Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

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The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

well fortunately there are only a handful of war mongers here,notice that only 4 have are against the withdrawel where the majority of 20 agree with Trump?:abgg2q.jpg:
Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

Far more than you little chicken hawk ass ever could. One learns a great deal about national security serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.

You are just a coward ass chicken hawk that wants others to go and die so you can feel good about yourself in your little basement with your little computer.

People like you make me want to puke

Interesting, because based on your post it does not seem you have served a day in your life. Regardless whether you served or not, your supporting the wrong policy for the country.

There is no winning hand in Syria, nobody but the Kurds want us there and they only want us there to use a cannon fodder.

We have no strategic value in Syria, Russia does, they will start WWIII to keep control of it, we are not willing to do that so all we are doing is sacrificing our service members to delay the inevitable.

Why are you so willing to send others to die when you will not do it yourself? What does that make you?

Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.
It does not cost any less to base U.S. troops in the United States than it does to base them in Poland or Estonia.

Yes it does. Troops stationed in those places are getting extra pay in the form of COLA, family separation, and many more things. You talk a lot, but have not clue what you are talking about.

To the degree that there is strain on the military, it is because it is NOT LARGE ENOUGH. The number of U.S. combat Brigades should be doubled. That takes more money for equipment, training and recruiting. Expand the size of the force, and you reduce the burden on the individual soldier. But that takes a lot more money than is being spent right now!

once again, are you willing to join up and put your ass behind your words?

There is no family separation with peacetime deployments in most western European countries. In addition, there is reduced cost of living in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe and the United States. Your not seeing any large savings if any by withdrawing U.S. forces from places like Europe, South Korea or Japan. If you were to disband the Units station there, you would. Otherwise the cost differences or insignificant.
Were not doing it for SYRIA, were doing it for our national security interest!
Bullshit, We are not doing it for ourselves.

Sorry, but the operation in Syria is not a charity operation.
You are rehashing the same old excuse used in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria, you need to get some new material if you want to sound believable

Its not an excuse, its geopolitical reality. You can't allow terrorist to have haven to operate from with impunity like Afghanistan was before 2001. Same with Syria. Iraq is more important than both because of its prior ability to threaten Kuwait and northern Saudi Arabia where much of the planets oil reserves are located. Because of that you want a relatively friendly stable government in Baghdad, and you don't want it being overthrown by the likes of ISIS.

What is the end game in Syria? How long do you want us to keep violating a sovereign nation that has not invited us into the nation?

When will we know that ISIS is really dead and not just morphed into a new group like it did when it became ISIS (since ISIS was AQ before being ISIS)?

ISIS is only very loosely related to AQ in Iraq. Most of the people who filled its ranks and died were new. The end game in Syria is a negotiated settlement after the last remnants of open ISIS and Al Nusra forces have been eliminated. Once that is accomplished, Iran leaves, and the Kurds and Syrian government come to a peaceful resolution, then U.S. forces can leave.

Will know we can leave Syria and not worry about a resurgent of ISIS there once there are proper local security structures in place to police the peace. The United States was building to that point in Iraq, but prematurely abandoned the project at the end of 2011 which allowed for the rise of ISIS in 2014. Abandoning the region before it is ready creates instability which will only lead to a new situation that would once again require the deployment of U.S. troops.
It does not cost any less to base U.S. troops in the United States than it does to base them in Poland or Estonia. To the degree that there is strain on the military, it is because it is NOT LARGE ENOUGH. The number of U.S. combat Brigades should be doubled. That takes more money for equipment, training and recruiting. Expand the size of the force, and you reduce the burden on the individual soldier. But that takes a lot more money than is being spent right now!
Foreign deployment is costly....and should only be done when absolutely necessary...I fail to see the need to keep 2000 men and women on a base in Syria.....and if you ask me....Poland and Estonia too...

There are many war scenarios that cost far more than basing troops. Proper troop deployment in the right areas deters aggression and prevents war. We don't want to go back to Isolationist America because that resulted in World War I and World War II. The cost of those two wars was far too much. That's why the United States has maintained a forward presence throughout the world since 1945. Peacetime defense spending, deployments, and regional wars are costly, but they are not nearly as costly as World War, resource depletion, or global economic depression due to conflict.
I used to sound just like you...but 18 years U2Edge...18 years...after that long it becomes obvious that we are there for reasons beyond winning....and men and women are at risk...its war....

