Do you ever feel like you missed your calling in life or that you've wasted it?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.

Without question I was born in the wrong country. My genetic makeup is one of constant driving forward, a compulsive "constant hunter" mentality if I were a caveman. It's not good or bad, it's just how I was made.

Yes, I've lost a lot, but God decided I have a new calling in life. By the end, Canada and a number of her dirty covert operative will be naked and exposed. For that, I thank the Lord. If I can influence other good liberty loving citizens to abandon their naivety towards socialist system and know the truth, I might have ensured a much greater contribution than just a drive for my own career success.

... in my younger days...

... I wanted to be a playboy...

... but I didn't have the looks or money...

... so I had to get a job instead.
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Maybe "wasted" was too strong a term.
There are so many choices in life that making the right one every time is just impossible.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
Yes, but not because I've missed My calling in life.

Yes because I never felt I had a calling.

I have no one single 'passion' in life.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
Yes, but not because I've missed My calling in life.

Yes because I never felt I had a calling.

I have no one single 'passion' in life.
That last sentence rings true. So many interests, so little time.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
I am at the age where I think quite a bit about my life and of course, there are regrets. I wish I had been more empathetic when I was a teenager to be there when my parents were struggling.

There were odds and ends of what I would do differently if I had a chance. One thing went well, and that was my career choice. I loved teaching and all my children.

You know gramps, you say you have a lover for history, paleontology, and archeology. Do you have a chance to share your knowledge with children? I liked history and politics and would have great conversations with my grandchildren. One is going to be a history professor! I can't say I swayed him but I told him often that would be a great career choice for him and indeed that's what he plans!

I often think if there is reincarnation and I had a second chance of life, what major changes I would make.

You are right there with the rest of happy.
Nope.......I know that all my life experiences has led me to this time in my life where I expose the truth of how this banking system of perpetual debt has made slaves of most of humanity. It can be a lonely mission at times, but I wouldn't go back to being one of the sheeple for any price. I have my mission and I do my best to fulfill it.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
I am at the age where I think quite a bit about my life and of course, there are regrets. I wish I had been more empathetic when I was a teenager to be there when my parents were struggling.

There were odds and ends of what I would do differently if I had a chance. One thing went well, and that was my career choice. I loved teaching and all my children.

You know gramps, you say you have a lover for history, paleontology, and archeology. Do you have a chance to share your knowledge with children? I liked history and politics and would have great conversations with my grandchildren. One is going to be a history professor! I can't say I swayed him but I told him often that would be a great career choice for him and indeed that's what he plans!

I often think if there is reincarnation and I had a second chance of life, what major changes I would make.

You are right there with the rest of happy.
So you're saying I could teach my grandson to be Bruce Willis in Armegedon?

Nope.......I know that all my life experiences has led me to this time in my life where I expose the truth of how this banking system of perpetual debt has made slaves of most of humanity. It can be a lonely mission at times, but I wouldn't go back to being one of the sheeple for any price. I have my mission and I do my best to fulfill it.
So you blame your personal debt on the banking system? You must be a liberal.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
I am at the age where I think quite a bit about my life and of course, there are regrets. I wish I had been more empathetic when I was a teenager to be there when my parents were struggling.

There were odds and ends of what I would do differently if I had a chance. One thing went well, and that was my career choice. I loved teaching and all my children.

You know gramps, you say you have a lover for history, paleontology, and archeology. Do you have a chance to share your knowledge with children? I liked history and politics and would have great conversations with my grandchildren. One is going to be a history professor! I can't say I swayed him but I told him often that would be a great career choice for him and indeed that's what he plans!

I often think if there is reincarnation and I had a second chance of life, what major changes I would make.

You are right there with the rest of happy.
So you're saying I could teach my grandson to be Bruce Willis in Armegedon?

That isn't exactly what I had in
We all have regrets, and the best we can do at any stage of life is what we think is the right thing to do. If you can look back, and say you gave each situation the consideration it deserved, and honestly tried to do what you thought was right, you have no need to beat yourself for missed opportunities, or mistakes. If however, you realize you were intentionally selfish or intentionally dumb, you earned those regrets and you deserve those twinges of guilt. Either way, playing " what if", in this context, never helped anyone, and has destroyed many..
We all have regrets, and the best we can do at any stage of life is what we think is the right thing to do. If you can look back, and say you gave each situation the consideration it deserved, and honestly tried to do what you thought was right, you have no need to beat yourself for missed opportunities, or mistakes. If however, you realize you were intentionally selfish or intentionally dumb, you earned those regrets and you deserve those twinges of guilt. Either way, playing " what if", in this context, never helped anyone, and has destroyed many..
We all have regrets
That's true; however, having one so great as "missing one's calling in life" is tantamount to asserting one's life has been a failure and that one is, in effect, a waste of skin. After all, what the hell does it take to miss one's calling in life other than that one was paying attention to oneself and the world in which one lives? Nothing.
I spent 35 years in the IT business. The first 20 were awesome, i got to live all around the world and made an embarrassing amount of money.

The last 15 were boring ... a combination of having moved to upper management and a stagnation in telecommunications technology.

So, I retired and became a cop. Starting over at the beginning with a whole new set of skills to learn in awesome ... plus I get to hit people with impunity.
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.

Robert Frost addressed this in his well known poem.

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

People have ascribed all sorts of meanings to this but he said exactly what it means. When he was in England he had a friend that would take him on longs walks just to chat and this friend was constantly worried they could have taken a better path, that they were missing something by going the route they went. Frost went on to say the poem means just what it says, you have a choice and you choose and that's it. There are many clues throughout the poem, I took the one less traveled by, which could mean traveled on or traveled past at the same time. There is no riddle, you choose and you are on the path.

Everyone wonders what would have happened had they done something else. And there is no age that you can't start doing what you want to do, people get law degrees at 85 and go on to practice law.

If you aren't interested in school then join clubs that are geared towards the field you are interested in. Contact your local college that does archeology or paleontology and ask if they need helpers on dig sites. Buy and read books on the subjects in history you are interested in. There is only one person stopping you.
What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.

Sometimes regret translates to guilt. Maybe there's someone you need to make amends to.

Beyond that - the photo in your avatar proves that it's not 'all a waste'. :)

In hindsight, who has not made bad choices...or could have made better ones. If the past keeps me awake at night - it is my words or behavior toward another person that I regret...and those cannot always be undone.

What do I do with feelings of regret?...briefly wallow in them, then move on - because onward is the only direction that life allows us to go.

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