Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

  • Yes

  • No

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Tomahawk cruise missile costs roughly $1.5 million.....
Hellfire rockets cost an eye-watering $115,000 each

Enough already...don't ya think?.....

Cheap. But don't worry, most of the airstrikes were done with JDAM's which are cheaper than Tomahawk Cruise Missiles.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
Just another campaign promise broken, he said he would defeat ISIS..
And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

No. Happy chief?


Where is your apology for accusing me of supporting a terrorist organization when you did not - in fact - believe I did?

I'm not apologizing for anything based on your semantics. Fact is, if you support Trumps new policy on Syria, you are aiding ISIS.

Big shock.

The man admits that his earlier attack was false.

But he has not got the guts to apologize for knowingly-accusing me of something he did not think I believed.

So noted.

I'm interested in discussing policy on Syria. If you want to focus on yourself and whether you should be offended by something on a messageboard, go ahead.

Offended? By a faceless troll who uses ad hominem attacks on a chat forum?


But if you think I am just going to sit back and knowingly allow you to call me a are extremely naive.

Anyway, we have now established that you support an organization (the Kurds) who invaded, stole and occupied HUGE chunks of a sovereign nation.
And that you think of them as 'honorable', 'restrained' and people with a 'sense of justice'.

So noted.

We are done here.

I have wasted enough time on your trolling, neocon ignorance.

Have a nice day.
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If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

Far more than you little chicken hawk ass ever could. One learns a great deal about national security serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.

You are just a coward ass chicken hawk that wants others to go and die so you can feel good about yourself in your little basement with your little computer.

People like you make me want to puke
The Turks own Trump, and they want the U.S. out of Syria so they can attack the Kurds.

That's all there is to it.

At least that is certainly the way it looks. I wonder what the Turks have on Trump. Perhaps something to do with General Flynn.
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

Far more than you little chicken hawk ass ever could. One learns a great deal about national security serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.

You are just a coward ass chicken hawk that wants others to go and die so you can feel good about yourself in your little basement with your little computer.

People like you make me want to puke

Interesting, because based on your post it does not seem you have served a day in your life. Regardless whether you served or not, your supporting the wrong policy for the country.
Does anyone know if US war planes and drones will no longer operate in Syria?

The Bombings Will Continue: Phyllis Bennis Warns U.S. Military Role in Syria Is Not Actually Ending | Democracy Now!

"President Trump has announced that the U.S. will withdraw troops from Syria, in a move that has been praised by some in the American peace movement and some progressive lawmakers, as well as anti-interventionist Republicans, including Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee.

"We speak with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, who warns that the U.S. warplanes and drones will continue to bomb the country. 'ISIS has not been 'defeated,' and the U.S. should not remain in Syria militarily,'

"Bennis says. 'You cannot defeat terrorism militarily. Terrorism is a phenomenon that emerges out of social and economic and national and all kinds of crises, in all kinds of countries. And stopping it doesn’t mean playing whack-a-mole with your military.'"
Cheap. But don't worry, most of the airstrikes were done with JDAM's which are cheaper than Tomahawk Cruise Missiles.
not times 25,000

As a percentage of GDP, the United States is in total is spending less on defense than it did during the peacetime of the 1980s. The military is seriously underfunded and has been through out U.S. history with the exception of World War II.
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

Far more than you little chicken hawk ass ever could. One learns a great deal about national security serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.

You are just a coward ass chicken hawk that wants others to go and die so you can feel good about yourself in your little basement with your little computer.

People like you make me want to puke

Thank you for your service...btw.

And U2Edge is just another neocon (who probably does not believe he is a neocon/does not know what it really means) who probably supports what is going on in Syria because it was started on Obama's watch. If it had been started on Trump's watch...he would probably hate it.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but I LOVE that he is pulling out of Syria (and hopefully, Afghanistan). And I give big kudos to him for it.

BTW - if anyone ever wonders where I stand on American foreign policy? Just find out what Dr. Ron Paul thinks and I almost certainly will agree with him if it's on foreign policy (or the economy/the Fed).
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

People like you make me want to puke

Yet, your a Trump supporter. Amazing you would vote for a man like Trump if you are really a veteran of any kind at all.
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

Far more than you little chicken hawk ass ever could. One learns a great deal about national security serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.

You are just a coward ass chicken hawk that wants others to go and die so you can feel good about yourself in your little basement with your little computer.

People like you make me want to puke

Interesting, because based on your post it does not seem you have served a day in your life. Regardless whether you served or not, your supporting the wrong policy for the country.

There is no winning hand in Syria, nobody but the Kurds want us there and they only want us there to use a cannon fodder.

We have no strategic value in Syria, Russia does, they will start WWIII to keep control of it, we are not willing to do that so all we are doing is sacrificing our service members to delay the inevitable.

Why are you so willing to send others to die when you will not do it yourself? What does that make you?
Trump claimed he would destroy ISIS. Now he is letting them get away.

Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office as soon as possible.

If anyone should have been impeached, it was two morons O and W who preceded him.
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

People like you make me want to puke

Yet, your a Trump supporter. Amazing you would vote for a man like Trump if you are really a veteran of any kind at all.


Fuck you are stupid. I am not a Trump supporter, ask any of the real Trump supporter about me, they all say I am a die hard liberal.

I did not vote for Trump nor Hillary

I support Trump when he does the right thing, I am against him when he does not.
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.

Trump will eventually be in jail! The only question is how much more damage to the United States will he do before he gets there.

If he stops sacrificing the lives of our service members in the middle east so that chicken hawks like you can get a woody I will help pay his defense.

You don't know me or understand anything about basic national security, based on your comments.

Far more than you little chicken hawk ass ever could. One learns a great deal about national security serving 20 years in the Marine Corps.

You are just a coward ass chicken hawk that wants others to go and die so you can feel good about yourself in your little basement with your little computer.

People like you make me want to puke

Thank you for your service...btw.

And U2Edge is just another neocon (who probably does not believe he is a neocon/does not know what it really means) who probably supports what is going on in Syria because it was started on Obama's watch. If it had been started on Trump's watch...he would probably hate it.

I despise Trump as POTUS...but I LOVE what he is pulling out of Syria (and hopefully, Afghanistan). And I give big kudos to him for it.

BTW - if anyone ever wonders where I stand on American foreign policy? Just find out what Dr. Ron Paul thinks and I almost certainly will agree with him if it's on foreign policy.

Ron Paul is an even worse idiot than Trump when it comes to Foreign Policy. Does not understand anything. Thinks like its still the year 1812. Thank God that he and his asinine son never got near the White House.
As a percentage of GDP, the United States is in total is spending less on defense than it did during the peacetime of the 1980s. The military is seriously underfunded and has been through out U.S. history with the exception of World War II
You just contradicted yourself in one post.....the military is underfunded because they are maxed out.....come on....18 years of war.....the Obama sequester....bring them home and begin to remove them from Europe and Japan and Korea and the military will be better off and fully funded.....
The Turks own Trump, and they want the U.S. out of Syria so they can attack the Kurds.

That's all there is to it.
Some Democrats have noticed an interesting recent "coincidence" involving Trump, Flynn, Turkey, and Syria:

Nancy Pelosi links Trump's 'premature' Syria troop withdrawal to the sentencing of Michael Flynn

"Nancy Pelosi links Trump's 'premature' Syria troop withdrawal to Michael Flynn sentencing

Long-serving Democrat vows greater scrutiny of president from January"

Imagine how much more we will know two years from now...


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