You put every U.S. citizen at greater risk by not keeping NATO forces in Afghanistan. There is no time limit on protecting the United States and the people that live there.

Oh fucking bullshit.

In your fantasy world.
You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

People like you make me want to puke

Yet, your a Trump supporter. Amazing you would vote for a man like Trump if you are really a veteran of any kind at all.


Fuck you are stupid. I am not a Trump supporter, ask any of the real Trump supporter about me, they all say I am a die hard liberal.

I did not vote for Trump nor Hillary

I support Trump when he does the right thing, I am against him when he does not.

Anyone who did not vote for Hillary voted for Trump essentially. Voting for an unwinnable third party candidate or writing in someone's name not running, is essentially forfeiting your vote. Your essentially supporting the outcome which in this case was a Trump Presidency. I would think you would have learned that by now, but I guess not.

That is not the way our system works. Sorry you do not understand how our voting system works. Try taking a high school civic class

I wasn't discussing how the system works idiot. I was showing you what voting for an unviable third party candidate or writing a persons name in means for the impact on the election outcome!
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people.
Did you ever think we were going to help the Kurds fight for independence?

Democrats should be drawn and quartered for what they have done to this country.
For months the DOD and CENTCOM reports are that ISIS is basically destroyed and only a few remain in small pockets....

And suddenly it's they are everywhere.....

STFU people.............I didn't answer the polls..........if they are all about dead then what the hell do you bomb...............

Geesh...........This is political BS.................or the military has been lying on this issue for months...........which is it..............
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.
People like you make me want to puke

Yet, your a Trump supporter. Amazing you would vote for a man like Trump if you are really a veteran of any kind at all.


Fuck you are stupid. I am not a Trump supporter, ask any of the real Trump supporter about me, they all say I am a die hard liberal.

I did not vote for Trump nor Hillary

I support Trump when he does the right thing, I am against him when he does not.

Anyone who did not vote for Hillary voted for Trump essentially. Voting for an unwinnable third party candidate or writing in someone's name not running, is essentially forfeiting your vote. Your essentially supporting the outcome which in this case was a Trump Presidency. I would think you would have learned that by now, but I guess not.

That is not the way our system works. Sorry you do not understand how our voting system works. Try taking a high school civic class

I wasn't discussing how the system works idiot. I was showing you what voting for an unviable third party candidate or writing a persons name in means for the impact on the election outcome!

In the state I live in my vote for a 3rd party candidate has just as much impact as the 2.1 million people that voted for Trump
2017? Last week? Link?
You're either ignorant or a sleazebag, although they are not mutually exclusive:

December 17, 2018

U.S. airstrikes killed 62 militants in Somalia over the weekend, the U.S. Africa Command (Africom) said Monday.

Six airstrikes against the Al-Qaeda affiliated al Shabaab group were carried out near the capital Mogadishu on Saturday and Sunday.

U.S. Airstrikes Kill 62 Al Shabaab Militants In Somalia

Which is why of course you never provided a link. There is nothing else.

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

That's the source, although as weeks pass, information gets covered over. You can see where ISIS occupies Syria in a corner near the Iraq border just north of the Euphrates river. There has been fighting and yes airstrikes supporting the Kurdish advance. Donald Trump just STOPPED today the airstrikes you claim are not happening.

Yep, who is the ignorant sleazebag now?[/QUOTE]

Now there are covered-up airstrikes in December against ISIS which only you are privy to. I have to assume you're some kind of deep state guy, well, that or just an ingenuous twat. Hmmm
Just like Obama before him, Trump now dissappoints when it comes to Syria, leaving Iran and Russia to destroy that country and grow in power. I was a fan of his until now. Now I am dissappointed and he appears to be as weak as all our EU leaders.
Just like Obama before him, Trump now dissappoints when it comes to Syria, leaving Iran and Russia to destroy that country and grow in power. I was a fan of his until now. Now I am dissappointed and he appears to be as weak as all our EU leaders.

Destroy Syria?

