Do You have Friends who Cut Themselves?

Cutting can be a way to relieve stress and tension. It can be a way to punish one's self for perceived flaws. It's not always an indication of suicidal behavior or thoughts.
Cutting can be a way to relieve stress and tension. It can be a way to punish one's self for perceived flaws. It's not always an indication of suicidal behavior or thoughts.

yes, i know someone who quit cutting after reading it was a cry for help.
it wasn't to die because it is rare to die that way.
most ppl pass out and are rescued later so it's a cry for help.

another friend has a daughter who would claw until both her hands were bloody raw.
my friend went through spiritual deliverance to get rid of demonic voices raging in his head.
that was not from his will, but overpowered it where he had no control.
so that is where I recommend the deliverance prayer where divine intervention
is invoked to cast out the demons. it works regardless where this is coming from.

so where some of these addictions go beyond people's free will
and require intervention from outside because the negative forces are outside the person's will,
that is where I am interested in studying the process using
Christian healing prayer that is strong enough to get rid of demonic voices

How many more people could be saved from destruction
if this process could be proven scientifically and applied medically
like other forms of therapy?
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Regardless, forgiving conflicts helps release the emotions and stresses
that makes anyone crazy to varying degrees.

It works real well. You should try it.

I find people hide their craziness very well until the time comes that they slip and yu see that you've been friends with uber-insanity for years.

I had the opposite happen to me when
I started envisioning social changes needed in the future
at a time other people didn't worry or see there were problems.

I didn't hide anything but talked about all possible ideas openly to work them out.
Of course this sounded nuts. I started way overboard with too many ideas at once
that other people didn't think were even possible much less necessary.

But the answers I found to problems that took me years to organize and explain,
now work for the problems that are commonly complained about today.
So I don't sound nearly as crazy but make a lot more sense talking about solutions.
The ideas still need to be refined and edited down, and I am still asking people
for help on how to make these solutions work where they aren't crazy but real.

The key is forgiving conflicts so we can work on solutions.
If we don't forgive each other but project blame from
the past, we'll make each other crazy with negative emotions.
And people who are really unstable react to those vibes in society
and act even crazier. We can break and reverse this cycle
by forgiving so relations can heal and problems can be solved.
And in the process of spreading forgiveness, I hope more people get help with healing
and recovery so we see less and less of mental illness and crime as a result.

I believe the same way we perpetuate our own problems and insanity,
the solutions to these are equally self-defining. the more we focus on
those, the more sane we become as a society. and the more we can
help those who are truly dangerous and insane if we stop being so crazy, too!

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