Do you hold Obama in the highest esteem?

Do you hold Obama in the highest esteem?

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Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
The opinions on Obama range. I have my own personal opinions of Obama. There have at least been times that I wanted to see him in a good light. But ultimately, I find him not to be an honorable man whom I happen to disagree with on most issues; and I thusly can't sell that illusion to myself.

But even those who like Obama's so-called leadership or agenda must surely see that he is not a man of high character. Then again, there are plenty of posters around here who mindlessly defend him to the hilt. So, out of curiosity, I want to know what percent of posters actually hold Obama in the highest esteem. Just a yes or no question.
The opinions on Obama range. I have my own personal opinions of Obama. There have at least been times that I wanted to see him in a good light. But ultimately, I find him not to be an honorable man whom I happen to disagree with on most issues; and I thusly can't sell that illusion to myself.

But even those who like Obama's so-called leadership or agenda must surely see that he is not a man of high character. Then again, there are plenty of posters around here who mindlessly defend him to the hilt. So, out of curiosity, I want to know what percent of posters actually hold Obama in the highest esteem. Just a yes or no question.

No, I hold myself in highest esteem. Compared to me, everyone else sucks. Isn't bragging just common sense. If you don't first love yourself, you can't love anyone else. :)
Not really a rabid President Obama hater ... But I think it is pretty easy to say that I don't hold him in the highest esteem.
Without being unkind to the President ... I certainly wouldn't put him at the top of class in judgment, value, or earned respect.

He is very charismatic. Seems fun to be around. Just sucks as POTUS. Would I trust his judgement if he were a friend or would I even consider him a friend? No. Do I hate him? No. Would I sit and have a burger with him? Yeah. Would I share my personal life details with him? No.
He is very charismatic. Seems fun to be around. Just sucks as POTUS. Would I trust his judgement if he were a friend or would I even consider him a friend? No. Do I hate him? No. Would I sit and have a burger with him? Yeah. Would I share my personal life details with him? No.

I note some trust issues with the president.
I don't think I would get along with Michelle at all. I'd pass on the group gathering meeting at McDs for a burger, lol.
He's a politician.

That said, there are a half a dozen insane accusations that are made that you have to combat. It's tabloid crap. You can't even get to the policies and actions that you vehemently disagree with. Although there are a couple that are more than happy to oblige because they don't want anyone to look too carefully at those policies.
The ability to hold Obama in ANY esteem is like trying to hold a turd by the clean end.
I hold him as nothing more but a thug/thief/LIAR

I could have went all my life without knowing him and his stuck up wife..... let alone him being a President of our country. I don't recognize him as my President. he's a divider. hater, thug who will shut down your National parks and memorials to get REVENGE on those not supporting His insurance scam. Onohealthcare
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I don't think I would get along with Michelle at all. I'd pass on the group gathering meeting at McDs for a burger, lol.

Oh, you would not be meeting for a burger with Michelle at McD's. They don't sell beets.
I hold him as nothing more but a thug/thief/LIAR

I could have went all my life without knowing him and his stuck up wife.
Liar? You posted an OP that's a total lie, and you know it, but never corrected it. Look in the mirror, liar.
BO has proven himself to be a left wing hack and a liar, like most politicians. Anyone who holds him in high esteem, can't be to smart.
Never forget this picture folks brought to you by the Progressive/democrat Obama because we wouldn't bow down to his funding request for OscamCare and was asking our Reps. to have it repealed

You voted them out of power in Congress and put them into the minority under this OBama Regime. NOW vote all of them out our lives for GOOD come 2016.

Obama Administration’s Shutdown of National Parks, Monuments, and Public Lands
The House has repeatedly taken action to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. Unfortunately, the Senate and President Obama refuse to come to the table and negotiate. One of the many consequences of this unfortunate shutdown is that millions of Americans are not able to visit our treasured National Parks and landmarks. However, the Obama Administration is going out of its way to take unreasonable and unnecessary steps to block public access to parks and monuments that isn’t warranted by a government shutdown.

For example, open air parks and national monuments, places without doors or gates, where people are allowed to visit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, have been barricaded off. In addition, none of these D.C. memorials were closed during the last government shutdown in 1995-1996 under the Clinton Administration. The Obama Administration’s closing of these sites is not something they are required to do; it’s something they are CHOOSING to do. The Obama Administration wants the effects of this government shutdown to be as painful as possible.

The House has passed bipartisan legislation (H.J.Res. 70, Open Our National Parks and Museums Act) to fund National Parks and keep them open to the public. The Senate has yet to act.

Related Videos:
ICYMI: Chairman Hastings Discusses Obama Admin’s “Painful as Possible” Park Closures and the Need to Negotiate (10/4/2013)

Map of Closures Around Washington, D.C.:

In The News:

all of it here:
Obama Administration s Shutdown of National Parks Monuments and Public Lands - House Committee on Natural Resources
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