Do you leftest cretins realize what just happened?

Lah-oooozers (points at Golfing Gator) we kicked your ass in the House, kicked your ass in the Senate, then took the White House and SCOTUS. We threw you fools to the ground then kicked dirt in your faces while laughing and you got up and ran home to your momma's crying.

Since I have voted 3rd party since 1996, my party loses every election. But I do not have to sell my soul to the devil. So, I take that as a win.

Wait, Gary cry baby Johnson? :auiqs.jpg:

No.. The Gary Johnson that is not a meglomaniacal egotistical jerk and ADMITS his errors. And the ONLY candidate in the race ASKING to humbly serve and not feeling like it was "his turn"..

What a difference it would make to just extinguish the partisan warfare for 4 years. We'd be talking about policy and ideas and not having a 24/7 political meltdown from a media determined to blow their cred out..

If Johnson wished to be POTUS he had to go out there and take it. Instead he was all boo hoo the DC establishment won't let me participate in the debates boo hoo its so unfair. If Johnson had a powerful message that resonated with the people he wouldn't have needed permission from the establishment.

It is PATENTLY unfair the hoops that 3rd parties have to go thru every election cycle and the ARBITRARY limits that determine who gets the OFFICIAL prez debate spotlights.. Any party that WORKS HARD ENOUGH to get on ENOUGH state ballots to theoretically WIN the Electoral College should BE on that debate stage. Libertarians made every state. Took us INCREDIBLE amounts of money and volunteer time to do that. That's a high enough bar ---- right there.

If you can avoid all the roadblocks the 2 parties have installed and GET ON 50 state ballots -- You should be on that stage for every debate..

Of course its unfair, do you think it was any easier for Trump to win with the deck stacked against him and key GOP leaders knifing him in the back? The two parties have it rigged shocker, its been rigged for decades now. This wasn't the first time Johnson ran and was defeated.
Trump...56.5% margin of victory.

Obama...64.75% average margin of victory

Bush II...51.76% average margin of victory

Clinton...69.61% average margin of victory

Bush I...79.18% margin of victory

Reagan...94.23% average margin of victory

Carter...55.2% margin of victory

So, you can feel all good that Trump beat Bush II and Carter. I am sure that will help you sleep at night'

Margin of victory in regard to what? The EC?

Yes, the EC...that is why I said "the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country"

So how is 304 to 227 a 56.5 % margin of victory cupcake?

My bad, the 56.5 % was the percent of EC votes won, not the margin of victory. I apologize for misspeaking.

Apology accepted.

And how is 304 56.5 %?

Are you self taught at statistics?

There are a total of 538 EC votes, Trump got 304 of them which is 56.5% of them.

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Today's american workers are the most productive hardest working ever.

I have seen it both ways initforme
The hard workers who understand how to invest
in jobs, property and business have greater numbers, opportunities, and successes than previous generations that didn't have this much access and numbers.

But also the people unable or unwilling to work because of either disabling situations, problems with govt programs or prisons that punish or prevent people from working harder to support themselves, and the criminal trafficking that is targeting poor populations with poverty and drug/gang problems is also greater than it was before.

The internet has allowed both the rich to get richer by organizing resources across time and space, and the poor to fall farther behind in growing numbers because of criminal abuses of the same resources to extort and exploit the poor for profits through illegal means.

The solutions still trump the problems. Because once people have access to help, they don't want to go back to the problems they had before. this isn't cyclical but growing toward breaking out of abuse and oppression and seeking permanent liberation, where people don't want to go back except to help uplift the next person to get out of oppression once they are liberated. The solutions thus expand and multiply in a positive direction.

So this may seem as more positive when compared with the negatives. But the numbers themselves, there are more populations in the negative than ever before, and also more people on the positive side of the equation. We have more of both going on, and yes it is still that that positives outweigh the negatives even though those numbers are larger as well.
Since I have voted 3rd party since 1996, my party loses every election. But I do not have to sell my soul to the devil. So, I take that as a win.

Wait, Gary cry baby Johnson? :auiqs.jpg:

No.. The Gary Johnson that is not a meglomaniacal egotistical jerk and ADMITS his errors. And the ONLY candidate in the race ASKING to humbly serve and not feeling like it was "his turn"..

What a difference it would make to just extinguish the partisan warfare for 4 years. We'd be talking about policy and ideas and not having a 24/7 political meltdown from a media determined to blow their cred out..

If Johnson wished to be POTUS he had to go out there and take it. Instead he was all boo hoo the DC establishment won't let me participate in the debates boo hoo its so unfair. If Johnson had a powerful message that resonated with the people he wouldn't have needed permission from the establishment.

It is PATENTLY unfair the hoops that 3rd parties have to go thru every election cycle and the ARBITRARY limits that determine who gets the OFFICIAL prez debate spotlights.. Any party that WORKS HARD ENOUGH to get on ENOUGH state ballots to theoretically WIN the Electoral College should BE on that debate stage. Libertarians made every state. Took us INCREDIBLE amounts of money and volunteer time to do that. That's a high enough bar ---- right there.

If you can avoid all the roadblocks the 2 parties have installed and GET ON 50 state ballots -- You should be on that stage for every debate..

Of course its unfair, do you think it was any easier for Trump to win with the deck stacked against him and key GOP leaders knifing him in the back? The two parties have it rigged shocker, its been rigged for decades now. This wasn't the first time Johnson ran and was defeated.

Dear BluesLegend
Getting presence on the national stage isn't just about winning. It's about influencing the narrative, too, and holding the other parties to answer to the people on issues or solutions that aren't getting media attention.

The Socialists acting as a third party gave us policies in govt such as benefits and vacation days we take for granted today.

