Do you self-censor posts or what you say because of the Democrats cancel culture

So you do to some extent? It is a shame we can be fired for our political affiliation or beliefs, mainly you have to be a church mouse if you are a Republican.
No. Never.

Partially it's because I'm a nobody, no one cares what I say really.

But it's mostly because if I censor myself to appease someone else that means they control me. And I won't be controlled. If you think about it's a form of brainwashing where you change yourself and your speech because others have convinced you to do.

I'll only censor myself at work because I don't want to lose my job if I always said everything I thought.
So you do to some extent? It is a shame we can be fired for our political affiliation or beliefs, mainly you have to be a church mouse if you are a Republican.

Can I be fired at work? No. But I also don't want to ruffle any feathers with co-workers. I help them, they help me and so on. I don't want to ruin a decent work environment just because I pissed off someone that disagrees with me.

Really I keep my personal and political opinions to myself at work unless I am behind closed doors with the few that think like I do and I trust enough to say whatever I want.
So you do to some extent? It is a shame we can be fired for our political affiliation or beliefs, mainly you have to be a church mouse if you are a Republican.

Makes me even that much happier that I'm retired and all of my leftist acquaintances have already ridden off into the sunset. I've tried really hard to miss them but it's beyond my capability.

Are you afraid the way the country is going that you will be prosecuted
and put in jail because of your beliefs? As the Democrats lead us down a path of
censorship and socialism will this prevent you from getting a job? Feed your family.
Do hold back on what you say around people? Is free speech fading away? Is cancel culture
destroying the country?
Many Americans are understandably confused, then, about what they can say and where they can say it. People should be able to put forward viewpoints, ask questions and make mistakes and take unpopular but good-faith positions on issues that society is still working through — all without fearing cancellation.

You're asking me? ME??? :p

Scruffy doesn't worry much about censorship. And, Scruffy doesn't like to mince words.

Actually, now that the leftards around here know where they stand, I'll probably tone it down with the expletives. But I'll continue giving as good as I get. Any time someone insults my intelligence, they'll get insulted back.

Scruffy doesn't take any shit, from ANYONE. Trade with all, ally with none.
Are you afraid the way the country is going that you will be prosecuted
and put in jail because of your beliefs? As the Democrats lead us down a path of
censorship and socialism will this prevent you from getting a job? Feed your family.
Do hold back on what you say around people? Is free speech fading away? Is cancel culture
destroying the country?
Many Americans are understandably confused, then, about what they can say and where they can say it. People should be able to put forward viewpoints, ask questions and make mistakes and take unpopular but good-faith positions on issues that society is still working through — all without fearing cancellation.
Nah. They can "cancel" whatever they like. I'll keep mouthing off regardless.
Are you afraid the way the country is going that you will be prosecuted
and put in jail because of your beliefs? As the Democrats lead us down a path of
censorship and socialism will this prevent you from getting a job? Feed your family.
Do hold back on what you say around people? Is free speech fading away? Is cancel culture
destroying the country?
Many Americans are understandably confused, then, about what they can say and where they can say it. People should be able to put forward viewpoints, ask questions and make mistakes and take unpopular but good-faith positions on issues that society is still working through — all without fearing cancellation.
Shit no, except that when it comes to personal and business life it is always a good idea to keep them both as non-political as possible.
I dont give a shit if someone knows I'm conservative.
I do however avoid putting political info on my truck since liberals are well known when it comes to keying and tire slashing.
Liberals on the other hand dont seem to worry about that because they know conservatives aren't trash like they are and their vehicles will be safe.
Pro move, asshole liberals are total douchebags.

Do you self-censor posts or what you say because of the Democrats cancel culture​


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