Do you know who really won the Election?

Waaaaaaa waaaaaa. George Soros' money didn't work this time! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It never has. By comparison, Soros is a pauper.

BUT, that's not the point.

The point is that our votes should not be for sale - not to either side.

Damn RWs so eager to sell their souls and their children's futures and get absolutely nothing in return except more corrupt politicians.
The Court turned its back on the reality recognized by political actors for a century: concentrated wealth has a distorting effect on democracy, therefore, winners in the economic marketplace should not be allowed to dominate the political marketplace. Before Citizens United, the Supreme Court recognized in Austin v Michigan Chamber of Commerce that the government had a compelling interest in protecting our democracy from “the corrosive and distorting effects of immense aggregations of wealth that are accumulated with the help of the corporate form and that have little or no correlation to the public’s support for the corporation’s political ideas.” The Court that decided Austin was rightly worried that corporate wealth can dominate the political process and “unfairly influence elections.” Citizens United disavowed this understanding. The public supports the prior consensus of the Court. Shortly after the Citizens United decision, 78% of poll respondents agreed that the amount that corporations are allowed to spend in order to influence campaigns should be limited, and 70% believed that corporations have too much control over elections already. It’s hard to escape the conclusion that Government of and by big money supporters can only be for big money supporters.

10 Ways Citizens United Endangers Democracy Demos

The righties on the court called it exactly the way they were packed into the court to call it.
Waaaaaaa waaaaaa. George Soros' money didn't work this time! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It never has. By comparison, Soros is a pauper.

BUT, that's not the point.

The point is that our votes should not be for sale - not to either side.

Damn RWs so eager to sell their souls and their children's futures and get absolutely nothing in return except more corrupt politicians.
What in the hell do you and other dub ass obama supporters have done you god damn stupid son of a bitch?
What does money buy in an election? Information? Why is the hypocrite radical left at war with both prosperity (money) and information?
The Center for Responsive Politics projects the 2014 mid-term election will cost roughly $3.67 billion

Money won the Election
Election Day wasn't a win for democracy. It wasn't even necessarily a win for the Republican Party. It was a win for corporations and the ultrawealthy.

Outside spending far outstripped expenditures by candidates themselves, making many of 2014's hotly contested Senate races — the ones that determined control of Congress — as much or more about the interests of major corporations and a handful of rich Americans. In these 15 races alone, campaign committees and outside spending together came to roughly $830 million.

And I'm sure none of that went to a Democrat candidate?
How many people earned a pay check from the election campaigns/
Someone had to put those ads together and the stations that ran them benefitted.

And the implications going out there that the republicans are scumbags for spending on elections
but never admit for a second that the Democrat party does the same fucking thing!
Well, all right, we all understand that the money control everything, it's not democracy any more, it's oligarchy, that the basic principle of the Constitution doesn't work.
But what's next? What can we do about it? Can we sabotage the elections? Can we push our candidates through, those who are decent people among us?
The problem is, imho, that the majority of us are too inactive, too assured that nothing could be changed.

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