Do You Consider Some Nationalities to Be More Entitled to US Citizenship?

José;3927498 said:
Originally posted by DiAnna
Wow. I thought insulting a poster's family members was one of the few things frowned upon here. This seems like an incredibly rude and uncalled for comment.

Originally posted by Cecilie1200
People who use the word "mutt" in reference to other human beings are just demonstrating that they have to be proud of something they had no control over - their race - because they're too useless to actually DO anything to be proud of.

Take a long look in the mirror, Jose, because I AM talking about you.

Originally posted by Againsheila
Okay guys, I need more rep so I can neg rep this creep right into the ground....

Bunch of mentally retarded women!!!! Unable to understand a tiny post with about 70 words!!

I was referring to ANGLOS... those are their words, not mine!! What I said is based on my personal experiences in the US. How could I call anyone a mutt when I'm a mutt myself (like most people of Latin American ancestry)??

And call me a creep all you want, Sheila, but I still remember all the times you complained about whites becoming a minority in America.

Making a statement of fact is not the same as complaining...

Calling women who disagree with your insulting another woman's child "mentally retarded" shows you to be the creep you are.

I'm an anglo and I don't say anything like that. In fact none of the "Anglos" I know talk about people like that. Do you even know any "Anglos?" You have shown yourself to be one of the biggest racists on this board. I seriously doubt you have any anglo friends. I, on the other hand, have friends of all races and ethnicities and even family members of all races. No one insults my nieces who are 1/2 black or my nieces who are 1/2 Thai, not in front of me, not if they want to be able to walk away unscathed.
Just wondering,
How would you, as a Brit, like it if tens of thousands, nay hundreds of thousands, of Irish fled to England and demanded free medical care, free schooling for their children; and, when they had nothing better to do, raped and robbed English citizens? And when arrested filed hate crime law suits against Scotland Yard, and to make matters worse, had the backing of the House of Commons which was hoping for their future votes. What if they decided not to speak English but Gaelic and sued the Crown for not having classes in Gaelic, or translators in hospitals, or signs in train stations? Who would you think you are wanting to maintain your own national identity?
José;3927498 said:
Originally posted by DiAnna
Wow. I thought insulting a poster's family members was one of the few things frowned upon here. This seems like an incredibly rude and uncalled for comment.

Originally posted by Cecilie1200
People who use the word "mutt" in reference to other human beings are just demonstrating that they have to be proud of something they had no control over - their race - because they're too useless to actually DO anything to be proud of.

Take a long look in the mirror, Jose, because I AM talking about you.

Originally posted by Againsheila
Okay guys, I need more rep so I can neg rep this creep right into the ground....

Bunch of mentally retarded women!!!! Unable to understand a tiny post with about 70 words!!

I was referring to ANGLOS... those are their words, not mine!! What I said is based on my personal experiences in the US. How could I call anyone a mutt when I'm a mutt myself (like most people of Latin American ancestry)??

And call me a creep all you want, Sheila, but I still remember all the times you complained about whites becoming a minority in America.

Jose, does that chip on your shoulder weigh you down??????
The discussion in the thread was about how 'bad' Mexicans were for America. I was kind of...pointing out that the likelihood of Mexicans coming here with out papers, getting a teaching license and a MA and threatening my already shaky job security is nil.

Actually, illegal immigration helps my job. I teach ESL. :D

And therein lies the problem........:tongue:
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?


That is the major point.

I am all for to the sponsorship method. If they want to come they need a legal citizen to sponsor them....and be totally responsible for that person for 20 years.
IMO we should be much more selective as to who we allow legal entry into the country.

We really don't need uneducated unskilled people.
Just wondering,
How would you, as a Brit, like it if tens of thousands, nay hundreds of thousands, of Irish fled to England and demanded free medical care, free schooling for their children; and, when they had nothing better to do, raped and robbed English citizens? And when arrested filed hate crime law suits against Scotland Yard, and to make matters worse, had the backing of the House of Commons which was hoping for their future votes. What if they decided not to speak English but Gaelic and sued the Crown for not having classes in Gaelic, or translators in hospitals, or signs in train stations? Who would you think you are wanting to maintain your own national identity?

Does it have to be Irish?
IMO we should be much more selective as to who we allow legal entry into the country.

We really don't need uneducated unskilled people.
The american dream was to rise up out of poverty. Legal immigrants made this country great. The only reason unskilled workers are a problem now is because of welfare. You cant have immigration and a huge welfare state. Welfare is the problem not unskilled workers immigrating.
IMO we should be much more selective as to who we allow legal entry into the country.

