Do you know why the Right Winged, Republican FOX news is banned in canada?


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Because the law in Canada forbids lying. It's such a shame on how they cowar behind the 1st amendment to spew their false bullshit.

Skeptic Money » Blog Archive » Fox News Banned From Canada – Law Forbids Lying On Broadcast News. - You make sense but does your money?

Maybe I will need to move to Canada!

America’s middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades – against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News – fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of the Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada’s right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

They would have to change the law to let FOX news be broadcast. Sounds like a good law. Hey Congress – here is a law you can pass!

Canada’s Radio Act requires that “a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news.” The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage, including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987.

We do need better news. Too bad it is legal to lie in the USA.

Harper’s attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Since corporate profit-taking is not an attractive vessel for populism, a political party or broadcast network that makes itself the tool of corporate and financial elites must lie to make its agenda popular with the public. In the Unites States, Fox News and talk radio, the sock puppets of billionaires and corporate robber barons, have become the masters of propaganda and distortion on the public airwaves. Fox News’ notoriously biased and dishonest coverage of the Wisconsin’s protests is a prime example of the brand of news coverage Canada has smartly avoided.


Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie - Updated < Library Grape
fox news has a constitutional right to lie, after being taken to court on it.
Fox News: Until 2004, the CRTC's apparent reluctance to grant a digital licence to Fox News under the same policy which made it difficult for RAI to enter the country - same-genre competition from foreign services - had angered many conservative Canadians, who believed the network was deliberately being kept out due to its perceived conservative bias, particularly given the long-standing availability of services such as CNN and BBC World in Canada.

On November 18, 2004, however, the CRTC approved an application by cable companies to offer Fox News on the digital cable tier. Fox commenced broadcasting in Canada shortly thereafter.
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Fox News: Until 2004, the CRTC's apparent reluctance to grant a digital licence to Fox News under the same policy which made it difficult for RAI to enter the country - same-genre competition from foreign services - had angered many conservative Canadians, who believed the network was deliberately being kept out due to its perceived conservative bias, particularly given the long-standing availability of services such as CNN and BBC World in Canada.

On November 18, 2004, however, the CRTC approved an application by cable companies to offer Fox News on the digital cable tier. Fox commenced broadcasting in Canada shortly thereafter.

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

heres an article from 2011

Fox News' Lies Keep Them Out of Canada
nitroz stop with the crap you're not good at it. You hate the first admendment and probably all of them......because you're a commienazimonarchist......I'll tell you what, I'm all for you bigf government control, as long as I get to be the guy in charge, otherwise take you statist ideas and go fuck yourself...
nitroz stop with the crap you're not good at it. You hate the first admendment and probably all of them......because you're a commienazimonarchist......I'll tell you what, I'm all for you bigf government control, as long as I get to be the guy in charge, otherwise take you statist ideas and go fuck yourself...

aww. :(

I support all amendments, but I also have no problem with calling people out, bringing light to the truth. Just like faux news, I will exercise my constitutional rights aswell and call people out on their bullshit.
nitroz stop with the crap you're not good at it. You hate the first admendment and probably all of them......because you're a commienazimonarchist......I'll tell you what, I'm all for you bigf government control, as long as I get to be the guy in charge, otherwise take you statist ideas and go fuck yourself...

aww. :(

I support all amendments, but I also have no problem with calling people out, bringing light to the truth. Just like faux news, I will exercise my constitutional rights aswell and call people out on their bullshit.

Good for you, but why do liberals love to lie. I mean how many years until the point of no return on global warming? We're coming up on it...and I bet.....that deadline will be extended, dont you?
Fox News: Until 2004, the CRTC's apparent reluctance to grant a digital licence to Fox News under the same policy which made it difficult for RAI to enter the country - same-genre competition from foreign services - had angered many conservative Canadians, who believed the network was deliberately being kept out due to its perceived conservative bias, particularly given the long-standing availability of services such as CNN and BBC World in Canada.

On November 18, 2004, however, the CRTC approved an application by cable companies to offer Fox News on the digital cable tier. Fox commenced broadcasting in Canada shortly thereafter.

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

heres an article from 2011

Fox News' Lies Keep Them Out of Canada

They have only been denied a broadcast license. You can still get FOX on cable.

