Do you still believe FOX NEWS?--in light of the Nunes memo release

Do you still believe Sean Hannity and the other right wing talk show hosts on FOX NEWS

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
FOX NEWS has been loaded to the gills with conspiracy theories throughout the last 1-1/2 years. Everything from--it wasn't Russia that hacked into DNC databases--it was some DNC staffer Seth Rich that did that. That then went into promoting a known intelligence enemy of this nation (Julian Assange) Wikileaks founder. That then went into Uranium One which was also completely debunked--to we need to get rid of "corrupt Robert Mueller" even after the Nune's memo release--that was a yuuuuuge flop.

I am not bashing their real journalists like Shep Smith, Brit Hume, Chris Wallace on this network, but they are completely surrounded by these political soap box operas--that most Republicans watch.

This recent incident over Nune's memo's was supposed to be it. This would be the end of the Russian investigation, showing corruption all the way through the FBI and the Justice Department--Rod Rosenstein would be fired, and along with him, Robert Mueller. It did the exact opposite.

This was FOX NEWS reporting on the placement of cheese on cheeseburgers--the very moment that every other network was reporting on 2 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX NEWS journalists threatened to quit over that.

Uranium One being completely DEBUNKED by Shep Smith.

The establishment of both parties is corrupt to the core

Investigations of Trump for any collusion is an absolute farce

It's time to bring integrity ack

The fact that our intelligence community has been compromised for political gain is alarming

The fact that so many leftists are OK with it as long as it benefits their political goals bodes poorly for our country
I believe that which by way of verifiable fact, logic and common sense lends itself to belief.
Fox is the propaganda wing of the Republican Party
Fox does have real news but the massive amounts of propaganda is off-putting.
When CNN gets into one of its obsessive "follow one story for three days" mode, I sometimes find Fox much more likely to be reporting the news of the day. It doesn't last long before they're back worrying their bone about librul college students or some rah-rah military story, but at least they report it in the first five minutes.
The establishment of both parties is corrupt to the core

Investigations of Trump for any collusion is an absolute farce

It's time to bring integrity ack

The fact that our intelligence community has been compromised for political gain is alarming

The fact that so many leftists are OK with it as long as it benefits their political goals bodes poorly for our country
The fact that our intelligence committee has been used for partisan politics is what is alarming. If there were real concerns about the FISA warrant, it should have been turned over to the proper authorities for investigation, not to the American people in a media circus.
I have NO choice but to watch FOX NEWS.

I cannot bear to turn on CNN or MSNBC because their "dislike" of President Trump has driven them to the edge of insanity -- in my opinion.

Yes, FOX NEWS talking heads are too cocksure about everything, but they are no worse than liberal talking heads.

(P.S. I DO miss watching Ms. Maddow's program. Her voice is unique. And she SEEMS so sincere. And her show IS entertaining! In some strange way that I cannot describe, she does not come across so obnoxious as other MSNBC talking heads.)
FOX NEWS has been loaded to the gills with conspiracy theories throughout the last 1-1/2 years. Everything from--it wasn't Russia that hacked into DNC databases--it was some DNC staffer Seth Rich that did that. That then went into promoting a known intelligence enemy of this nation (Julian Assange) Wikileaks founder. That then went into Uranium One which was also completely debunked--to we need to get rid of "corrupt Robert Mueller" even after the Nune's memo release--that was a yuuuuuge flop.

I am not bashing their real journalists like Shep Smith, Brit Hume, Chris Wallace on this network, but they are completely surrounded by these political soap box operas--that most Republicans watch.

This recent incident over Nune's memo's was supposed to be it. This would be the end of the Russian investigation, showing corruption all the way through the FBI and the Justice Department--Rod Rosenstein would be fired, and along with him, Robert Mueller. It did the exact opposite.

This was FOX NEWS reporting on the placement of cheese on cheeseburgers--the very moment that every other network was reporting on 2 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX NEWS journalists threatened to quit over that.

Uranium One being completely DEBUNKED by Shep Smith.

