CDZ Do You Support Term Limits For Congress?

Do You Support Term Limits For Congress

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
I whole heartedly endorse term limits for all politicians and the supreme court. I think age limits would be a good thing too, say ,max age 67

Pretty odd that in federal law enforcement and in the military mandatory retirement age is 59 unless you get a waiver from Congress, but those old bastards can sit there until they are literally decrepit if people are dumb enough to vote for them.

And, I'd prefer an IQ test to term limits. Bye bye Congressional black caucus.
Anything to get rid of career politicians in BOTH parties that only care about their political advancement, power, and wealth, and not doing what is right.
I wish it was that easy. If a candidate is in good standing with the party, a lot of money is thrown at him
Anyone else running against him is up against the machine.

And that is the way both parties like it. Just like the deck is completely stacked against a third party. Even someone as wealthy as Trump had to run as a candidate of one of the two main parties to even have a chance to win the Oval because they have effectively outlawed competition.

Which is , of course, why both parties suck and are completely unwilling to work for the actual people. They don't need to. They are a macro version of the DMV. If , say Wal Mart, ran the DMV the DMV would be 100 fold more efficient and responsive to customer needs than it is now. Same with Congress, if there were competition to the Democrats and Republicans, you would see a much more efficient and responsive government.

I’m sure that was what someone told AOC…she won.
I’m sure Mia Love was told to F-off too. She won.
Beto ran and almost won against Cruz.
Steven Jones won in Alabama because the other guys stumbled.

We have elections. There is no sinister invisible hand that decides. The votes are counted and the person who got the most won. Conspiracy theories are fun but they are not truthful.

As for Wal Mart….I don’t think you’ve shopped there if you think that is a fun experience.

As for Congress and it’s attitude toward customer service…it’s fun to think that they will always say yes to you if things were different. In some districts, 40% are opposed to what you want. How does a congresswoman say yes to you and to them on the same topic? Really folks, the government isn’t a candy store.

LOL come on Candy, it was proven CONCLUSIVELY to you that yes, the DNC will lay its hand on an election to make sure the desired candidate won.
It helped that Hillary won every large state too, right? LOL

In the RNC Trump won DESPITE the RNC, but it took a very specific set of circumstances and a very specific candidate to do so. Do you think an unknown thousandare from Oklahoma would have defeated those 17 other Republicans for the nomination? No, they would not have.
Never know. McCain had so little money in 2008 that he was carrying his own bags at the airport. He came back and won.

AOC won because her primary opponent was lazy and complacent , not even realizing he had a primary challenger that had a chance until it was too late, combined with how progressive she is. Not because she was outside the system but won out of pure pluckiness.

As for Wal Mart, I didn't say it was a pleasant experience, I said Wal Mart is efficient and know that customer service is important to keeping customers coming back.

Wal Mart and the DMV are about the same on customer service at peak times in my experience.

Hillary Clinton winning every big state proved my point Candy lol the Democrats have a nice little system going where the super delegates in big states decide who their candidate is. How many people in those big states may as well not even have voted in their state's primary due to super delegates having already decided which nominee would win the state?

Hillary Clinton beat an outright socialist who was wrote porn in another life by 3 million votes only by virtue of a rigged system.

What's hilarious is that she herself was a victim of that rigged system in 2008 when Obama came out of nowhere to steal the nomination that rightfully hers until the system said "no, we want the black guy" and no one batted an eye LOL

Man, are you way off.

Super Delegates (or any delegates for that matter) are only at the National Convention; they have zero to do with the individual state balloting. So you have zero clue as to the topic at hand.

Additionally, in 2008, HRC was actually a victim of the Super Delegates that were pledged to her at the convention deciding to withdraw and support Obama.

Finally, Bernie Sanders knew about the super delegate system which has been in place since, at least, 1984.
And that is the way both parties like it. Just like the deck is completely stacked against a third party. Even someone as wealthy as Trump had to run as a candidate of one of the two main parties to even have a chance to win the Oval because they have effectively outlawed competition.

