Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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If you don't have to register or do a background check, how are you gonna come up with pinpoint statistics?

If you have a good point, then why not argue that? Why digress into silliness?

See; you hold the position that of the 15,000 people at the OC Fairgrounds last weekend, 6,000 of them bought guns from private individuals who paid booth rental?

Now that's just stupid bullshit, and I think you know it. The booths are expensive and only profitable to dealers that have a lot of stock to sell.

even 15% is a fantasy bullshit number that you gungrabbers pulled from your ass.

where you there? I was there early on saturday. the lines were insane
I made no claims about any individual event.

No, but a single event clearly demonstrates just how absurd your claim is. This isn't a matter of making up numbers, but posting statistics that are wildly absurd. Claiming that "15% to 40%" of sales at gun shows are without background checks, ergo between private parties, is laughable, like one claiming they make a trillion-gazillion dollars a week, level absurd.

If you have an argument with what I am actually saying, then present that argument.

Your numbers are crap, you pulled them from your ass.

If you just want to put words in my mounth, and then argue with that, knock yourself out. You don't need me to be here at all.

What words did I allegedly put in your mouth?
The 15% figure is probably low.

PolitiFact | Mayor Michael Bloomberg says 40 percent of guns are sold without a background check

Bloomberg's estimate of 40% came from a 20-year-old study. And ATF says a study says 75% of gun show sales are conducted by non-licensed dealers.

So you can turn purple with disbelief all you want. The numbers lean my way, not yours.

great source, bloomberg has no hidden agenda

Once again - hit the link and you'll see the study he cited and the studies that offer different conclusions.

Or you can just keep tilting at windmills. Like you did with felony disenfranchisement and dealer inventories.
what was surprising, inside it wasn't all that bad. everyone headed for the reloading and ammunition tables. the rest of the place was pretty empty.

I would have gone for the ammunition tables!

I had my son with me, and we looked at the crowd, then decided breakfast sounded better...

talk about overpriced, wow. .223 going for $750/1000 they had a pretty good supply though which was encouraging. I'm going to try a show in PA next month
When was the last time mass murder in a school was done with a blunt object? :lmao:

So now only people who die in mass shootings only matter to the argument, is that what you're saying? Seems to me, tunnel vision, when considering policy for a country of 320 million people is a bit of an asinine way to approach it. You have clearly demonstrated no real knowledge of the subject yet you think you have an informed opinion just because of what you hear on the MSM. Trust me, you don't.

No, that was an example. "Semantics, the last bastion of a loser" - OKTexas :D

Question: if a right isn't based on need as you said in an earlier post, shouldn't it be ok then for civilians to possess grenades, Stinger missiles, land mines, nukes and anything else?

Nope just trying to nail you down, you libs tend to wander all over the damn place and keep moving the goal post when you start losing. Personally I have no problem with people owning anything they can properly care for and safely store. You see that's all part of responsible ownership, a concept you on the left seem to have difficulty grasping.

How about we extend your "need" argument to another subject near and dear to your dear leaders heart, climate change. Do you really need that automatic dishwasher, clothes washer, dryer, computer, cell phone, air conditioner and small kitchen appliances for your survival? The answer is no, so how about we determine what you get by what you really need to survive and make you justify why it's needed. After all isn't it for the good of society that we get a handle on climate change? If you believe Al Gore, climate change is way more dangerous than any gun, wouldn't you readily agree to justifying your life style for the children? And just think, none of these excesses are guaranteed by the Constitution.

My point is big brother is coming, just because he's not coming for your shit right now, doesn't mean he won't down the road, so you can help him out, or you can join the rest of us and draw the line here and now.
The 15% figure is probably low.

PolitiFact | Mayor Michael Bloomberg says 40 percent of guns are sold without a background check

Bloomberg's estimate of 40% came from a 20-year-old study. And ATF says a study says 75% of gun show sales are conducted by non-licensed dealers.

So you can turn purple with disbelief all you want. The numbers lean my way, not yours.

Well dayum, says here that Josef Stalin had a study that said 23 million Kulaks committed suicide....

You've never been to a gun show, and don't grasp how stupid your claim is.
all that does is prevent the atf from requiring dealers to perform physical inventories. they can still go in at anytime they want and perform an audit.
Thank you for admitting you were wrong about dealers being required to maintain an inventory.

I'm sure the 2,500 ATF agents the United States employs will get right on those 129,817 licensed dealers.
The 15% figure is probably low.

