Do you support Bundys rebellion against the federal government?

Do you support Bundy in his fight against the feds?

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It's a minor incident in the history of the US government. It's no more a rebellion than MLK's Selma march. Characterizing it as a "rebellion" is deliberately inflamatory rhetoric. It's ironic that the same left wing radicals that defend the gigantic bloated and often confused BLM bureaucracy are the same people who considered Bill Ayers a hero.
It's a minor incident in the history of the US government. It's no more a rebellion than MLK's Selma march. Characterizing it as a "rebellion" is deliberately inflamatory rhetoric. It's ironic that the same left wing radicals that defend the gigantic bloated and often confused BLM bureaucracy are the same people who considered Bill Ayers a hero.


Inflammatory rhetoric? Really?

Christ almighty the pc police on this site never rest.
Too simple a question.

Does it hurt my feelings to see the Fed's taken down a notch? Absolutely not.

Do I think Bundy's position is flag wrapped and pure as the driven snow? Not on your life.

The big problem in this case is that the Federal Government has literally unlimited resources to fight these cases in court, not to mention teams of lawyer, funded by the very taxpayers with which they are engaged in legal battles.

How do you fight that? The fix is in.
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I wonder how long it will be before Gramps tries to tell us that 'rebellion' means something besides open, armed, and organized resistance to a constituted government.
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an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
I support Bundy paying his fees and penalties.

I support the congressional delegations passing legislation that will turn all remaining federal lands that are not military reservations or protected area to the states.
I support Bundy paying his fees and penalties.

I support the congressional delegations passing legislation that will turn all remaining federal lands that are not military reservations or protected area to the states.

I could agree with this.
The left wingers attempt to portray this standoff as a simple case of a Rancher refusing to pay grazing fees on public lands. That is nonsense, but that is all they have to argue with.

The standoff was pure resistance to the federal government using its regulatory powers to put honest businesses out of business. Especially when it does this to placate the idiot fringe of its base, and/or further political corruption.

History has shown that the desert turtles and cattle have coexisted on this public land for over a century. That means that using those turtles as an excuse to shut down the land for cattle grazing is governmental corruption, designed to shut down the ranchers who have depended on that graze for many generations.

By cutting the number of cattle allowed on the public lands by half, the BLM made ranching on that land economically impossible, and most of the ranchers went out of business. Bundy was the last cowboy standing, and he refused to capitulate to this heavy handed misuse of governmental powers. That cut took place in 1993, and that is when Bundy became an outlaw.

That is why American citizens, across the country support Bundy, and why they were willing to fight on his befalf.
I support Bundy paying his fees and penalties.

I support the congressional delegations passing legislation that will turn all remaining federal lands that are not military reservations or protected area to the states.

I could agree with this.

No. You have already stated that you support the REBELLION. The time for negotiation through proper legal channels has passed for you.
I have to keep my opinion is reserve.

Bundy says he doesn't recognize the fed's authority.

Just because someone doesn't recognize it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

However the feds have a long history of abusing authority, and I'm inclined to believe this is another of those cases.

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