Which is , of course, why both parties suck and are completely unwilling to work for the actual people. They don't need to. They are a macro version of the DMV. If , say Wal Mart, ran the DMV the DMV would be 100 fold more efficient and responsive to customer needs than it is now. Same with Congress, if there were competition to the Democrats and Republicans, you would see a much more efficient and responsive government.

I’m sure that was what someone told AOC…she won.
I’m sure Mia Love was told to F-off too. She won.
Beto ran and almost won against Cruz.
Steven Jones won in Alabama because the other guys stumbled.

We have elections. There is no sinister invisible hand that decides. The votes are counted and the person who got the most won. Conspiracy theories are fun but they are not truthful.

As for Wal Mart….I don’t think you’ve shopped there if you think that is a fun experience.

As for Congress and it’s attitude toward customer service…it’s fun to think that they will always say yes to you if things were different. In some districts, 40% are opposed to what you want. How does a congresswoman say yes to you and to them on the same topic? Really folks, the government isn’t a candy store.

LOL come on Candy, it was proven CONCLUSIVELY to you that yes, the DNC will lay its hand on an election to make sure the desired candidate won.
It helped that Hillary won every large state too, right? LOL

In the RNC Trump won DESPITE the RNC, but it took a very specific set of circumstances and a very specific candidate to do so. Do you think an unknown thousandare from Oklahoma would have defeated those 17 other Republicans for the nomination? No, they would not have.
Never know. McCain had so little money in 2008 that he was carrying his own bags at the airport. He came back and won.

AOC won because her primary opponent was lazy and complacent , not even realizing he had a primary challenger that had a chance until it was too late, combined with how progressive she is. Not because she was outside the system but won out of pure pluckiness.

As for Wal Mart, I didn't say it was a pleasant experience, I said Wal Mart is efficient and know that customer service is important to keeping customers coming back.

Wal Mart and the DMV are about the same on customer service at peak times in my experience.

Hillary Clinton winning every big state proved my point Candy lol the Democrats have a nice little system going where the super delegates in big states decide who their candidate is. How many people in those big states may as well not even have voted in their state's primary due to super delegates having already decided which nominee would win the state?

Hillary Clinton beat an outright socialist who was wrote porn in another life by 3 million votes only by virtue of a rigged system.

What's hilarious is that she herself was a victim of that rigged system in 2008 when Obama came out of nowhere to steal the nomination that rightfully hers until the system said "no, we want the black guy" and no one batted an eye LOL

Man, are you way off.

Super Delegates (or any delegates for that matter) are only at the National Convention; they have zero to do with the individual state balloting. So you have zero clue as to the topic at hand.

Additionally, in 2008, HRC was actually a victim of the Super Delegates that were pledged to her at the convention deciding to withdraw and support Obama.

Finally, Bernie Sanders knew about the super delegate system which has been in place since, at least, 1984.

You just agreed with everything I just said, including that Hillary was the victim of the super delegates in 2008, and then told me I was way off base LOL
I’m sure that was what someone told AOC…she won.
I’m sure Mia Love was told to F-off too. She won.
Beto ran and almost won against Cruz.
Steven Jones won in Alabama because the other guys stumbled.

We have elections. There is no sinister invisible hand that decides. The votes are counted and the person who got the most won. Conspiracy theories are fun but they are not truthful.

As for Wal Mart….I don’t think you’ve shopped there if you think that is a fun experience.

As for Congress and it’s attitude toward customer service…it’s fun to think that they will always say yes to you if things were different. In some districts, 40% are opposed to what you want. How does a congresswoman say yes to you and to them on the same topic? Really folks, the government isn’t a candy store.

LOL come on Candy, it was proven CONCLUSIVELY to you that yes, the DNC will lay its hand on an election to make sure the desired candidate won.
It helped that Hillary won every large state too, right? LOL

In the RNC Trump won DESPITE the RNC, but it took a very specific set of circumstances and a very specific candidate to do so. Do you think an unknown thousandare from Oklahoma would have defeated those 17 other Republicans for the nomination? No, they would not have.
Never know. McCain had so little money in 2008 that he was carrying his own bags at the airport. He came back and won.

AOC won because her primary opponent was lazy and complacent , not even realizing he had a primary challenger that had a chance until it was too late, combined with how progressive she is. Not because she was outside the system but won out of pure pluckiness.