The Nunes memo is no longer conspiracy theory. Those are facts.
People on Facebook are deleting their Fox News memo hype threads.. question is will the 2nd memo even make the light of day...#Bogus

The establishment of both parties is corrupt to the core

Investigations of Trump for any collusion is an absolute farce

It's time to bring integrity ack

The fact that our intelligence community has been compromised for political gain is alarming

The fact that so many leftists are OK with it as long as it benefits their political goals bodes poorly for our country
The fact that our intelligence committee has been used for partisan politics is what is alarming. If there were real concerns about the FISA warrant, it should have been turned over to the proper authorities for investigation, not to the American people in a media circus.

The guilty players would bury them. Now they have no choice. Memo #2 (related, not the Democrat memo) is forthcoming.
I have NO choice but to watch FOX NEWS.

I cannot bear to turn on CNN or MSNBC because their "dislike" of President Trump has driven them to the edge of insanity -- in my opinion.

Yes, FOX NEWS talking heads are too cocksure about everything, but they are no worse than liberal talking heads.

(P.S. I DO miss watching Ms. Maddow's program. Her voice is unique. And she SEEMS so sincere. And her show IS entertaining! In some strange way that I cannot describe, she does not come across so obnoxious as other MSNBC talking heads.)

There are plenty of online news sources , watching one source is what they are counting on.

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FOX NEWS has been loaded to the gills with conspiracy theories throughout the last 1-1/2 years. Everything from--it wasn't Russia that hacked into DNC databases--it was some DNC staffer Seth Rich that did that. That then went into promoting a known intelligence enemy of this nation (Julian Assange) Wikileaks founder. That then went into Uranium One which was also completely debunked--to we need to get rid of "corrupt Robert Mueller" even after the Nune's memo release--that was a yuuuuuge flop.

I am not bashing their real journalists like Shep Smith, Brit Hume, Chris Wallace on this network, but they are completely surrounded by these political soap box operas--that most Republicans watch.

This recent incident over Nune's memo's was supposed to be it. This would be the end of the Russian investigation, showing corruption all the way through the FBI and the Justice Department--Rod Rosenstein would be fired, and along with him, Robert Mueller. It did the exact opposite.

This was FOX NEWS reporting on the placement of cheese on cheeseburgers--the very moment that every other network was reporting on 2 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX NEWS journalists threatened to quit over that.

Uranium One being completely DEBUNKED by Shep Smith.

The Nunes memo is no longer conspiracy theory. Those are facts.

If you are a RWNJ they are, just like FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, and the birth certificate. Once it's in the echo chamber, it's there forever, no matter how wrong it is.
The establishment of both parties is corrupt to the core

Investigations of Trump for any collusion is an absolute farce

It's time to bring integrity ack

The fact that our intelligence community has been compromised for political gain is alarming

The fact that so many leftists are OK with it as long as it benefits their political goals bodes poorly for our country
The fact that our intelligence committee has been used for partisan politics is what is alarming. If there were real concerns about the FISA warrant, it should have been turned over to the proper authorities for investigation, not to the American people in a media circus.
I will be pretty surprised if some establishment type republicans don't get caught up in this as well

I'm glad the info has been made public
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For several days, you couldn't turn on the news anywhere without hearing speculation and opinion about The Memo. Now that it's out, the story is no longer the lead.
Fox does have real news but the massive amounts of propaganda is off-putting.
When CNN gets into one of its obsessive "follow one story for three days" mode, I sometimes find Fox much more likely to be reporting the news of the day. It doesn't last long before they're back worrying their bone about librul college students or some rah-rah military story, but at least they report it in the first five minutes.

Yes, I agree.. I get so sick of it that I just shut it down and stop watching the news.. At times I do flip through all of the stations and online to try and get to the truth, even then these partisan hacks have brought up reputable news companies online .

Talk show hosts and partisan pundits have zero credibility, none, nada.

In their own style, they all do the same thing: Concentrate on that which supports their agenda, while ignoring/avoiding/minimizing/distorting that which does not.

Do we not all know this? Really?

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