I believe the push for drug policy reforms is largely credited to Libertarians, while the environmentalists have pushed for awareness and changes to consumerism culture to remember the cost to the health of people and planet. The Greens influenced the Democrats even without getting media attention until Sanders split from Clinton finally got out in public.

Ralph Nader did more as a consumer advocate, responsible for pushing the legislation to set up OSHA, Consumer and Environmental protections, than he got when he ran for President.

Now Nader has been pushing with Ron Paul supporters to solidify alliances between progressives and libertarian third parties, to hold govt and both parties in check against abuses.

If the media doesn't cover and support this, that means it is up to the people. We can either follow like sheep and let the two major parties turn every election into a them vs us catfight, and lose sight of real solutions that unite and serve the people, or we can support more leaders from all parties to implement solutions directly as Nader did without being in office, and as third parties have pushed through movements with or without winning any elections.
Trump...56.5% margin of victory.

Obama...64.75% average margin of victory

Bush II...51.76% average margin of victory

Clinton...69.61% average margin of victory

Bush I...79.18% margin of victory

Reagan...94.23% average margin of victory

Carter...55.2% margin of victory

So, you can feel all good that Trump beat Bush II and Carter. I am sure that will help you sleep at night'

Margin of victory in regard to what? The EC?

Yes, the EC...that is why I said "the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country"

So how is 304 to 227 a 56.5 % margin of victory cupcake?

My bad, the 56.5 % was the percent of EC votes won, not the margin of victory. I apologize for misspeaking.

Apology accepted.

And how is 304 56.5 %?

Are you self taught at statistics?

Looks better like this...56.5% to 43.5%....Not quite a landslide, but certainly a decisive victory as it was
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.

Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.

/----/ And the market is recovering nicely after the initial news.

Yeah, it is only down 65 points for the day...what a fucking great recovery! and still down more than 500 since the announcement!
/----- No one looks at the DOW except newscasters and people who don't invest. Check out the S&P 500, Nasdaq and Russell 2000
Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News


For the past year Trump and you zealots were talking non-stop about the DJI, and now suddenly it is not important.

Fuck dude, could you be any more transparent?
/-----/ Actually it was the S&P 500 that is the Bell weather. The DOW is only 30 stocks.
Dow Components

You mean "bellwether".

Bell weather is when you look at your bell.

If it is wet, it's raining.

If is frozen, it's snowing.

If is really bright, it's sunny.

If it is ringing, it's windy.

If it is gone, it's a tornado or hurricane.
This is the ONLY place I've heard a positive spin on this decision. Hope it works.
You negotiate from a position of strength. We've been in a trade war for 30 years - we just haven't acted like it. Yesterday Trump rattled the protectionist saber. We've been hosed in trade for decades. This is all about getting better trade deals.

No more dumping your subsidized goods on us and call it a level playing field.
I knew China did that, but who else? China is not even among the top 10 that import steel to the U.S.

China does not import steel to the US.

China exports steel to the US.

Get that Alzheimer's check yet?
After Dem's shit on the rust belt for 8 years why wouldn't they cozy up to Trump. The Democratic party is a coalition of freaks, illegals, and scumbags, they abandoned working blue collar families a long time ago.
We should be shouting everyday dems don’t want Americans to have a country. No borders means no country
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.


At least until Joe the plumber realizes that the reason he is paying more for his Bud Lite piss water is because it comes in aluminum cans...
Margin of victory in regard to what? The EC?

Yes, the EC...that is why I said "the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country"

So how is 304 to 227 a 56.5 % margin of victory cupcake?

My bad, the 56.5 % was the percent of EC votes won, not the margin of victory. I apologize for misspeaking.

Apology accepted.

And how is 304 56.5 %?

Are you self taught at statistics?

Looks better like this...56.5% to 43.5%....Not quite a landslide, but certainly a decisive victory as it was

Historically speaking it was one of the tightest victories. But just as in baseball, a win by 1 run or 20 counts the same
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.


At least until Joe the plumber realizes that the reason he is paying more for his Bud Lite piss water is because it comes in aluminum cans...

Fortunately Joe the plumber got a nice tax cut so he should be good to go.
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.


At least until Joe the plumber realizes that the reason he is paying more for his Bud Lite piss water is because it comes in aluminum cans...

Fortunately Joe the plumber got a nice tax cut so he should be good to go.

Until that expires for us individuals in eight years...
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.


At least until Joe the plumber realizes that the reason he is paying more for his Bud Lite piss water is because it comes in aluminum cans...

Fortunately Joe the plumber got a nice tax cut so he should be good to go.

Until that expires for us individuals in eight years...

Joe the plumber may have a business. Besides, I sure wouldn't want to shoot myself today because I may get hit by a truck next month.
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.



The unions are going to love the lost jobs from these tariffs...:21::21::21:


what a bunch of morons trumptards are
Bye bye China

You mean that country that is not even in the top 10 steel providers to the US?

Yeah, this is really going to hurt them!

This is the ONLY place I've heard a positive spin on this decision. Hope it works.
You negotiate from a position of strength. We've been in a trade war for 30 years - we just haven't acted like it. Yesterday Trump rattled the protectionist saber. We've been hosed in trade for decades. This is all about getting better trade deals.

No more dumping your subsidized goods on us and call it a level playing field.
I knew China did that, but who else? China is not even among the top 10 that import steel to the U.S.

China does not import steel to the US.

China exports steel to the US.

Get that Alzheimer's check yet?
/——/ LOL
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.



The unions are going to love the lost jobs from these tariffs...:21::21::21:


what a bunch of morons trumptards are
Bye bye China

You mean that country that is not even in the top 10 steel providers to the US?

Yeah, this is really going to hurt them!

Yes, it will

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