As for Wal Mart, I didn't say it was a pleasant experience, I said Wal Mart is efficient and know that customer service is important to keeping customers coming back.

Wal Mart and the DMV are about the same on customer service at peak times in my experience.

Hillary Clinton winning every big state proved my point Candy lol the Democrats have a nice little system going where the super delegates in big states decide who their candidate is. How many people in those big states may as well not even have voted in their state's primary due to super delegates having already decided which nominee would win the state?

Hillary Clinton beat an outright socialist who was wrote porn in another life by 3 million votes only by virtue of a rigged system.

What's hilarious is that she herself was a victim of that rigged system in 2008 when Obama came out of nowhere to steal the nomination that rightfully hers until the system said "no, we want the black guy" and no one batted an eye LOL

Man, are you way off.

Super Delegates (or any delegates for that matter) are only at the National Convention; they have zero to do with the individual state balloting. So you have zero clue as to the topic at hand.

Additionally, in 2008, HRC was actually a victim of the Super Delegates that were pledged to her at the convention deciding to withdraw and support Obama.

Finally, Bernie Sanders knew about the super delegate system which has been in place since, at least, 1984.

You just agreed with everything I just said, including that Hillary was the victim of the super delegates in 2008, and then told me I was way off base LOL

No, you said Super delegates in big states decide who their candidate is. They do not. They decide who the nominee is.

You remain clueless. LOL
However the system is the problem as far as Congress goes.

The system is what renders the Congress ineffective. Change the rules and the players won’t matter

6 years with no pay ( public SERVANT) no retirement and buy their own health care

The current system gives incumbents a HUGE advantage. One that is almost impossible to over come

Changing the rules is the only way to change the system.

The goal is to get your representatives to weigh in on these matters; not have the luxury of hiding behind the majority leader who refuses to allow a vote.

I wish it was that easy. If a candidate is in good standing with the party, a lot of money is thrown at him

They are a macro version of the DMV

How does a congresswoman say yes to you and to them on the same topic? Really folks, the government isn’t a candy store.

There are TWO ways to create a Constitutional Amendment. Only one of them requires the consent of Congress

Interesting discussion ,points here....

So let's play FF's, just for the sake of our own 'dream Congress'......

I'll start .....

435 will no longer do, got to be proportional to population, what say 4350

1 term only, that's it....

oh and, all our Congresscritters are drafted, able bodied 18-59 goes into the hat for every state , each state pulls out 5X's the number of reps required to vote on w/in said state.

one is renumerated according to one's current employment , business or both for the length of term

a 'term' grace period is required entering to the lobbying biz afterwards

'speaker' attains all new rules

congressional renumeration (from one's starting point) goes up/down according to Joe Bag 'O Donuts net worth , GND to GNP ratio, as well as the median HC coverage

exit interviews will be held by walmart officials in conjunction with CNN


However the system is the problem as far as Congress goes.

The system is what renders the Congress ineffective. Change the rules and the players won’t matter

6 years with no pay ( public SERVANT) no retirement and buy their own health care

The current system gives incumbents a HUGE advantage. One that is almost impossible to over come

Changing the rules is the only way to change the system.

The goal is to get your representatives to weigh in on these matters; not have the luxury of hiding behind the majority leader who refuses to allow a vote.

I wish it was that easy. If a candidate is in good standing with the party, a lot of money is thrown at him

They are a macro version of the DMV

How does a congresswoman say yes to you and to them on the same topic? Really folks, the government isn’t a candy store.

There are TWO ways to create a Constitutional Amendment. Only one of them requires the consent of Congress

Interesting discussion ,points here....

So let's play FF's, just for the sake of our own 'dream Congress'......

I'll start .....

435 will no longer do, got to be proportional to population, what say 4350

1 term only, that's it....

oh and, all our Congresscritters are drafted, able bodied 18-59 goes into the hat for every state , each state pulls out 5X's the number of reps required to vote on w/in said state.

one is renumerated according to one's current employment , business or both for the length of term

a 'term' grace period is required entering to the lobbying biz afterwards

'speaker' attains all new rules

congressional renumeration (from one's starting point) goes up/down according to Joe Bag 'O Donuts net worth , GND to GNP ratio, as well as the median HC coverage

exit interviews will be held by walmart officials in conjunction with CNN



I couldn’t follow your replies or who you’re replying to. If you wish to reply directly…feel free.
However the system is the problem as far as Congress goes.

