Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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Once again - hit the link and you'll see the study he cited and the studies that offer different conclusions.

Or you can just keep tilting at windmills. Like you did with felony disenfranchisement and dealer inventories.

First off, there was no "study," just an "estimate" pulled out of the ass of a Duke University professor. Secondly, this estimate is of all gun sales, not those conducted at gun shows. IF you had ever attended a gun show, you'd grasp just how stupid your claim is. Private parties are a rarity, because it's economically not feasible. A guy with 2 guns goes and spends $500 on booth rental, to sell them for $250 each?

Uh, right.......

And the other studies are linked in there as well. Along with the NRA study.

Keep making stuff up - I think it's helping.
here is another interesting fact, gary kleck also estimates that a personally owned gun is used to stop a crime or personal attack 2,500,000 times a year. that far outpaces the 8,300 homicides last year. but of course gun grabbers dispute that fact. but they are willing to accept his 40% fact? make up your minds so the study was done 20 years ago with a sampling where only 251 people reported the source of their gun. yea, real accurate statistics you got there. figures bloomberg would haul this one out of his ass to use.

I would tell you that I have no problem accepting the 2.5 million times a year figure since it is irrelevent to what my point is here ....

but that would destroy this character that you are trying to create to argue with

but it is very relevant to the shole gun control issue. and that is the big picture

ahh I see

I'm losing on universal background checks so let's move the goal posts a bhit so I can save face.

I'm not interested in banning guns, or clips or umbrellas or anything else you want to try to drag into the conversation.

I've stated what I favor. Universal background check, mandatory dealer inventories, sales database (and here - I'll throw you a bone) I also favor holding gun owners who are neglegent in securing their firearm liable when their gun is used in a crime.
talk about overpriced, wow. .223 going for $750/1000 they had a pretty good supply though which was encouraging. I'm going to try a show in PA next month

Holy crap, that along with 9MM, 30-30, and .45 long colt was what I wanted. That is crazy, the last 200 round box of UMC I bought was $129, in December.

the last .223 I bought was $330 for 1000 in september. 9mm was going for $134/1000 i think, which isn't that bad.
I would tell you that I have no problem accepting the 2.5 million times a year figure since it is irrelevent to what my point is here ....

but that would destroy this character that you are trying to create to argue with

but it is very relevant to the shole gun control issue. and that is the big picture

ahh I see

I'm losing on universal background checks so let's move the goal posts a bhit so I can save face.

I'm not interested in banning guns, or clips or umbrellas or anything else you want to try to drag into the conversation.

I've stated what I favor. Universal background check, mandatory dealer inventories, sales database (and here - I'll throw you a bone) I also favor holding gun owners who are neglegent in securing their firearm liable when their gun is used in a crime.

and when what this universal background check entails we'll see where we stand on it. So far, from what is presented and how it is presented as part of an over riding control, I oppose it outright. there is no goal post move. you want to fix a goal post, start working on your radical politicians to present sensible legislation. not reactionary paranoia that does nothing. and you wonder why it gets so much opposition.
Those numbers are based on the fact that 100% of gun sales are not subject to background checks and more than 90% of US Voters think that they should be.

Try to spin out of that.

Criminal Background checks are one thing, registering what you buy is something else altogether. Sadly, there are some who do not seem to understand the difference.
I just bought a car and had to register it to get a plate. THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, it's called revenue enhancement.
but it is very relevant to the shole gun control issue. and that is the big picture

ahh I see

I'm losing on universal background checks so let's move the goal posts a bhit so I can save face.

I'm not interested in banning guns, or clips or umbrellas or anything else you want to try to drag into the conversation.

I've stated what I favor. Universal background check, mandatory dealer inventories, sales database (and here - I'll throw you a bone) I also favor holding gun owners who are neglegent in securing their firearm liable when their gun is used in a crime.

and when what this universal background check entails we'll see where we stand on it. So far, from what is presented and how it is presented as part of an over riding control, I oppose it outright. there is no goal post move. you want to fix a goal post, start working on your radical politicians to present sensible legislation. not reactionary paranoia that does nothing. and you wonder why it gets so much opposition.

You mean 92% favor my position and you think I'm wondering about the 8%.

That's pretty funny stuff
And 90% of Americans think you should. We will see if that results in legislation.
(and btw - you have to register the sale of your home with the registrar of deeds and the property tax assessor)

90% of americans don't realize that criminal background checks occur in 99% of all gun sales already. again, if they realized all of this smoke and mirrors only addressed a fraction and really doesn't change anything and that it is only more feel good legislation, they are going ot think differently

Actually, the more honest estimates range from 15% to 40% are sales without background checks.

The honest estimates put that number at less than 5%.
I just bought a car and had to register it to get a plate. THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

And those plates are a LICENSE to operate the car on public streets. If you want the car to use on your own farm or land, no need to register it.

Just like I expect to have to REGISTER to carry a concealed weapon, but for my private, in-home use, do not.

Not all states require people to register to carry.
90% of americans don't realize that criminal background checks occur in 99% of all gun sales already. again, if they realized all of this smoke and mirrors only addressed a fraction and really doesn't change anything and that it is only more feel good legislation, they are going ot think differently

Actually, the more honest estimates range from 15% to 40% are sales without background checks.

The honest estimates put that number at less than 5%.

The NRA puts it at 10% - why would they inflate that figure?
You mean 92% favor my position and you think I'm wondering about the 8%.

That's pretty funny stuff

Most do support background checks. Most don't grasp that they are already required except when guns are transferred by private parties.

Sniff, Grandpa died. Well, he left you his shotgun. As soon as we get you fingerprinted, and do a background check, we can start the 10 day waiting period to execute the will...
ahh I see

I'm losing on universal background checks so let's move the goal posts a bhit so I can save face.

I'm not interested in banning guns, or clips or umbrellas or anything else you want to try to drag into the conversation.

I've stated what I favor. Universal background check, mandatory dealer inventories, sales database (and here - I'll throw you a bone) I also favor holding gun owners who are neglegent in securing their firearm liable when their gun is used in a crime.

and when what this universal background check entails we'll see where we stand on it. So far, from what is presented and how it is presented as part of an over riding control, I oppose it outright. there is no goal post move. you want to fix a goal post, start working on your radical politicians to present sensible legislation. not reactionary paranoia that does nothing. and you wonder why it gets so much opposition.

You mean 92% favor my position and you think I'm wondering about the 8%.

That's pretty funny stuff

sure, criminal back ground checks only. start including classifying and registering mental health issues and see where that support falls out. figure out how you are going to give an individual who wants to make a sale access to that database and ensure he will use the information for only the potential sale of a gun and not some type of identity theft. and again, get the proposals in line. right now, they aren't and no one seems interested in bringing them there
Actually, the more honest estimates range from 15% to 40% are sales without background checks.

The honest estimates put that number at less than 5%.

The NRA puts it at 10% - why would they inflate that figure?

There was a study posted earlier where UC Davis crunched the numbers and put it at 3.4% before they went on to quote the idiotic claim that it is 40% using 20 year old data. Maybe the NRA didn't get a chance to see the UC study and just guessed, which is what most people do.

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