Rogers Cable Picks Up Fox News


Published: 12/17/2004 12:00:00 AM EST in

Toronto, ON, December 16, 2004: Rogers Cable announced today that it has added Fox News Channel, the top-rated U.S. cable news network, to its all-digital channel line-up, claiming to be the first in Canada to do so. Starting today, Rogers Digital Cable customers in Ontario and New Brunswick will receive a 90 day free preview of Fox News on channel 197.

Rogers Cable Picks Up Fox News
nitroz stop with the crap you're not good at it. You hate the first admendment and probably all of them......because you're a commienazimonarchist......I'll tell you what, I'm all for you bigf government control, as long as I get to be the guy in charge, otherwise take you statist ideas and go fuck yourself...

aww. :(

I support all amendments, but I also have no problem with calling people out, bringing light to the truth. Just like faux news, I will exercise my constitutional rights aswell and call people out on their bullshit.

Good for you, but why do liberals love to lie. I mean how many years until the point of no return on global warming? We're coming up on it...and I bet.....that deadline will be extended, dont you?

Meh, global warming. Never really actually cared about that. from my knowledge, the atmosphere should repair itself and it's good for photosynthesis.

FOX News Channel Provider List by Country


Aliant Artic Co-operatives Limited Askivision Systems Inc. Welcome to Bell Express Vu Bell Canada Mobile Cell Phones, Wireless Internet, Satellite TV, Home Phone Black Creek TV Bobcaygeon Cable Breauce Distribution Brooke Brooks Bay Cable Corporation Brooks Bay Cable Bruce Telecom Buffalo Narrows Broadcasting Cable Axion Digitel Cable Cable Cable TV Slave Lake Cable VDN VDN | Forfaits télévision numérique et services Internet au Québec Cablovision ACL City West Cable and Telephone Compton Cable TV Conuma Cablesystems Coop Antelle TV St-Zacharie Cooperative de Cablodistribution Bellarmin Country Broadcasting Corp Cross Country East Link The Best Digital TV, HD, OnDemand, Multi-Room DVR Fenelon Falls Haisla Hay Huron Gitxaala Cable KBS TV Keta Cable Lake Broadcasting Lake Huron Resort Cable Mascon Milk River Cable Club Mitchell Seaforth Mornington MTS Personal | MTS New North Networks NewNorthNetworks - communications technology for the arctic Nexicom Communcations, Inc. Nexicom - Connected. Naturally. Internet, Telephone, Cable TV, Security, Web Design Next Dimension Next Dimension Nor-Del Cablevision Nor-Del Cablevision Ltd. North Nova Northwestel Cable Inc. Omega Cable Quadro Raftview Communications Rose Island Ventures, Inc. SaskTel SaskTel - Wireless, Digital TV, High Speed Internet, Phone Service, and More - SaskTel Sayward Valley Communications Seaview Commuications Shaw Shaw Shaw Direct Shaw Direct - 100% Digital Satellite Television Sun Country Source Cable Residential Home Cable Services - Hamilton Ontario - Source Cable Limited St Jacques de Leeds Telus Select your region | TELUS TBayTel Tbaytel - Local and Long Distance, Internet, Mobility and Security to suit your needs Tuckersmith Home &bull; TCC Tuckersmith Communications Ucluelet Video Ward Westman Comm Selector | Westman Communications Group Wightman Telecom Wightman Telecom - Residential Yourlink YourLink High-Speed Wireless Internet - Home Rogers

Read more: Where in the World is FOX? | Fox News
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Now let's address the silly notion that this was Harper trying to change this regulation. Please note "10 year bid".

That takes us back to the 2001. Liberals had the majority. Prime Minister Chretien was the head of the country. Mega liberal. They were the ones that started this push.

The decision from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission followed a meeting last week of Parliament's joint committee for the scrutiny of regulations, which ended its 10-year bid to get the regulation to comply with the law.

And one more time for good measure:

The CRTC had run out of stalling devices after being pressured by the committee for 10 years, Mr. Von Finckenstein said, and now that the committee has relented the commission will withdraw the attempt to rewrite the regulation.
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Now let's address the silly notion that this was Harper trying to change is regulation. Please note "10 year bid".

That takes us back to the 2001. Liberals had the majority. Prime Minister Chretien was the head of the country. Mega liberal. They were the ones that started this push.

The decision from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission followed a meeting last week of Parliament's joint committee for the scrutiny of regulations, which ended its 10-year bid to get the regulation to comply with the law.

OOPs nice catch, so liberals making shit up out of their ass again.....sounds about right.

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