The system is what renders the Congress ineffective. Change the rules and the players won’t matter

6 years with no pay ( public SERVANT) no retirement and buy their own health care

The current system gives incumbents a HUGE advantage. One that is almost impossible to over come

Changing the rules is the only way to change the system.

The goal is to get your representatives to weigh in on these matters; not have the luxury of hiding behind the majority leader who refuses to allow a vote.

I wish it was that easy. If a candidate is in good standing with the party, a lot of money is thrown at him

They are a macro version of the DMV

How does a congresswoman say yes to you and to them on the same topic? Really folks, the government isn’t a candy store.

There are TWO ways to create a Constitutional Amendment. Only one of them requires the consent of Congress

Interesting discussion ,points here....

So let's play FF's, just for the sake of our own 'dream Congress'......

I'll start .....

435 will no longer do, got to be proportional to population, what say 4350

1 term only, that's it....

oh and, all our Congresscritters are drafted, able bodied 18-59 goes into the hat for every state , each state pulls out 5X's the number of reps required to vote on w/in said state.

one is renumerated according to one's current employment , business or both for the length of term

a 'term' grace period is required entering to the lobbying biz afterwards

'speaker' attains all new rules

congressional renumeration (from one's starting point) goes up/down according to Joe Bag 'O Donuts net worth , GND to GNP ratio, as well as the median HC coverage

exit interviews will be held by walmart officials in conjunction with CNN



I couldn’t follow your replies or who you’re replying to. If you wish to reply directly…feel free.

Well i'm reading you all, and it seems unanimous the system is failing

So i guess i'm replying to you all Candy

What say you?

What's your fix?

Dream a little dream w/me.....(w/apologies to Mama Cass)

All you guys whining about term limits KNOW that Congress has to create the amendment right? Now how much chance is there that Congress creates an amendment that limits its own power?

This is false. There are TWO ways to create a Constitutional Amendment. Only one of them requires the consent of Congress. Although obviously that is unlikely to happen, it CAN happen
Name a single time an amendment has ever been approved from the States and NOT Congress. There was one that won enough States to create the amendment yet it never appeared because Congress stomped on it.
A Term limit Amendment is one Amendment that I think would get enough support to pass in this country..............Everyone is Fed up with Washington.........

The approval rates for Washington are in the abyss.
The powers that be imposed term limits on the POTUS (mostly due to FDR's 4 terms), why not term limits for Congress?

Members elected to Congress are 1/435 or 1/100. Their power is, by definition, diluted. That isn't the case with the President.
So, you're OK with carreer politicians?
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

The main reason so many of them are out of touch with the regular Joe is because many of them have never held a JOB outside of politics.
Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

To me, that doesn't make for good representation...IMHO...
I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

Thanks for the replies, all.

Have a good morning!

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.
The powers that be imposed term limits on the POTUS (mostly due to FDR's 4 terms), why not term limits for Congress?

Members elected to Congress are 1/435 or 1/100. Their power is, by definition, diluted. That isn't the case with the President.
So, you're OK with carreer politicians?
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

The main reason so many of them are out of touch with the regular Joe is because many of them have never held a JOB outside of politics.
Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

To me, that doesn't make for good representation...IMHO...
I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

Thanks for the replies, all.

Have a good morning!

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.
The powers that be imposed term limits on the POTUS (mostly due to FDR's 4 terms), why not term limits for Congress?

Members elected to Congress are 1/435 or 1/100. Their power is, by definition, diluted. That isn't the case with the President.
So, you're OK with carreer politicians?
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

The main reason so many of them are out of touch with the regular Joe is because many of them have never held a JOB outside of politics.
Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

To me, that doesn't make for good representation...IMHO...
I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

Thanks for the replies, all.

Have a good morning!

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.

By advocating for career politicians, you advocate for the crony capitalism and corporate favoritism that lack of term limits for Congress fosters. What these politicians' constituents end up with is taxation without representation, because the corrupt, entrenched politicians vote in the best interest of the corporations that grease their pockets year after year after year.

