Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

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Everyone should really watch this. Skip to around the 3 minute mark to see what a con man and crook Kenneth Copeland is. If anyone can watch this and still support that scumbag, you are hopelessly lost.

My guess is that this is directed at me given I carry a signature with a copeland origin attached. Did you not listen to what the clip said? He reimburses the money for the use of the plane which is way more than I can say for businessmen who have one and their corporation eats the cost. How about the president. Maybe I am wrong but he doesn't pay for private use of Air Force 1 when he, his family and a huge staff that has to accompany him go on vacation all the time and that is done on the tax payers dime involuntarily. The people who give to these ministries do so of their own accord and means. No one MAKES them do it. The government MAKES one pay taxes and will take your possessions if one refuses. Kenneth copeland has never told people to give to him and thru that will be cured of something. If you find a clip of that then it is taken out of context and edited I assure you.

I'm not shocked that you would try to rationalize him living like a king, when Jesus taught just the opposite.

Did you watch enough to see the house he lives in? I'm sure you have an excuse for that, too.

I know a lot of things but debating it isn't productive because you have a mind set about it and I have another. I can give testimonies...notice that is plural...of things I have learned that he has brought to light from the word but they would not uplift you or anyone else that has no mind for it. I can tell you that I have benefitted from teaching offered by many television preachers. If one doesn't choose to send them an offering that is not required and people who claim these people MADE them do anything just want someone to blame. Don't put your faith in a man, put faith in God for discernment of the message.
Must be for you are a militant anti-Godist
Ahh, so you mistakenly equate being anti-religion with being anti-God. And I've mistakenly believed all this time that you were a rational, logical person.
You are mistaken as to what you are, and, yes, I am a rational, logical person. Believe whatever you want and give others the same right. I oppose militant antiGodists and the social cons.
This is the other message that Michael Boldea Jr. recently gave on choosing God or sin but making clear - it cannot be both. Again - it isn't a popular message with the wide road churchers but it is the truth and Scripture validates the message once again.

Hand of Help Ministries

The Simplest of Equations

How is it that we always seem to find topics of conversation that focus on anything other than Jesus within the church nowadays? How is it that we make time to have pointless, useless debates over issues that the Bible has already settled, but fail to find the time to concentrate on the risen Christ, and the message of the cross?

When real world examples do not exist, we start to spin hypothetical webs, asking the same redundant questions over and over again, just in a different context, as though making someone an usher and not a choir leader excuses a sin which they’ve chosen as their identity and refuse to repent of.

Sin is sin whether it’s committed by the pastor, the deacon, or the person sitting in the last pew.

Sin of which men do not repent separates said men from God, whether their chosen televangelist insists that they’ve been given a waiver, or their chosen denomination chooses to embrace it as wholesome.

God is not beholden to denominations. God is not beholden to televangelists. God is not beholden to anyone or anything, because everything other than God is creation, He is creator, and therefore He need not debase Himself in any way to either humor us or indulge us.

There is finality to what God established in His Word. There are absolutes over which men cannot gloss though they have tried, and continue to try with rabid ferocity.

I still find it laughable that we believe we can dictate terms to God, and if a handful of lost souls in a dying denomination decides something, then God must do as they decide or else.

I’ve said it before, and I will continue to repeat it until it either connects or you get weary of reading what I write and no longer visit this blog: men either love God more than their sin and part ways with their sin, or they love their sin more than they love God and as such find some huckster somewhere to offer them fire insurance and tell them they can be waved through the pearly gates without ever having been washed in the blood of the Lamb, without having gone and sinned no more, without having broken ties with the darkness and having embraced the light of truth and righteousness.

Men can say all sorts of things, and if there is a financial incentive in there somewhere they will be insistent upon the deception they try to force feed you, contending that those feelings of something not being quite right are due to the bigoted society we live in, and not due to the urging of the Holy Spirit to repent and be reconciled unto God.

How can you not feel obliged to bless the individual who insisted that you need not go through the trouble of repenting of your sins? How can you not feel obliged to bless the individual who insisted everyone goes to heaven regardless, even your long lost pets? How can you not feel obliged to blessthe individual who essentially gave you license to live as the world and still cling to the illusion of being saved, sanctified, and heaven bound?

It’s like sending a muffin basket to the doctor who told you that you don’t have heart disease even though you do.

‘Thanks doc, I know the tests came out all wrong and it seemed like I only had a few months to live, but you reinterpreting them and telling me they’re not so bad after all really took a load off.’

Sin kills. It has a 100% mortality rate if not repented of. The reason so much of the New Testament focuses on the need to repent of one’s sins, to be renewed of mind and heart, is because the matter of sin is a serious one, one that we cannot gloss over or overlook because it has eternal implications.

