Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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I had to go to the FAQ section to find the revolver / Semi-auto thing..

39. Once I am licensed, what type of handgun will I be able to carry?
You may carry the type of legal, concealed handgun you are licensed to carry under the Concealed Handgun program. You must demonstrate proficiency with the type of handgun, either a semi-automatic or a non-semi automatic (revolver) to qualify for a concealed handgun license.

Not going to scan my license but here's what it says on the back.
Handgun Categories:
NSA = Only handguns that are not semi-automatic
SA = All handguns, whether semi-automatic or not.

Does that help?

Just reinforces what I thought.. and what was said by the other poster. If you qual wiith a revolver, you can only carry a revolver, qual with a semi, you can carry either one.

I never had to qualify for mine, I was active duty when I got it... But then the owner of the local range, a retired Col, knew me by first name at his range. Well enough that I didn't have to pay for targets when I went there.
My wife had a Texas permit. She qualified with a 9mm so that she could carry either. We now hold two permits each...neither are from Texas but the two permits we each hold allow us to legally carry in 35 states.

TX alone is good in 32 states.

That's good. A Utah permit can be qualified for and obtained without having to be a resident of Utah. How about Texas's permit, do you know?
My wife had a Texas permit. She qualified with a 9mm so that she could carry either. We now hold two permits each...neither are from Texas but the two permits we each hold allow us to legally carry in 35 states.

TX alone is good in 32 states.

That's good. A Utah permit can be qualified for and obtained without having to be a resident of Utah. How about Texas's permit, do you know?

They offer a nonresident license, but CO only recognizes licenses held by residents of the state of issue.
My Permit is good in the following States

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming
My wife had a Texas permit. She qualified with a 9mm so that she could carry either. We now hold two permits each...neither are from Texas but the two permits we each hold allow us to legally carry in 35 states.

My god, you have two guns...
and the government knows you have them...

and they haven't confiscated them yet???

I have been licensed in Georgia for many years for concealed and there are reciprocal agreements with other states.
But fuck all of that, I will carry no matter what if I need to.
Would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
I have been licensed in Georgia for many years for concealed and there are reciprocal agreements with other states.
But fuck all of that, I will carry no matter what if I need to.
Would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

The states that don't honor the TX license probably aren't the kind of place I'd want to go to anyway. Since SCOTUS just required IL the last hold out on concealed carry to pass a law, I think there should be class action to require reciprocity across the nation, just like drivers licenses. That would piss off the libs.
My wife had a Texas permit. She qualified with a 9mm so that she could carry either. We now hold two permits each...neither are from Texas but the two permits we each hold allow us to legally carry in 35 states.

My god, you have two guns...
and the government knows you have them...

and they haven't confiscated them yet???


The government has no reason to take any of his guns.
The government has no reason to take any of his guns.

And there you go...

The only "reason" to take anyone's gun, is if they are a criminal or insane.

Which is why Government will never be coming to your home and taking your guns.

Even if they're registered, like those of a permit-holder's would be...
The government has no reason to take any of his guns.

And there you go...

The only "reason" to take anyone's gun, is if they are a criminal or insane.

Which is why Government will never be coming to your home and taking your guns.

Even if they're registered, like those of a permit-holder's would be...
This is how they will start confiscating guns.
He's under investigation for this or that but they'll do it slowly a first
Feds seized nearly 1,500 guns in raid
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I have been licensed in Georgia for many years for concealed and there are reciprocal agreements with other states.
But fuck all of that, I will carry no matter what if I need to.
Would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

The states that don't honor the TX license probably aren't the kind of place I'd want to go to anyway. Since SCOTUS just required IL the last hold out on concealed carry to pass a law, I think there should be class action to require reciprocity across the nation, just like drivers licenses. That would piss off the libs.

Considering that NOT honoring another state's CCW permit is a clear violation of the Constitution, I hope someone takes this to court!
The government has no reason to take any of his guns.

And there you go...

The only "reason" to take anyone's gun, is if they are a criminal or insane.

Which is why Government will never be coming to your home and taking your guns.

Even if they're registered, like those of a permit-holder's would be...
This is how they will start confiscating guns.
He's under investigation for this or that but they'll do it slowly a first
Feds seized nearly 1,500 guns in raid

According to the article they still haven.t charged him.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

The author is a constitutional law professor. He has done extensive research on the subject for his book.

Where this book is most interesting and useful is in the sections in which Mr. Winkler examines the early history of gun rights and gun control in the United States. Of the founding fathers, he argues that they “understood that gun rights had to be balanced with public safety needs.”
He writes that “they supported forcible disarmament of slaves, free blacks, and people of mixed race out of fear that these groups would use guns to revolt against slave masters.” He says that before the Revolution, “at least one colony, Maryland, passed a law barring Catholics from possessing firearms”
^^^No supporting data^^^

This 'book' is a 300 page opinion with 40 pages of footnotes for crying out loud.
Let him argue and write all he wants. It still does not make it so.

Why are you afraid of guns?
Anyone who feels the need to carry a concealed weapon at all times should consider that they may have mental health issues.
And there you go...

The only "reason" to take anyone's gun, is if they are a criminal or insane.

Which is why Government will never be coming to your home and taking your guns.

Even if they're registered, like those of a permit-holder's would be...

Is BigReb a "criminal" on the basis that he hasn't taken a loyalty oath to Obama?
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Anyone who feels the need to carry a concealed weapon at all times should consider that they may have mental health issues.

Ima, as a small, Islamic woman, you do realize that most men could beat you to death with little trouble, right?

So a gun will no make you less safe. In fact, if YOU had a gun, you might equalize the odds a bit.
start including classifying and registering mental health issues and see where that support falls out.

They already include that.

but 90% of the people don't see it as that.

So your contention is that support for universal background checks will fall off when people realize that those who have been adjudicated insane will be unable to legally purchase a firearm????


You think people who are too insane to stand trial for the crimes they have been accused of committing are going to get a lot of support in their effort to purchase a gun?

Sounds wacky to me, but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
The government has no reason to take any of his guns.

And there you go...

The only "reason" to take anyone's gun, is if they are a criminal or insane.

Which is why Government will never be coming to your home and taking your guns.

Even if they're registered, like those of a permit-holder's would be...
This is how they will start confiscating guns.
He's under investigation for this or that but they'll do it slowly a first
Feds seized nearly 1,500 guns in raid

I read the article. Sounds like a fair cop to me. Sure looks like an illegal gun runner to me. Canadian authorities already got him up there. If it's a misunderstanding, he'll get 'em back. If it's not a misunderstanding there's 1,500 guns that won't be in the hands of criminals.

Thumbs up from me.

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