PolitiFact | Mayor Michael Bloomberg says 40 percent of guns are sold without a background check

Bloomberg's estimate of 40% came from a 20-year-old study. And ATF says a study says 75% of gun show sales are conducted by non-licensed dealers.

So you can turn purple with disbelief all you want. The numbers lean my way, not yours.

Well dayum, says here that Josef Stalin had a study that said 23 million Kulaks committed suicide....

You've never been to a gun show, and don't grasp how stupid your claim is.

LOL - Been to more than I cared to count.

Try making up something else about another thing you know nothing about.

It may improve your image even more.
The 15% figure is probably low.

PolitiFact | Mayor Michael Bloomberg says 40 percent of guns are sold without a background check

Bloomberg's estimate of 40% came from a 20-year-old study. And ATF says a study says 75% of gun show sales are conducted by non-licensed dealers.

So you can turn purple with disbelief all you want. The numbers lean my way, not yours.

great source, bloomberg has no hidden agenda

Once again - hit the link and you'll see the study he cited and the studies that offer different conclusions.

Or you can just keep tilting at windmills. Like you did with felony disenfranchisement and dealer inventories.

here is another interesting fact, gary kleck also estimates that a personally owned gun is used to stop a crime or personal attack 2,500,000 times a year. that far outpaces the 8,300 homicides last year. but of course gun grabbers dispute that fact. but they are willing to accept his 40% fact? make up your minds so the study was done 20 years ago with a sampling where only 251 people reported the source of their gun. yea, real accurate statistics you got there. figures bloomberg would haul this one out of his ass to use.
Once again - hit the link and you'll see the study he cited and the studies that offer different conclusions.

Or you can just keep tilting at windmills. Like you did with felony disenfranchisement and dealer inventories.

First off, there was no "study," just an "estimate" pulled out of the ass of a Duke University professor. Secondly, this estimate is of all gun sales, not those conducted at gun shows. IF you had ever attended a gun show, you'd grasp just how stupid your claim is. Private parties are a rarity, because it's economically not feasible. A guy with 2 guns goes and spends $500 on booth rental, to sell them for $250 each?

Uh, right.......
great source, bloomberg has no hidden agenda

Once again - hit the link and you'll see the study he cited and the studies that offer different conclusions.

Or you can just keep tilting at windmills. Like you did with felony disenfranchisement and dealer inventories.

here is another interesting fact, gary kleck also estimates that a personally owned gun is used to stop a crime or personal attack 2,500,000 times a year. that far outpaces the 8,300 homicides last year. but of course gun grabbers dispute that fact. but they are willing to accept his 40% fact? make up your minds so the study was done 20 years ago with a sampling where only 251 people reported the source of their gun. yea, real accurate statistics you got there. figures bloomberg would haul this one out of his ass to use.

I would tell you that I have no problem accepting the 2.5 million times a year figure since it is irrelevent to what my point is here ....

but that would destroy this character that you are trying to create to argue with
all that does is prevent the atf from requiring dealers to perform physical inventories. they can still go in at anytime they want and perform an audit.
Thank you for admitting you were wrong about dealers being required to maintain an inventory.

I'm sure the 2,500 ATF agents the United States employs will get right on those 129,817 licensed dealers.

mmm, who is putting words into someone elses mouth now? they can't force them to take a physical inventory, but they can audit at anytime.

now tell me this. when we have this background check, how are these 2500 atf agents ever going to enforce it? sounds like we'll need a shitload more agents. at what cost? do i smell another war on drugs developing here? who maintains this data base?
Once again - hit the link and you'll see the study he cited and the studies that offer different conclusions.

Or you can just keep tilting at windmills. Like you did with felony disenfranchisement and dealer inventories.

here is another interesting fact, gary kleck also estimates that a personally owned gun is used to stop a crime or personal attack 2,500,000 times a year. that far outpaces the 8,300 homicides last year. but of course gun grabbers dispute that fact. but they are willing to accept his 40% fact? make up your minds so the study was done 20 years ago with a sampling where only 251 people reported the source of their gun. yea, real accurate statistics you got there. figures bloomberg would haul this one out of his ass to use.

I would tell you that I have no problem accepting the 2.5 million times a year figure since it is irrelevent to what my point is here ....

but that would destroy this character that you are trying to create to argue with

but it is very relevant to the shole gun control issue. and that is the big picture

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