Revelation 22:14-15, “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are the dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”

When the dust settles and all is said and done, when the final word is written, and the last song is sung, there will be those without and those within. There will be those who will have the right to the tree of life, and those who will not. There will be those who will be allowed to enter through the gates into the city, and those who will be cast into the outer darkness. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, a deceiver, a fraud, and a swindler, who cares not for your eternal soul, and whose desire to pacify your conscience is thoroughly tethered to your checkbook.

Either your sin or God! Whoever this is for, you can’t have both, and it is within your purview to choose one or the other. Choose wisely!

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
Hey brah, you do realize that the bible was written by men who wrote down whatever they wanted, don't you?

If you own a Business and ask your personal secretary to dictate a letter for you, to type it out and send it to the people you wish to communicate that message to, whose name do you sign at the bottom? Hers or yours? Is it your letter or her letter? Your words or hers? Your message or hers?

it is written:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:16, 17
If my secretary is only INSPIRED by me to write a letter then they are not my words, but hers. Thanks for clearing that up.

Wrong. If you are the inspiration for the letter, if the letter is from you to your subject then your secretary is merely the vessel used to write down and deliver the message with. It could not be clearer. Nothing to clear up, Taz.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Everyone should really watch this. Skip to around the 3 minute mark to see what a con man and crook Kenneth Copeland is. If anyone can watch this and still support that scumbag, you are hopelessly lost.

My guess is that this is directed at me given I carry a signature with a copeland origin attached. Did you not listen to what the clip said? He reimburses the money for the use of the plane which is way more than I can say for businessmen who have one and their corporation eats the cost. How about the president. Maybe I am wrong but he doesn't pay for private use of Air Force 1 when he, his family and a huge staff that has to accompany him go on vacation all the time and that is done on the tax payers dime involuntarily. The people who give to these ministries do so of their own accord and means. No one MAKES them do it. The government MAKES one pay taxes and will take your possessions if one refuses. Kenneth copeland has never told people to give to him and thru that will be cured of something. If you find a clip of that then it is taken out of context and edited I assure you.

I do not think he meant it personally towards you. Many people see through these money preachers because their lives nor their messages line up with the Word of God. They are false teachers. It isn't an attack on you. It's pointing out the person doing it is involved in false teaching.
I know a lot of things but debating it isn't productive because you have a mind set about it and I have another.
Except, I'm not presenting a 'mind-set', I'm presenting facts.

It's a fact that he lives in that sprawling mansion.

It's a fact that he jets around the world in his own private plane, paid for by desperate people who believe he's not a flim-flam man.
What Chapter and verse in the bible did you get this from?
I pray every morning and I do not need a book or another person's thoughts to tell me who or what God is all I need to do is look around me and see the miracle of life. Your definition of God is very a constricting and hackneyed point of view. As long as you believe in a positive power greater then yourself all is good, I suppose.

If you ever decide to read a book there is only one I'd recommend to you, Alex - the King James bible. I've found it to be a great blessing in my life and I believe it would be in yours as well. We also have the scripture reading and hymns with lyrics, prayer on the USMB prayer meeting and you might be blessed to visit some time.
I have read many books, I find it curious that you wish to engage a conversation with an insult. Thomas Merton is a favorite of mine as is Thomas More, but I subscribe to what Gandhi wrote, "God has no religion"

Thomas Merton was delving into Buddhism as I recall - you cannot mix Christianity with the occult - that is error, Alex. I've seen his works before. I'm not familiar with Thomas More but Gandi was not a Christian and on his death bed acknowledged he had made a serious mistake in rejecting Jesus Christ (and speaking against the followers of Christ also I believe). As for your being insulted by my suggesting that you read the Bible or visit the USMB prayer meeting? That wasn't my intention, Alex. I'm sorry you took it that way. Have a nice evening.

Ok going to need a source on Gandhi claiming to have made a mistake on his death bed. Particularly when he was murdered in cold blood. Kind of difficult to give death bed regrets when you are murdered.

And if he did that what would have stopped him from accepting Christ then if He felt like that. Considering he based his non violent movement on the teachings of Christ he might have argued that he didn't reject christ

Thank you, Avatar! I remembered when I posted the thread Last Words of Dying Atheists that Ghandi was one of the people quoted and here it is:
Dying words of famous atheists

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Dying words of famous atheists

Famous atheists’ last words before dying. Voltaire: ‘I am abandoned by God and man…I shall go to hell.’ Thomas Paine: 'I would give worlds, if I had them, that the "Age of Reason" had never been published. Oh, God, save me; for I am at the edge of hell alone…’

Thomas Carlyle: I am as good as without hope, a sad old man gazing into the final chasm.’

