Do you like getting poorer every year?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
As a country, we are getting poorer every year. Is is as if we are on a limited income which can't keep up with our current expenses, never mind satisfy our demand for more and better goods and services. We have resorted to paying off our mortgages with even higher interest credit cards, and the amount due is growing exponentially. What will happen when our credit limit can't be raised any more? Will we default and cause a worldwide depression, or will we become a vassal nation to China in return for them bailing us out?
As a country, we are getting poorer every year. Is is as if we are on a limited income which can't keep up with our current expenses, never mind satisfy our demand for more and better goods and services. We have resorted to paying off our mortgages with even higher interest credit cards, and the amount due is growing exponentially. What will happen when our credit limit can't be raised any more? Will we default and cause a worldwide depression, or will we become a vassal nation to China in return for them bailing us out?
OP is right, unions have done some real damage to America.
China will collapse before we do and unions were the reason wages were rising faster than the cost of living.
As a country, we are getting poorer every year. Is is as if we are on a limited income which can't keep up with our current expenses, never mind satisfy our demand for more and better goods and services. We have resorted to paying off our mortgages with even higher interest credit cards, and the amount due is growing exponentially. What will happen when our credit limit can't be raised any more? Will we default and cause a worldwide depression, or will we become a vassal nation to China in return for them bailing us out?
I seem to remember that I heard somewhere in the past--"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" Words to live by or aspire to. I got into that whole borrowing thing about 50 years ago. Didn't like it and worked my ass off with the sole goal of becoming debt free. I achieved it about twenty years ago and it is emancipating. I pay the shelf price for EVERYTHING I buy--no added interest. Pity that I don't live in an area with absolutely no taxes, but such a place does not exist.
China will collapse before we do and unions were the reason wages were rising faster than the cost of living.
Unions members forced CEOs to send those jobs to China when the union members demanded raises year after year.

If China collapses we're going to have to find somewhere else to send those jobs.
As a country, we are getting poorer every year. Is is as if we are on a limited income which can't keep up with our current expenses, never mind satisfy our demand for more and better goods and services. We have resorted to paying off our mortgages with even higher interest credit cards, and the amount due is growing exponentially. What will happen when our credit limit can't be raised any more? Will we default and cause a worldwide depression, or will we become a vassal nation to China in return for them bailing us out?
Is this a personal problem or a problem the masses are having? Do we need to examine your spending habits? Where do you work? What do you do for a living?

Peoples energy bills have doubled or tripled. Gas, electric, heat, ac, power. I don't know how the masses are going to suddenly come up with an extra $100 a month to pay those bills. I do suspect people will default and consumers energy will just write it off.

How Much Does Consumers Energy Make A Day? Consumers Energy makes $16.8M in a day. In a single month, Consumers Energy normally makes close to $512.3M in revenue.

Because the last thing America needs is a well paid workforce!
The highest paid and highest standard of living work force in the world is in the US--that is why the world is clamoring to come to America and manufacturers are leaving in droves to be able to compete. How much do you think burger flippers earn in China, France, Germany, Mexico? In all, those wages range from $9-$13/hr. In my rural town, Mickey D's pays $22/hr.
Is this a personal problem or a problem the masses are having? Do we need to examine your spending habits? Where do you work? What do you do for a living?
1. Did you miss the prefatory phrase "As a nation?"
2. How are my personal finances relevant to the OP?
3. I am financially secure, but I worry about subsequent generations.
4. What are your problems and who do you worry about?
OP is right, unions have done some real damage to America.
Yep!!!! Unions are a bitch. Damn them all for getting their members top pay. What were they thinking when they started their pension funds? How stupid to demand that employers fire only for just cause and not because they just feel like it. Broad, across the board, sick days, paid vacations, health insurance, and paid holidays, wouldn't exist without the advent of unions. WOW, unions are almost as bad as Biden. FJB
The highest paid and highest standard of living work force in the world is in the US--that is why the world is clamoring to come to America and manufacturers are leaving in droves to be able to compete. How much do you think burger flippers earn in China, France, Germany, Mexico? In all, those wages range from $9-$13/hr. In my rural town, Mickey D's pays $22/hr.

I make $100K a year and should have $1 million saved when I am ready to retire. My brother has millions. Let's say he has $5 million or $10 million. Still when we go to Boca Raton Florida we ride our ebikes through neighborhoods and marinas who's occupants make my brother look poor. I love it how many levels of rich there are in America. America is also a strange place in that it's the only place in the world where you can be a millionaire today and broke tomorrow. Doesn't happen in other countries. If you have money you will always have money. And if you don't you never will.

