Do You Consider Some Nationalities to Be More Entitled to US Citizenship?

Nationality has nothing to do with it. I am constantly amazed at the flat out refusal to hear the word ILLEGALLY entering and staying and using whatever they can at taxpayers expense. ILLEGAL. Why is that word so invisible?

Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.

This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

Try reading it again.
Nationality has nothing to do with it. I am constantly amazed at the flat out refusal to hear the word ILLEGALLY entering and staying and using whatever they can at taxpayers expense. ILLEGAL. Why is that word so invisible?

Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.

This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

Try reading it again.

I have read it again and my reading comprehension skills have been dutifully honed. I still don't understand where the 'hogwash' statement applies.
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?

The only people I want to have citizenship are Americans.
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?

The countries mentioned are countries where education is a priority. We must stop importing poverty and illiteracy from latin american countries.
José;3918104 said:
In 21th century multicultural America whinning about illegal immigration is the last socially accepted refuge for white americans to covertly complain about the browning of their tribe.

And I don't blame them at all. These individuals are merely engaging in normal tribalist behavior lambasting invaders who in their eyes can't be assimilated because they don't even look like them.

So... you believe that the USA should be the only country on the planet that has no right to secure its borders and enforce its immigration laws? Is that what you believe?
We should just bomb Mexico and it's people to smithereens and take-over and be done with it. The jungle will grow back fast.
Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.

Immigration quotas by country are set by the government, not by private citizens. The USA has accumulated nearly as many legal immigrants in the past few decades than than the rest of the world combined. If there is a country on the planet with similar population that takes in more legal immigrants from all around the world than the USA, I'd like to know about it.

Over 1,000,000 legal immigrants come into this country every year. That's a large amount, set because it's an amount that is bureacratically manageable and capable of assimilating without overwhelming our services and economy.

The problem is that in addition to that, over 1,500,000 come in illegally every year. We don't know who they are. We don't know where they are. We don't know what the are doing here. This is a problem... a 20,000,000 illegals using fake and stolen identification, causing all many of economic chaos to the victims of ID theft and the taxpayers who must pay for welfare, education and medical services.

So the question the OP posed about legal immigration poses a presumption that Americans are opposed to "immigration" because the primary immigrants are not European. That is a false presumption to begin with, so to fully respond to it the problem of an immense illegal population must be discussed as well.
We have always had preferred nationalities for immigrants and undesirables (Irish, Chinese, Italians) who were going to ruin the country
I am all for immigration, LEGAL immigration. Illegal is illegal. It ain't rocket science......
Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.

Immigration quotas by country are set by the government, not by private citizens. The USA has accumulated nearly as many legal immigrants in the past few decades than than the rest of the world combined. If there is a country on the planet with similar population that takes in more legal immigrants from all around the world than the USA, I'd like to know about it.

Over 1,000,000 legal immigrants come into this country every year. That's a large amount, set because it's an amount that is bureacratically manageable and capable of assimilating without overwhelming our services and economy.

The problem is that in addition to that, over 1,500,000 come in illegally every year. We don't know who they are. We don't know where they are. We don't know what the are doing here. This is a problem... a 20,000,000 illegals using fake and stolen identification, causing all many of economic chaos to the victims of ID theft and the taxpayers who must pay for welfare, education and medical services.

So the question the OP posed about legal immigration poses a presumption that Americans are opposed to "immigration" because the primary immigrants are not European. That is a false presumption to begin with, so to fully respond to it the problem of an immense illegal population must be discussed as well.

All relevant and good info and solutions are in order. My position is that the OP is asking how do americans feel about immigration in general. Basically, Blagger has created a little petri dish and is watching Americans struggle with its own racism right here witinthis post.
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The real question should be, how do you Americans like paying for illegal aliens out of your pay checks? Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

One illegal alien family, costs the U.S. taxpayers more than $32,000 in federal, state and local benefits each year. That same family contributes an average of $9,000 a year in taxes, resulting in a net tax burden of $22,449 each year. If the lower figure of 12 million illegal aliens is used for estimation purposes, the total tax burden translates to $2.2 trillion per year.

All relevant and good info and solutions are in order. My position is that the OP is asking how do americans feel about immigration in general. Basically, Blagger has created a little petri dish and is watching Americans struggle with its own racism right here witinthis post.

Oh. That is not the interpretation I had of the OP, or the thread in general, so apparently I have misspoken. Carry on. :)
All relevant and good info and solutions are in order. My position is that the OP is asking how do americans feel about immigration in general. Basically, Blagger has created a little petri dish and is watching Americans struggle with its own racism right here witinthis post.

Oh. That is not the interpretation I had of the OP, or the thread in general, so apparently I have misspoken. Carry on. :)

oh, heck if I know! Just my thoughts. Yours are just as relevant, everybody on USMB is unique and special. :lol:
All relevant and good info and solutions are in order. My position is that the OP is asking how do americans feel about immigration in general. Basically, Blagger has created a little petri dish and is watching Americans struggle with its own racism right here witinthis post.

Oh. That is not the interpretation I had of the OP, or the thread in general, so apparently I have misspoken. Carry on. :)

oh, heck if I know! Just my thoughts. Yours are just as relevant, everybody on USMB is unique and special. :lol:

I take your view, and the comments have been interesting.
Just look at the countries that people come from, and thats what America will be getting.
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?

I don't care where they come from, but preference should be given to those who speak English, appear to want to assimilate, have a high IQ, are educated, or have a useful skill. We have to stop being the dumping ground for third world illiterates and people who would consider America just an address, just a place to make money.
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The discussion in the thread was about how 'bad' Mexicans were for America. I was kind of...pointing out that the likelihood of Mexicans coming here with out papers, getting a teaching license and a MA and threatening my already shaky job security is nil.

Actually, illegal immigration helps my job. I teach ESL. :D

Don't you have to be able to speak English to do that? :rolleyes: :lmao:
I believe that the impact of illegal immigrants is being seen in education, health care, and job security.
And illegal immigrants are acting as responsible non-citizens because they aren`t paying taxes, But they have a fair chance at a better life in America.

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