Gandhi 15 years before his death: ‘I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it…entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being and I find solace in the Bhagavad and the Upanishads.’ Shortly before his death he wrote: ‘My days are numbered, I am not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more…For the first time in 50 years I find myself in the slough of despond…All about me is darkness; I am praying for light.’

Apparently Gandhi was already ill / dying when he had this accident you mention. The words above are attributed to him and as you can say, he said his days were numbered, he said he was not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more and he also said for the first time in 50 years he found himself in despondency - that all about him was darkness and that he was praying for light - in another post on that famous last words thread - I have another quote where I believe he expressed regret about some of his thoughts, former words about Jesus Christ or Christianity - I cannot recall exactly what it was about - the thread is still on USMB although it was posted a long time ago - (by me) - thanks for asking! As you can see Ghandi knew at the end of his life - near his death that he was lost. (Surrounded by darkness - spiritual darkness is something that is tangible and can be felt especially when one is about to die) I was going by my recollection of this thread so forgive me - he wasn't on his death bed but he was apparently dying with not much time to live - a year or so according to his own words. Avatar4321 JakeStarkey Alex BluePhantom
Last edited:
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
I must agree with you agreeing with me!

According to Jake and Trinity, I'm against God if I point out the charlatans like Copeland and Tilton preying on the desperate, or if I believe Scientology (a religion) is a scam, or if I believe Mormons are delusional in their crazy beliefs, or if I think Islam has some extreme anti-God messages, or if i think both Southern Baptists and Catholics have some extreme readings of the bible.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?
I am not a christian. I love Christ. Just not His followers. Like what Ghandi said. ;)

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Mahatma Gandhi

There is a problem with that saying however. First, it is a lie. Second, some question whether or not he ever said it. You see, anyone who does not like the followers of Jesus Christ, who hates the followers of Jesus Christ hates Jesus Christ and the Father too. You cannot hate Christians and like Christ or God. If you hate the Believers who preach the Message of Jesus Christ then the reality of the matter is you hate God and Jesus Christ His Only begotten Son.

It is written:

John 15:18-27 King James Version (KJV)

18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.

22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.

23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
I pray every morning and I do not need a book or another person's thoughts to tell me who or what God is all I need to do is look around me and see the miracle of life. Your definition of God is very a constricting and hackneyed point of view. As long as you believe in a positive power greater then yourself all is good, I suppose.

If you ever decide to read a book there is only one I'd recommend to you, Alex - the King James bible. I've found it to be a great blessing in my life and I believe it would be in yours as well. We also have the scripture reading and hymns with lyrics, prayer on the USMB prayer meeting and you might be blessed to visit some time.
I have read many books, I find it curious that you wish to engage a conversation with an insult. Thomas Merton is a favorite of mine as is Thomas More, but I subscribe to what Gandhi wrote, "God has no religion"

Thomas Merton was delving into Buddhism as I recall - you cannot mix Christianity with the occult - that is error, Alex. I've seen his works before. I'm not familiar with Thomas More but Gandi was not a Christian and on his death bed acknowledged he had made a serious mistake in rejecting Jesus Christ (and speaking against the followers of Christ also I believe). As for your being insulted by my suggesting that you read the Bible or visit the USMB prayer meeting? That wasn't my intention, Alex. I'm sorry you took it that way. Have a nice evening.

Ok going to need a source on Gandhi claiming to have made a mistake on his death bed. Particularly when he was murdered in cold blood. Kind of difficult to give death bed regrets when you are murdered.

And if he did that what would have stopped him from accepting Christ then if He felt like that. Considering he based his non violent movement on the teachings of Christ he might have argued that he didn't reject christ

Thank you, Avatar! I remembered when I posted the thread Last Words of Dying Atheists that Ghandi was one of the people quoted and here it is:
Dying words of famous atheists

Print this article
Dying words of famous atheists

Famous atheists’ last words before dying. Voltaire: ‘I am abandoned by God and man…I shall go to hell.’ Thomas Paine: 'I would give worlds, if I had them, that the "Age of Reason" had never been published. Oh, God, save me; for I am at the edge of hell alone…’

Thomas Carlyle: I am as good as without hope, a sad old man gazing into the final chasm.’

Gandhi 15 years before his death: ‘I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it…entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being and I find solace in the Bhagavad and the Upanishads.’ Shortly before his death he wrote: ‘My days are numbered, I am not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more…For the first time in 50 years I find myself in the slough of despond…All about me is darkness; I am praying for light.’