I found this interesting about the cost of things going up. It happens every year.

At the peak of his career, Johnny Carson's annual salary was $25 million. That's $54 million in today's dollars.
A lot of Dems are part of that 50% of Americans who pay no income tax, and get subsides (handouts) for HOH and EICA. It’s amazing. You get a total refund of income taxes paid, say $1,500.00, plus you get another $7-10K of tax free money because of how you file your tax returns.

When you ask the question, “Are you ok making less money?”, half the country operate on an entirely different set of expectations than the rest of us. These folks have little skin in the game but feel entitled to a basic income. Why? Because the federal gov has given it to them for decades. They do not worry about a reduced income because they know rich Uncle Sam will provide (unless the Evil, greedy GOP stops it, which they won’t).
More millionaires are becoming billionaires now than any time in the past.

Isn't that proof that Americans aren't getting poorer?
1. Did you miss the prefatory phrase "As a nation?"
2. How are my personal finances relevant to the OP?
3. I am financially secure, but I worry about subsequent generations.
4. What are your problems and who do you worry about?

1. Good.
2. Your personal finances sometimes do matter. You could be spending too much. But also I found that back when I was making his argument in the 2000's you guys always suggested it was the person's fault. If they weren't making enough money, they need to start their own business, go back to school or simply look for another job. I asked them what if everyone is not making enough? They didn't seem to get that if no one is making enough, there is no other company to go to. And not everyone can start their own business. And funny because today Republicans would not tell you to go back to school. Today they're anti education.
3. Me too. Although a part of me says we are over populated and I like it that our current job market makes it less attractive to have kids. Today's generation are being taught to be selfish. That doesn't work with having kids.
4. I argue for the middle class. If we have a big fat middle class then everyone wins. Then even poor people can't complain. If they want to get out of poverty they can because the middle class is booming. Personally, I only want 2 things. My social security and medicare when I retire. And don't raise the age on me. I don't want to work any longer than 62. If I can draw minimum at 62, I'll take it. As for my loveones, I don't worry about my nephews because my brother has given them every opportunity to be successful. You couldn't ask for more. In fact they are spoiled and they know it. But we like to spoil them and tell them how we didn't have those things when we were kids. So at least they appreciate it. Both will have at least 4 year degrees from Michigan State University. One hasn't fully decided yet but I bet he goes there too. One's going to be a lawyer or wants to go to law school. I know it's hard to crack into this business but he is priviledged in that his dad will help him become successful. Those hard times in the beginning for a lawyer won't be so tough when you have a rich daddy helping you.
More millionaires are becoming billionaires now than any time in the past.

Isn't that proof that Americans aren't getting poorer?
That's not a good thing. In other words, a billion dollars doesn't mean as much as it used to.

Also a l lot of millionaires are being born too. But so what when the dollar isn't worth as much?

How about the guy who had a $400k condo in Naples, FL and it's now worth $800K. That's excellent if you are just going to put the $400 profit in the bank but if you are going to buy another home, your'e going to also have to spend $800K
More millionaires are becoming billionaires now than any time in the past.

Isn't that proof that Americans aren't getting poorer?
You're not an economist either duck. Have you ever heard the phrase "In today's dollars"? The one hundred dollar bill in 1960 would be $1010 in TODAY'S DOLLARS. Now do you understand why there are billionaires instead of millionaires? Probably not. You aren't really quick on the uptake.
That's not a good thing. In other words, a billion dollars doesn't mean as much as it used to.

Also a l lot of millionaires are being born too. But so what when the dollar isn't worth as much?

How about the guy who had a $400k condo in Naples, FL and it's now worth $800K. That's excellent if you are just going to put the $400 profit in the bank but if you are going to buy another home, your'e going to also have to spend $800K
I agree that a million bucks isn't a big deal anymore, but still, what I said is true and it takes a thousand millions to make a billion.

That tells me that the 'average' American couldn't give a lick about having to spend 800K!

Those that do care just simply have to move out of California and go live the billie lifestyle in Alabami.
I agree that a million bucks isn't a big deal anymore, but still, what I said is true and it takes a thousand millions to make a billion.

That tells me that the 'average' American couldn't give a lick about having to spend 800K!

Those that do care just simply have to move out of California and go live the billie lifestyle in Alabami.
Keep posting duck. You might get a job in Hollywood with all the other mental deficients.

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