Do you self-censor posts or what you say because of the Democrats cancel culture


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Are you afraid the way the country is going that you will be prosecuted
and put in jail because of your beliefs? As the Democrats lead us down a path of
censorship and socialism will this prevent you from getting a job? Feed your family.
Do hold back on what you say around people? Is free speech fading away? Is cancel culture
destroying the country?
Many Americans are understandably confused, then, about what they can say and where they can say it. People should be able to put forward viewpoints, ask questions and make mistakes and take unpopular but good-faith positions on issues that society is still working through — all without fearing cancellation.
The left's subcultures...especially the transradical cult has no compunction against killing anyone they consider is opposed to them. The left has said, it is not wrong to kick a nazi. They consider us nAZIS when the left is in reality encouraging and behaving in nazi-ish ways. We are in a hell of a mess right now and frankly i don't know if this can be fixed.

Posters here cannot defend what is going on. Truly. but i can guarantee that they will not like it when it is their turn to face these factions.

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Are you afraid the way the country is going that you will be prosecuted
and put in jail because of your beliefs? As the Democrats lead us down a path of
censorship and socialism will this prevent you from getting a job? Feed your family.
Do hold back on what you say around people? Is free speech fading away? Is cancel culture
destroying the country?
Many Americans are understandably confused, then, about what they can say and where they can say it. People should be able to put forward viewpoints, ask questions and make mistakes and take unpopular but good-faith positions on issues that society is still working through — all without fearing cancellation.

I saw what I want to say, I do not give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
I do not think that posters self-censor because of the cancel culture.

I assume that we posters self-censor in order to obey the posting rules.

I belong to two political forums. The other one would never allow some of the comments (and illustrations) that are allowed here.

This forum seems to allow a considerable degree of free speech, but of course it has its limits.

I have never been to Twitter or Facebook.

"Do you self-censor posts or what you say because of the Democrats cancel culture"

I think the truer question would be "

"When will I start self-censoring posts or what I say because of the Democrats cancel culture"​

No. Never.

Partially it's because I'm a nobody, no one cares what I say really.

But it's mostly because if I censor myself to appease someone else that means they control me. And I won't be controlled. If you think about it's a form of brainwashing where you change yourself and your speech because others have convinced you to do.

I'll only censor myself at work because I don't want to lose my job if I always said everything I thought.

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