Do you feel like the world is coming to an end?

2.6 billion is not for studies. These are programs that directly help women in backward countries where their opportunities are repressed.
How about 3.6 trillion in welfare benefits that directly help young women repress their opportunities by raising children without fathers? Throwing money at a problem is not fixing it.
They have been saying the world is going to end since I was born, I am getting tired of them saying it and the world actually not ending. If it hasn't ended now it never will.

I actually took a class on gender studies in college. I fail to see why this is so awful that colleges are teaching gender studies, sorry am I missing some awful world event here?
Want a medal?
I know a lot of people are afraid of trans, or guys/ gals who decide to change genders. I don't know what they are really so afraid of or what the big issue is. I think some people on this forum are more afraid of trans then a nuclear bomb. It really is very silly. Someone chooses to defy society norms and be a trans or change genders people have a heart attack over it, please people there are really more things to be worried about in this world take a chill pill.
A lot of people don't like horrendous shit like destroying women's sports with men competing as women, and men playing "trans-woman" as a scam to rape little girls in high school bathrooms....And those are only the tip of the iceberg.

Actual gender dysphoria only affects 0.014% of the population, yet the rest of the world is being expected to treat their mental dysfunction as normal human activity, by the woketards running rampant everywhere....That's seriously fucked up.
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Well, Obama failed to follow through on it all the way in 2008, but the wonderful thing about "fiat" money is simply that the "money creator" can buy up all the "worthless" assets and then sell them back off again after the market hits bottom.
Those of us paying attention know what games you cultural Marxist shits play with words.

You're not fooling anyone.

You said I was just playing semantics and I explained why I'm clearly not.

Come back when you can coherently put togather a real response.
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Anyone who believes that $2.6 billion spent on women's equity will make any difference at all anywhere in the world is seriously divorced from reality. What we have here is nothing more than political pandering. Otherwise known as bullshit.
Can you honestly say you ANY familiarity at all with these programs?
Do you have ANY familiarity at all with these programs?

Do you? I have no information anywhere about how and where the $2.6 billion is going to be spent. I am not optimistic that any of that money will make a difference wherever it goes, but I suspect a great deal of it will end up in the pockets of US special interest groups and agencies that support the president and the local politicians and bureaucrats in other countries who will do nothing of substance to address the situation.
Nope, these are not different words for same meaning.

These are very different words with very different meanings.

2.6 billion is not for studies. These are programs that directly help women in backward countries where their opportunities are repressed.
The Neo-GOP know this to be true too. They just don't care. It's that simple. They don't GAF about women in backwards areas of America why should they care about women in other countries.
You said I was just playing semantics and I explained why I'm clearly not.

Come back when you can coherently put togather a real response.
You played semantics, then parroted the lies that the players of semantics use, in order to blow the smoke they blow so well.

I've been at this quite awhile....You're not fooling anyone who knows how you cultural Marxist scum play the game....Like me.
I actually posted on this thread, a response intended for another thread. ANd I was no more off topic than others posting here!

Gimme another shot of aristocrat and an oldstyle barkeep!
Anyone who believes that $2.6 billion spent on women's equity will make any difference at all anywhere in the world is seriously divorced from reality. What we have here is nothing more than political pandering. Otherwise known as bullshit.

The money will be siphoned off into feeding them. You know, basic sustenance needs since most of them are refugees or near refugees.
Yes of course.
In 7.6 billion years the sun has evolved into a red star, completely engulfing the earth.

On a more short term scale, Sapiens has proven it self to be quite destructive, who knows.
Do you? I have no information anywhere about how and where the $2.6 billion is going to be spent.
Well it seems you have way too strong of an opinion about something you are not familiar with.

I don't have specific break down, but I saw many examples of our aid helping organizations in developing contries concentrated on women's education, professional and agricultural development, child care, shelter and etc.

It is good to do good in the world. I helps stabalize volatile regions, it helps develop countries to be self-sufficient and to contribute to global economy. It buys us good will, supports our brand and foreign policy objectives. Spending 1% of our budget on that does not seem excessive.
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but I saw many examples of our aid helping organizations in developing contries concentrated on women's education, professional and agricultural development, child care, shelter and etc.

And I saw many examples of our aid that didn't help anybody. But you're right, $2.6 bil is kinda a drop in the bucket considering we're talking about what might come close to a $5 trillion budget. I'm guessing that the democrats in Congress will up the ante to probably twice that, but we'll see.
They have been saying the world is going to end since I was born, I am getting tired of them saying it and the world actually not ending. If it hasn't ended now it never will.

I actually took a class on gender studies in college. I fail to see why this is so awful that colleges are teaching gender studies, sorry am I missing some awful world event here?

I know a lot of people are afraid of trans, or guys/ gals who decide to change genders. I don't know what they are really so afraid of or what the big issue is. I think some people on this forum are more afraid of trans then a nuclear bomb. It really is very silly. Someone chooses to defy society norms and be a trans or change genders people have a heart attack over it, please people there are really more things to be worried about in this world take a chill pill.
Children in school being fed this stuff has led to gender confusion up some 4000%. An overwhelming number, of which, are girls.

Essentially girls seem to have more emotional/psychological issues as a baseline and more prone to buy into the fact they may be another gender due to their emotional/psychological issues.

And giving children hormone therapy or even surgery before they are even allowed to have sex is child abuse.

But you know this, don't you, and you don't give a damn.
In the last 20 years we have had

the 2008 crash
Russian involvement in our elections
The Capitol attack

Hell of a 20 years
Trouble feeding yourself and family due to mass inflation and gas prices? Are you afraid global warming will end the earth?

Put those concerns away, cuz our real focus should be spending $2.6 billion in gender studies around the world.

At least, that is what Diaper Joe thinks.

Dang it. Trump has already funded gender studies. And now the democrats want to? How many studies does it take to realize their are just two genders, and a few anomalies?

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