Do you really want four more years of this?


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Job creation slipped further into the doldrums last month, heightening worries about the state of the recovery and adding to the hurdle President Barack Obama needs to leap to win re-election in November.

The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy created a tepid 96,000 jobs in August, well below the 125,000 expected by economists and a far stretch from the plus-250,0000 needed to show robust growth. The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

Jobs growth slows to a snail's pace in August - Economy Watch

The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

Meaning that under Obama's (lack of) leadership more and more Americans are losing hope for the future.
Americans giving up looking for work is good news for obama. It means that more are sliding into government dependency.
Job creation slipped further into the doldrums last month, heightening worries about the state of the recovery and adding to the hurdle President Barack Obama needs to leap to win re-election in November.

The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy created a tepid 96,000 jobs in August, well below the 125,000 expected by economists and a far stretch from the plus-250,0000 needed to show robust growth. The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

Jobs growth slows to a snail's pace in August - Economy Watch

The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

Meaning that under Obama's (lack of) leadership more and more Americans are losing hope for the future.

as opposed to losing 75,000 jobs a month like we did under bush?

er... yes.

now if the teatards who keep cutting 'government' would get out of the way... we wouldn't be creating a private sector job for every one lost in government.

you do understand the correlation, right?

Reagan had to deal with a Democratic Congress but he still managed to get most of his agenda passed. Clinton had to deal with a Republican Congress but he still managed to get most of his agenda passed. Bush had to deal with a Democratic Congress but he still managed to get most of his agenda passed. Romney had to deal with a Massachusetts legislature heavily dominated by liberal Democrats, but he managed to get them to pass austerity measures to balance the out of control budget that would shrivel the balls of most liberals. Obama has to deal with a Republican Congress and all he does is whine and whine and whine about how they won't play the game by his rules. That fairly defines the choice voters have to make: do we want a leader who finds a way to get things done or do we want four more years of a whiner who can't get the job done?

Reagan had to deal with a Democratic Congress but he still managed to get most of his agenda passed. Clinton had to deal with a Republican Congress but he still managed to get most of his agenda passed. Bush had to deal with a Democratic Congress but he still managed to get most of his agenda passed. Romney had to deal with a Massachusetts legislature heavily dominated by liberal Democrats, but he managed to get them to pass austerity measures to balance the out of control budget that would shrivel the balls of most liberals. Obama has to deal with a Republican Congress and all he does is whine and whine and whine about how they won't play the game by his rules. That fairly defines the choice voters have to make: do we want a leader who finds a way to get things done or do we want four more years of a whiner who can't get the job done?


Well said......
Do you really want four more years of this?

Nope. But we are going to get it regardless of which one is elected.
Do you really want four more years of this?

unemployment 7.8%
medium income 54,983
National debt 10.6 trillion

unemployemnt 8.1%
medium income 50,964
national Debt 16 trillion

A credit down grade.
Do you really want four more years of this?

unemployment 7.8%
medium income 54,983
National debt 10.6 trillion

unemployemnt 8.1%
medium income 50,964
national Debt 16 trillion

A credit down grade.

Yep and it will continue in that direction as long as our trade deficit continues and our offshoring of jobs continues.
Which will be for at least another decade.
Job creation slipped further into the doldrums last month, heightening worries about the state of the recovery and adding to the hurdle President Barack Obama needs to leap to win re-election in November.

The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy created a tepid 96,000 jobs in August, well below the 125,000 expected by economists and a far stretch from the plus-250,0000 needed to show robust growth. The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

Jobs growth slows to a snail's pace in August - Economy Watch

The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

Meaning that under Obama's (lack of) leadership more and more Americans are losing hope for the future.

as opposed to losing 75,000 jobs a month like we did under bush?

er... yes.

now if the teatards who keep cutting 'government' would get out of the way... we wouldn't be creating a private sector job for every one lost in government.

you do understand the correlation, right?

Correlate this. The calls for hope and change that stirred so many Americans in 2008 have led to hope for a change from the failed Obama economic policies that have left America languishing in our present economic doldrums while being serenaded by Obama's incessant whining about Republicans. The choice is clear: do we want a President who has always found a way to get the job done in both public and private sectors or four more years of a whiner who seems to think the most important part of his job is finding some one else to blame for his failure to get the job done?

Hope and change in 2008 and hope for a change in 2012.
Four more years divisiveness, reverse racism, increased government intervention into energy aspect oo our lives, empty rhetoric, a sluggish economy, and five trillion more dollars of debt?

Hell yeah!!!

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