Do you know who really won the Election?

The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion

Money won the Election
Election Day wasn't a win for democracy. It wasn't even necessarily a win for the Republican Party. It was a win for corporations and the ultrawealthy.

Outside spending far outstripped expenditures by candidates themselves, making many of 2014's hotly contested Senate races — the ones that determined control of Congress — as much or more about the interests of major corporations and a handful of rich Americans. In these 15 races alone, campaign committees and outside spending together came to roughly $830 million.
OH this is funny Hagan got the bulk of outside money but lost
Congressional Elections North Carolina Senate Race 2014 Cycle OpenSecrets

An outlier, one data point only partisan fools finds significant.

Edited to include CrusaderFrank as well as the other fool whose quote was noted.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.
The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion

Money won the Election
Election Day wasn't a win for democracy. It wasn't even necessarily a win for the Republican Party. It was a win for corporations and the ultrawealthy.

Outside spending far outstripped expenditures by candidates themselves, making many of 2014's hotly contested Senate races — the ones that determined control of Congress — as much or more about the interests of major corporations and a handful of rich Americans. In these 15 races alone, campaign committees and outside spending together came to roughly $830 million.

That is called CAPITALISM.

Use your brains, labor and/or ambition and be part of it, be rich, else shut the hell up or move to North Korea.
The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion

Money won the Election
Election Day wasn't a win for democracy. It wasn't even necessarily a win for the Republican Party. It was a win for corporations and the ultrawealthy.

Outside spending far outstripped expenditures by candidates themselves, making many of 2014's hotly contested Senate races — the ones that determined control of Congress — as much or more about the interests of major corporations and a handful of rich Americans. In these 15 races alone, campaign committees and outside spending together came to roughly $830 million.
OH this is funny Hagan got the bulk of outside money but lost
Congressional Elections North Carolina Senate Race 2014 Cycle OpenSecrets

An outlier, one data point only partisan fools finds significant.

Edited to include CrusaderFrank as well as the other fool whose quote was noted.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.

Outlier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion

Money won the Election
Election Day wasn't a win for democracy. It wasn't even necessarily a win for the Republican Party. It was a win for corporations and the ultrawealthy.

Outside spending far outstripped expenditures by candidates themselves, making many of 2014's hotly contested Senate races — the ones that determined control of Congress — as much or more about the interests of major corporations and a handful of rich Americans. In these 15 races alone, campaign committees and outside spending together came to roughly $830 million.
OH this is funny Hagan got the bulk of outside money but lost
Congressional Elections North Carolina Senate Race 2014 Cycle OpenSecrets

An outlier, one data point only partisan fools finds significant.

Edited to include CrusaderFrank as well as the other fool whose quote was noted.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.

Outlier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?
Notwithstanding the few who actually believe money = free speech, the influence of money corrupts elections and the consequence of elections. A republic composed of persons beholden to anyone beyond their constituency no longer represents a nation's best interests.
The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion

Money won the Election
Election Day wasn't a win for democracy. It wasn't even necessarily a win for the Republican Party. It was a win for corporations and the ultrawealthy.

Outside spending far outstripped expenditures by candidates themselves, making many of 2014's hotly contested Senate races — the ones that determined control of Congress — as much or more about the interests of major corporations and a handful of rich Americans. In these 15 races alone, campaign committees and outside spending together came to roughly $830 million.
OH this is funny Hagan got the bulk of outside money but lost
Congressional Elections North Carolina Senate Race 2014 Cycle OpenSecrets

An outlier, one data point only partisan fools finds significant.

Edited to include CrusaderFrank as well as the other fool whose quote was noted.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.

Outlier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?

Either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it.
It's wonderful having the idiot nutters joining the thread.....and failing to grasp that it isn't in the least bit partisan.

Like every other fucking attempt to discuss something where most intelligent people agree a problem exists....the idiots can't hang. They will just shit on it instead.

Very few intelligent people think that spending money is free speech. Sure...enough people with something to gain by saying that can be found supporting the practice of buying elected office.

But....very few actually believe it.

There are several pieces of legislation in congress aimed at curbing this destructive practice. Support them. Make some phone calls.
True, but I wonder if the OP would have started a similar thread had the Dims won the House and Senate ?

Why wonder that? The entire process is fucked up. Everyone knows it.

You honestly think that billions of dollars spent on LIES AND MISTREPTESENTATIONS is an effective way for candidates to present themselves for evaluation?

You can't.
And, to follow up on the above, does anyone believe the money spent isn't an effort to influence the receiver? Billionaires and Corporations didn't become weatlhy/profitable by giving away money!
True, but I wonder if the OP would have started a similar thread had the Dims won the House and Senate ?

Why wonder that? The entire process is fucked up. Everyone knows it.

You honestly think that billions of dollars spent on LIES AND MISTREPTESENTATIONS is an effective way for candidates to present themselves for evaluation?

You can't.
I don't disagree, but I wonder if the OP would have bothered to point it out had the Dims won.
OH this is funny Hagan got the bulk of outside money but lost
Congressional Elections North Carolina Senate Race 2014 Cycle OpenSecrets

An outlier, one data point only partisan fools finds significant.