Apparently Gandhi was already ill / dying when he had this accident you mention. The words above are attributed to him and as you can say, he said his days were numbered, he said he was not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more and he also said for the first time in 50 years he found himself in despondency - that all about him was darkness and that he was praying for light - in another post on that famous last words thread - I have another quote where I believe he expressed regret about some of his thoughts, former words about Jesus Christ or Christianity - I cannot recall exactly what it was about - the thread is still on USMB although it was posted a long time ago - (by me) - thanks for asking! As you can see Ghandi knew at the end of his life - near his death that he was lost. (Surrounded by darkness - spiritual darkness is something that is tangible and can be felt especially when one is about to die) I was going by my recollection of this thread so forgive me - he wasn't on his death bed but he was apparently dying with not much time to live - a year or so according to his own words. Avatar4321 JakeStarkey Alex BluePhantom
Gandhi says nothing about Christianity in that link. He talks about Hinduism.

That's if you even believe these quotes are real, which I don't. Do a search for his "50 years" comment and all it turns up are other extreme Christian sites, no legit news sites, no Indian sites.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?

It's not my opinion. It is the reality of what the world is seeing in false teachers, Jake. Your lives and your words do not line up with the Word of God and the life of Jesus Christ and they are quick to identify the hypocrisy and false teachings.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?
I take the view that Bill Maher takes of God's existence: "I don't know".

People accuse him - wrongly - of being an atheist.
Jeri follows the writings of Man not the teachings of God.

Jake, you are the one following men such as Kenneth Copeland. Not me. I follow what the Bible teaches not man. I'm following Jesus Christ, not a man. You should do the same and give your money to the poor instead of people like Copeland who want a private jet. If you finance hirelings you'll be judged for it by God. We are going to be held accountable for how we spent our money and financing wolves in sheep's clothing so that they can keep on fleecing the sheep is not going to be rewarded.
Yeah, he is a cult leader like so many other bad people.

Jake, you need to retract your false accusation against Michael Boldea Jr. He is not a cult leader nor is he a bad person. He does not even own his own house - he and his wife live in an apartment with their child and live a very humble, simple life. This is a man who does not have a big bank account, no television show, no millions pouring in, no lavish vacations, or fancy cars. He does not even own a house! He rents. Where does Michael Boldea's money go? To hand of help ministries which supports an orphanage to care for abandoned and abused children and to help the elder who also are sheltered and provided for by hand of help ministries and to give aid to the poor and needy of Romania. Why does he do this? Because he isn't a hireling. He is a true man of God that loves Jesus Christ with his whole heart and preaches the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Bible warns, Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. I've warned you about this before. You are slandering the name of one of God's servants - Michael Boldea Jr. - and you are asking for serious trouble.

You need to retract your false accusation against him or you're going to find yourself in serious trouble with the LORD.

it is written:
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.
2 Thessalonians 1:6

You are slandering one of God's choice servants,Jake. You need to repent and admit you falsely accused him.
Maybe if he listened to Kenneth copeland said teaching he would own something

Michael Boldea Jr. is a servant of Christ that has laid up his treasures in heaven by giving to the poor, the elderly and taking in the orphans. He may be financially poor but he is rich in heaven. As for Copeland he can have all the worlds wealth, his own private jet, live in million dollar mansions and preach a false Gospel to those who are foolish enough to listen to him but it isn't going to buy their way into heaven and he has his reward here on earth - as Jesus said, Woe unto you rich! You have your reward. To merchandise the Gospel for filthy lucre' is a very serious sin and those who are involved in it shall not get away with it. Let God be the judge between you and I as to who is speaking the truth in this matter.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?

It's not my opinion. It is the reality of what the world is seeing in false teachers, Jake. Your lives and your words do not line up with the Word of God and the life of Jesus Christ and they are quick to identify the hypocrisy and false teachings.
Your opinion, yup, about scripture, only that. Your words and life do not line up with scripture. We will start with the falsehood about Gandhi that you posted here. For shame. On you. Jere, I don't follow Copeland, and you follow a false prophet, Mike B.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?
I take the view that Bill Maher takes of God's existence: "I don't know".

People accuse him - wrongly - of being an atheist.
Then if you don't know, then you have no moral ground to judge the beliefs. You do have a moral ground to judge the acts. Carry on
Jere, there was no death bed for Gandhi.

He was shot three times in the chest and died in the road.

You believe a fable, Ask yourself who told you this fable,

He was evidently terminal for a year before that - see my link and title Famous last words of dying atheists - he is listed in the article along with some of his last words on record......

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