends on your definition of antisemitic. Do you consider pro-Muslim / Pro-Palestine antisemitic?

Do you consider being against politics in Israel as antisemitic?
Muslims are antisemetic yes Palestinians do not exist as a people! They are arabs

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