Do You Like Encouragement As An Adult?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
This has been a discussion for the past few days. As an adult I still like being told when I do a good job on things, especially when they've been really difficult for me. People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish. What do you guys think?
This has been a discussion for the past few days. As an adult I still like being told when I do a good job on things, especially when they've been really difficult for me. People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish. What do you guys think?

Depends. If I see someone master a skill that is very difficult for them I always praise them.

But if it is just normal work, no. It's part of the job. I EXPECT you to be able to do your job well.

However, if that normal job has something unusual, or there is a sudden time pressure, that one of my employees was able to overcome, then yes, I would praise that as well, even though it was a normal job.
Depends. If I see someone master a skill that is very difficult for them I always praise them.

But if it is just normal work, no. It's part of the job. I EXPECT you to be able to do your job well.

Exactly what I was talking about.
Interesting question.

Reviewing the veterans hike I took yesterday, I found the hooting and cowbell ringing from the onlookers as I completed each lap to be little more than noise...But the guys actually on the path with me saying encouraging things was helpful.

Even had a guy less than half my age look at the pack I was lugging, and tell me that what I was doing inspired him to keep going....That actually meant something, and still does so right now.
People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish
Those are people who are clearly never thanked or do nice things for others. Getting positive reinforcement is good for your mental well being.
Absolutely nothing wrong with it unless you are abusing it like some I see running around constantly bragging about their military service as if that somehow gives them a pass in a debate. Usually that comes from the left but not always.
Depends. If I see someone master a skill that is very difficult for them I always praise them.

But if it is just normal work, no. It's part of the job. I EXPECT you to be able to do your job well.

However, if that normal job has something unusual, or there is a sudden time pressure, that one of my employees was able to overcome, then yes, I would praise that as well, even though it was a normal job.
I worked for a large employer. Over the years I saw many run-of-the-mill young supervisors complain that they weren't adequately appreciated or praised. These were front line production supervisors. The employer had a stock answer--"We show our appreciation every pay period in your salary and benefits." I have always thought that was appropriate. If they performed over and above, they were rewarded in kind.
Encouragement is always a good thing. Not only does it give the person receiving it a bit of an emotional boost, but it also encourages them to keep operating in the manner that got them the encouragement in the first place.

Matter of fact, encouraging your people is a major trait of decent leadership.
I second this. Sadly, depending on how things may be going elsewhere in a person's life, certain things that used to be easy for them might only become more challenging and so yeah, any encouragement should always be appreciated whenever it is given, and in my opinion, it should be given as much as possible because yeah, you may never know how things are going for the person who is going the tasks.

God bless you always!!!

I second this. Sadly, depending on how things may be going elsewhere in a person's life, certain things that used to be easy for them might only become more challenging and so yeah, any encouragement should always be appreciated whenever it is given, and in my opinion, it should be given as much as possible because yeah, you may never know how things are going for the person who is going the tasks.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, I have to disagree. A person is hired to do a job. Appreciation is shown with their compensation. Americans have become too sensitive and dependent on someone else's praise. Americans have always been confident and competent--proud of feats that they, themselves accomplish. A person who is dependent on someone else's praise is also overly sensitive to their criticism.
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Sorry, I have to disagree. A person is hired to do a job. Appreciation is shown with their compensation. Americans have become too sensitive and dependent on someone else's praise. Americans have always been confident and competent--proud of feats that they, themselves accomplish. A person who is dependent on someone else's praise is also overly sensitive to their criticism.
Sometimes a job can be harder to do if something negative takes place in a person's private life. If words get around about what is going on with the person possessing the hardship, but yet their good job performance never once changes, to me, right then is when the person should be commended because they show the ability to still do a swell enough job even when things elsewhere in their life are not all that good.

God bless you always!!!

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This has been a discussion for the past few days. As an adult I still like being told when I do a good job on things, especially when they've been really difficult for me. People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish. What do you guys think?
It's always nice to get encouragement, but it's not necessary.
Sometimes a job can be harder to do if something negative takes place in a person's private life. If words get around about what is going on with the person possessing the hardship, but yet their good job performance never once changes, to me, right then is when the person should be commended because they show the ability.

God bless you always!!!

Personal life should be left at the door. The employer is paying for your UNDIVIDED attention to the job. If a personal problem exists--take time off and deal with it. A job isn't some touchy feeley place where they pay you for showing up. What happened to personal integrity and giving a day's work for a day's pay?
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This has been a discussion for the past few days. As an adult I still like being told when I do a good job on things, especially when they've been really difficult for me. People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish. What do you guys think?
You suck! This thread is a complete failure!

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