Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

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Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .

There was no viable third party candidate in the 2016 election. Any votes for unviable third party candidates are write in's are votes that are essentially the same as sitting at home and not voting. When you sit at home and don't vote, you essentially support whatever the outcome of the election is. Whether are like it or not, YOU are apart of the reason that TRUMP is now PRESIDENT.

Once again, you do not really seem to know how our system works.

The POTUS is selected via the Electoral College...those votes are determined by the individual states.

In my state 2.1 million people voted for Trump...they accounted for the exact same number of EC votes as my vote for Johnson did. ZERO.

Please, take a civics class and quit making a fool out of yourself.

This has NOTHING do with how the system works. In any election, supporting unviable candidates or sitting at home and not voting is forfeiting your vote and supporting the whatever the outcome of the election is. Your vote for Johnson is the same as someone who did not vote at all. You threw you vote away by not supporting one of the viable candidates. There for, you supported the outcome of the election which means you supported Trump.

It has everything to do with how our system works. If you understood how it worked you would not make such stupid post.

My vote had the exact same impact as the 2.1 million people in my state that voted for Trump knowing he could not win this state.

My vote for Johnson has no different than the 3.8 million people in Texas that voted for Hillary knowing she had no chance to win the state.

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The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

well fortunately there are only a handful of war mongers here,notice that only 4 have are against the withdrawel where the majority of 20 agree with Trump?:abgg2q.jpg:

20 support doing what would most benefit ISIS at this time.

thankfully you are just one of the only handful of traiterous trolls at this site.LOL
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
We are also ceasing to train and aid anit-Assad and anti-Isis ground forces. Rather we are telling the pro-Russian and pro-Iran folks to get on with helping Assad.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people. the Kurds invading and occupying large parts of Syria immoral and unconscionable?

Yes or no?

No, there is no other group In Syria that has acted with more restraint and sense of justice than the Syrian Kurds. That is one of the reasons why the United States has been so willing to support them.
Was our mission in Syria ever Kurdish independence and the creation of an independent Kurdistan?
There are not "two sides." but rather multi-sides. Iran is anti-isis, and so is Russia. Neither are pro-US


Learn how to COUNT to TWO.....
The Turks own Trump, and they want the U.S. out of Syria so they can attack the Kurds.

That's all there is to it.
The Turks are NATO partners. That's all there is to it.

That and it was a really stupid idea to let Turkey into NATO.
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

Then I guess you have no respect for yourself.

Your words:

'Wow, looks like ISIS has a lot of allies in here. 14 people here support ISIS! Only three oppose them. Incredible!'

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

You made false assumptions about 14 people you do not know on a message board.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
Hell yes.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
Hell yes.
How's the Ruble doing Vlad.........LOL

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