Syria was on the brink of being taken over by Islamic Extremists. Then Russia intervened and saved the Assad regime (which may suck - but it SURE beats Islamic extremists).

If anything, Russia saved Syria - not destroyed it. Same - to a much lesser degree - for Iran.
For months the DOD and CENTCOM reports are that ISIS is basically destroyed and only a few remain in small pockets....

And suddenly it's they are everywhere.....

STFU people.............I didn't answer the polls..........if they are all about dead then what the hell do you bomb...............

Geesh...........This is political BS.................or the military has been lying on this issue for months...........which is it..............

There is a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river comprising at least 7 to 10 Syrian towns that is still controlled by ISIS. The Kurds, backed up by U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes are in the middle of an ongoing military operation to retake this area. You don't pull out in the middle of an operation like this. Its premature and risks ruining all the progress that has been made. ISIS is a threat to the United States and the world. This is one of the reasons General Mattis is resigning. This is the WRONG move at the WRONG time. This is what happens when you let a reality TV show star run things and not a General.
For months the DOD and CENTCOM reports are that ISIS is basically destroyed and only a few remain in small pockets....

And suddenly it's they are everywhere.....

STFU people.............I didn't answer the polls..........if they are all about dead then what the hell do you bomb...............

Geesh...........This is political BS.................or the military has been lying on this issue for months...........which is it..............

There is a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river comprising at least 7 to 10 Syrian towns that is still controlled by ISIS. The Kurds, backed up by U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes are in the middle of an ongoing military operation to retake this area. You don't pull out in the middle of an operation like this. Its premature and risks ruining all the progress that has been made. ISIS is a threat to the United States and the world. This is one of the reasons General Mattis is resigning. This is the WRONG move at the WRONG time. This is what happens when you let a reality TV show star run things and not a General.

When do you ship out for Syria?
Just like Obama before him, Trump now dissappoints when it comes to Syria, leaving Iran and Russia to destroy that country and grow in power. I was a fan of his until now. Now I am dissappointed and he appears to be as weak as all our EU leaders.

Destroy Syria?

Syria was on the brink of being taken over by Islamic Extremists. Then Russia intervened and saved the Assad regime (which may suck - but it SURE beats Islamic extremists).

If anything, Russia saved Syria - not destroyed it. Same - to a much lesser degree - for Iran.

Syria was never on the Brink of being taken over by the Extremist. The Syrian military under Assad has always been too powerful to remove with any sort of an insurgency. The Russian aid which was very small and limited, less than 5,000 troops and less than 100 combat aircraft, simply allowed for quicker offensive retaking of insurgent held areas. The United States has some ability though to effect the negotiated peace settlement to end further fighting. Now that Trump has abandoned the Kurds, there is the risk that there will be the resumption of large scale combat north of the Euphrates river. The U.S. forces were a peaceful stabilizing influence.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

Good point-----I see no value in just killing loads and loads
of Isis. We did something like that in Viet Nam------Isis is
like communists-----they keep reproducing. SAVING the
right people seems good to me------Syrian Christians and
Yet, your a Trump supporter. Amazing you would vote for a man like Trump if you are really a veteran of any kind at all.


Fuck you are stupid. I am not a Trump supporter, ask any of the real Trump supporter about me, they all say I am a die hard liberal.

I did not vote for Trump nor Hillary

I support Trump when he does the right thing, I am against him when he does not.

Anyone who did not vote for Hillary voted for Trump essentially. Voting for an unwinnable third party candidate or writing in someone's name not running, is essentially forfeiting your vote. Your essentially supporting the outcome which in this case was a Trump Presidency. I would think you would have learned that by now, but I guess not.

That is not the way our system works. Sorry you do not understand how our voting system works. Try taking a high school civic class

I wasn't discussing how the system works idiot. I was showing you what voting for an unviable third party candidate or writing a persons name in means for the impact on the election outcome!

In the state I live in my vote for a 3rd party candidate has just as much impact as the 2.1 million people that voted for Trump

There was no viable third party candidate in the 2016 election. Any votes for unviable third party candidates are write in's are votes that are essentially the same as sitting at home and not voting. When you sit at home and don't vote, you essentially support whatever the outcome of the election is. Whether are like it or not, YOU are apart of the reason that TRUMP is now PRESIDENT.

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