Edited to include CrusaderFrank as well as the other fool whose quote was noted.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.

Outlier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?

Either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it.
Wiki the edit as you read source? only stuff that is a fact will I read when it comes from wiki.
Anyway I ask again what does that have to do with Hagan getting more money than Tillis and still losing?
An outlier, one data point only partisan fools finds significant.

Edited to include CrusaderFrank as well as the other fool whose quote was noted.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.

Outlier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?

Either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it.
Wiki the edit as you read source? only stuff that is a fact will I read when it comes from wiki.
Anyway I ask again what does that have to do with Hagan getting more money than Tillis and still losing?

Wow ... I'm inclined to insult your intelligence. So, I'll defer to giving you a hint. It has to do with population, only the willfully ignorant don't read links from wiki when posted as a link in context.

Gov Brown in CA won and didn't run any ads - print, radio or TV - and nearly got 60% of the vote. No one is claiming he won because he didn't spend more money than his opponent.
hagan received more money sorry if that kills the theme to this thread.

Outlier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?

Either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it.
Wiki the edit as you read source? only stuff that is a fact will I read when it comes from wiki.
Anyway I ask again what does that have to do with Hagan getting more money than Tillis and still losing?

Wow ... I'm inclined to insult your intelligence. So, I'll defer to giving you a hint. It has to do with population, only the willfully ignorant don't read links from wiki when posted as a link in context.

Gov Brown in CA won and didn't run any ads - print, radio or TV - and nearly got 60% of the vote. No one is claiming he won because he didn't spend more money than his opponent.
Again dumb ass what does your source have to do with HAGAN GETTING MORE MONEY FROM OUT OF THE SATE AND STILL LOSING?
In my humble opinion.....this is the subject that all political discussion boards should be focused on. It is, I believe, an area where we can reach that elusive consensus.

I understand that there are some who have......out of party allegiance....voiced support of the Citizens United decision. That fact will likely poison the well.......but I think those voices can be quieted.....and reasoned with.

How about it ? Is anyone here interested in actually doing something about this bullshit?

If so.....I'll ask admin to create a clean forum dedicated to cooperation across the ideological spectrum regarding campaign finance reform and getting the $$ out of politics to at least some degree. Who knows....Maybe an idea or two will be hatched.

Citizens United makes it possible for the worst to win elections. You'll never get the RWs or Republicans to agree we need to get money out of elections.

This happened right under our noses and the people who would vote to end CU cannot now, or ever again, win an election.

I've been saying it for a while now but we have seen the last of honest elections in the US.

^ And here's an example of the real problem, This douche just can not bring himself to admit that BOTH parties screw over the American people in their quest for more money
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?

Either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it.
Wiki the edit as you read source? only stuff that is a fact will I read when it comes from wiki.
Anyway I ask again what does that have to do with Hagan getting more money than Tillis and still losing?

Wow ... I'm inclined to insult your intelligence. So, I'll defer to giving you a hint. It has to do with population, only the willfully ignorant don't read links from wiki when posted as a link in context.

Gov Brown in CA won and didn't run any ads - print, radio or TV - and nearly got 60% of the vote. No one is claiming he won because he didn't spend more money than his opponent.
Again dumb ass what does your source have to do with HAGAN GETTING MORE MONEY FROM OUT OF THE SATE AND STILL LOSING?

Nice spin, well, dumb as it was "nice" considering the source. Let's wait and see why she lost - voter suppression? Misleading and iniguitous ads?
True, but I wonder if the OP would have started a similar thread had the Dims won the House and Senate ?

Why wonder that? The entire process is fucked up. Everyone knows it.

You honestly think that billions of dollars spent on LIES AND MISTREPTESENTATIONS is an effective way for candidates to present themselves for evaluation?

You can't.
I don't disagree, but I wonder if the OP would have bothered to point it out had the Dims won.

I think so. I've been saying it through "wins" since the 90's. It is the first subject I bring up when the discussion turns to politics. It always lets the discussion begin from a point of general agreement.
And? what exactly does that a wiki source have to do with hagan receiving more campaign money than Tillis and losing?

Either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it.
Wiki the edit as you read source? only stuff that is a fact will I read when it comes from wiki.
Anyway I ask again what does that have to do with Hagan getting more money than Tillis and still losing?

Wow ... I'm inclined to insult your intelligence. So, I'll defer to giving you a hint. It has to do with population, only the willfully ignorant don't read links from wiki when posted as a link in context.

Gov Brown in CA won and didn't run any ads - print, radio or TV - and nearly got 60% of the vote. No one is claiming he won because he didn't spend more money than his opponent.
Again dumb ass what does your source have to do with HAGAN GETTING MORE MONEY FROM OUT OF THE SATE AND STILL LOSING?

Nice spin, well, dumb as it was "nice" considering the source. Let's wait and see why she lost - voter suppression? Misleading and iniguitous ads?
What fucking spin? For the fourth fucking time, what does that wiki source have to do with Hagan getting more out of state money and losing than Thom Tillis?

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