This is not the way the Founding Fathers set Congress up to run. Bribery was illegal then.
Members elected to Congress are 1/435 or 1/100. Their power is, by definition, diluted. That isn't the case with the President.
So, you're OK with carreer politicians?
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

The main reason so many of them are out of touch with the regular Joe is because many of them have never held a JOB outside of politics.
Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

To me, that doesn't make for good representation...IMHO...
I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

Thanks for the replies, all.

Have a good morning!

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.

By advocating for career politicians, you advocate for the crony capitalism and corporate favoritism that lack of term limits for Congress fosters. What these politicians' constituents end up with is taxation without representation, because the corrupt, entrenched politicians vote in the best interest of the corporations that grease their pockets year after year after year.

This is not the way the Founding Fathers set Congress up to run. Bribery was illegal then.

The Founding Fathers didn't put congressional term limits into the Constitution so that explains the way they sat up Congress to run.
So, you're OK with carreer politicians?
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

The main reason so many of them are out of touch with the regular Joe is because many of them have never held a JOB outside of politics.
Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

To me, that doesn't make for good representation...IMHO...
I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

Thanks for the replies, all.

Have a good morning!

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.

By advocating for career politicians, you advocate for the crony capitalism and corporate favoritism that lack of term limits for Congress fosters. What these politicians' constituents end up with is taxation without representation, because the corrupt, entrenched politicians vote in the best interest of the corporations that grease their pockets year after year after year.

This is not the way the Founding Fathers set Congress up to run. Bribery was illegal then.

The Founding Fathers didn't put congressional term limits into the Constitution so that explains the way they sat up Congress to run.

They also had them elected by the state legislatures.
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.

By advocating for career politicians, you advocate for the crony capitalism and corporate favoritism that lack of term limits for Congress fosters. What these politicians' constituents end up with is taxation without representation, because the corrupt, entrenched politicians vote in the best interest of the corporations that grease their pockets year after year after year.

This is not the way the Founding Fathers set Congress up to run. Bribery was illegal then.

The Founding Fathers didn't put congressional term limits into the Constitution so that explains the way they sat up Congress to run.

They also had them elected by the state legislatures.
Repeal the 17th and the left wouldn't have a pot to piss in regards to the Senate............
You bet.

Are you okay with career physicians? Career Attorneys? Career Plumbers? These folks are all employees of ours; politicians are no different. The Difference with politicians is that their compensation is taken by statute out of our pockets and we volunteered avail ourselves of the services of the others. That and also, if you call a plumber over to your house to fix your hot water heater, your neighbor doesn’t get theirs fixed. You get a direct benefit. When you call a city councilperson to put a park in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors benefit but the people on the other side of town who pay her (the councilperson) do not so they get upset at the “do nothing” council because they’re not seeing a direct benefit.

Politics is a profession; just as is the law, medicine, plumbing… It’s best left to the professionals. Our circus atmosphere in Washington should make that truth vividly clear.

Ok. Makes you wonder how nobody who has had a job outside of politics gets elected. Gee. I wonder how that happens. Oh yeah…apathetic voters who can’t be bothered with being civic minded, can’t be bothered with studying the issues, and think that the only relevant issues are the ones they face.

We get the government we deserve.

I think you’re right about that. But I’d rather have someone who is fighting to get a larger slice of the pie for me, my community, my district, my state...(because that is what the people on the other side of town are doing). That is best done by having someone who knows the political realities and can anticipate and plot a strategy.

You as well.

^Statist moron, begging to be made a serf or killed/imprisoned by an oppressive government.

By advocating for career politicians, you advocate for the crony capitalism and corporate favoritism that lack of term limits for Congress fosters. What these politicians' constituents end up with is taxation without representation, because the corrupt, entrenched politicians vote in the best interest of the corporations that grease their pockets year after year after year.

This is not the way the Founding Fathers set Congress up to run. Bribery was illegal then.

The Founding Fathers didn't put congressional term limits into the Constitution so that explains the way they sat up Congress to run.

They also had them elected by the state legislatures.

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