We really don't need uneducated unskilled people.
The american dream was to rise up out of poverty. Legal immigrants made this country great. The only reason unskilled workers are a problem now is because of welfare. You cant have immigration and a huge welfare state. Welfare is the problem not unskilled workers immigrating.

Then fix welfare first.
IMO we should be much more selective as to who we allow legal entry into the country.

We really don't need uneducated unskilled people.
The american dream was to rise up out of poverty. Legal immigrants made this country great. The only reason unskilled workers are a problem now is because of welfare. You cant have immigration and a huge welfare state. Welfare is the problem not unskilled workers immigrating.

Then fix welfare first.
Exactly, I agree completely. But if we put so much focus on strengthening the borders, welfare will be ignored.
The american dream was to rise up out of poverty. Legal immigrants made this country great. The only reason unskilled workers are a problem now is because of welfare. You cant have immigration and a huge welfare state. Welfare is the problem not unskilled workers immigrating.

Then fix welfare first.
Exactly, I agree completely. But if we put so much focus on strengthening the borders, welfare will be ignored.

Stop the bleeding at the border then fix welfare then revamp out immigration policy.

But since that is a logical plan no one in the fucking government will do it.
José;3927498 said:
Originally posted by DiAnna
Wow. I thought insulting a poster's family members was one of the few things frowned upon here. This seems like an incredibly rude and uncalled for comment.

Originally posted by Againsheila
Okay guys, I need more rep so I can neg rep this creep right into the ground....

Bunch of mentally retarded women!!!! Unable to understand a tiny post with about 70 words!!

I was referring to ANGLOS... those are their words, not mine!! What I said is based on my personal experiences in the US. How could I call anyone a mutt when I'm a mutt myself (like most people of Latin American ancestry)??

And call me a creep all you want, Sheila, but I still remember all the times you complained about whites becoming a minority in America.

Making a statement of fact is not the same as complaining...

Calling women who disagree with your insulting another woman's child "mentally retarded" shows you to be the creep you are.

I'm an anglo and I don't say anything like that. In fact none of the "Anglos" I know talk about people like that. Do you even know any "Anglos?" You have shown yourself to be one of the biggest racists on this board. I seriously doubt you have any anglo friends. I, on the other hand, have friends of all races and ethnicities and even family members of all races. No one insults my nieces who are 1/2 black or my nieces who are 1/2 Thai, not in front of me, not if they want to be able to walk away unscathed.

Who the hell refers to people as "Anglos", anyway? What the hell is that? The only people I know of who might fit that term would be the Angles, who lived in the British Isles centuries ago and were bred out of existence by successive waves of invaders. I'm not a member of that culture, nor is anyone alive on the planet today.

If you want to talk about white people, just say so. What the flip is accomplished by incorrectly calling people by the name of a culture that hasn't existed for millennia?
The american dream was to rise up out of poverty. Legal immigrants made this country great. The only reason unskilled workers are a problem now is because of welfare. You cant have immigration and a huge welfare state. Welfare is the problem not unskilled workers immigrating.

Then fix welfare first.
Exactly, I agree completely. But if we put so much focus on strengthening the borders, welfare will be ignored.

Why? We're the United States of America, for god's sake. Aren't we able to multitask?
No, It could be Irish, Welsh, Scots, Spanish, or South African but preferably a group that was subservient to the British Crown at one time or another - even Americans... but we more or less speak the same language or try to...
No, It could be Irish, Welsh, Scots, Spanish, or South African but preferably a group that was subservient to the British Crown at one time or another - even Americans... but we more or less speak the same language or try to...

Hmmmm, well Britain is already heavily inundated by eastern Europeans. Of course most of that is legal because of the EU.

There was a significant influx from the West Indies in the 50s / 60s, which could arguably have been said to have changed certain sections of society, but that's quite a while ago now. And of course there has been significant immigration from India / Pakistan, but that's hardly a like for like comparison to the US / Mexico issue.
Exactly, I agree completely. But if we put so much focus on strengthening the borders, welfare will be ignored.

Why? We're the United States of America, for god's sake. Aren't we able to multitask?
Obviously not considering our government cant even do one thing right.

That's not true. Our government CAN do a number of things right. It just doesn't, at the moment . . . possibly because it's spending so much time and effort trying to do things it has no business doing.
Why? We're the United States of America, for god's sake. Aren't we able to multitask?
Obviously not considering our government cant even do one thing right.

That's not true. Our government CAN do a number of things right. It just doesn't, at the moment . . . possibly because it's spending so much time and effort trying to do things it has no business doing.
A number of things? Such as...?

So far our government seems to only do well fighting wars. We can all rest safe knowing that our government's greatest skill is killing people.

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