Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

  • Yes

  • No

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Wow, looks like ISIS has a lot of allies in here. 14 people here support ISIS! Only three oppose them. Incredible!

Ad hominem, trolling bullshit.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

As for my supporting Trump's pullout?

ISIS has no air force or navy and has - at most - 2,000 troops in Syria. The vast majority of those are (apparently) mercenaries - not terrorists.

They are no military threat to the United States WHATSOEVER. And they are FAR too busy fighting for their lives to be a terrorist thread. And even if they were - that is up to law enforcement agencies to deal with (as they present themselves).

Maybe you don't mind brave American soldiers dying in the middle of nowhere, violating international laws by invading sovereign nations whenever American leaders see fit. But I do.

American troops in Syria had NO LEGAL RIGHT to be there. The duly elected, Syrian government did not invite them and wanted them to leave. That makes it an act of war.

And maybe you are for invading countries whenever the mood strikes you. But I am not.

Check out the map:

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

ISIS has been reduced to a tiny pocket that the Syrian government could easily eradicate (as they had all other ISIS pockets in their sphere of influence) if it were not located inside the Kurdish-held area of Syria that American troops support.

Yet, that pocket has been there for months and the Kurds have done little to close it.

Tell that to the Kurds that have died fighting ISIS that they have done nothing the past few months. General Mattis believes it would be best to keep U.S. troops in Syria. Your manchild President who does not even know what the nuclear triad is, thinks he knows better. He obviously doesn't and unfortunately you are blind to that.

You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES! me a link to unbiased, factual proof (not opinions) that the U.S. pulling out of Syria helps ISIL?

And show me a link to unbiased,factual proof (NOT opinions) that America pulling out of Syria will increase the chances of a major terrorist attack - by ISIL - against America?

You do realize American troops had almost nothing to do with directly attacking the remaining, small ISIL pocket? They were leaving it up to the Kurds...who were failing at accomplishing this.

That's incorrect, U.S. airstrikes were being launched that were vital to taking the ISIS pocket. Donald Trump just stopped those Airstrikes. The link I provided is unbiased and just provides factual data. It does not list or state opinions on ANYTHING!
Wow, looks like ISIS has a lot of allies in here. 14 people here support ISIS! Only three oppose them. Incredible!

Ad hominem, trolling bullshit.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

As for my supporting Trump's pullout?

ISIS has no air force or navy and has - at most - 2,000 troops in Syria. The vast majority of those are (apparently) mercenaries - not terrorists.

They are no military threat to the United States WHATSOEVER. And they are FAR too busy fighting for their lives to be a terrorist thread. And even if they were - that is up to law enforcement agencies to deal with (as they present themselves).

Maybe you don't mind brave American soldiers dying in the middle of nowhere, violating international laws by invading sovereign nations whenever American leaders see fit. But I do.

American troops in Syria had NO LEGAL RIGHT to be there. The duly elected, Syrian government did not invite them and wanted them to leave. That makes it an act of war.

And maybe you are for invading countries whenever the mood strikes you. But I am not.

Check out the map:

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

ISIS has been reduced to a tiny pocket that the Syrian government could easily eradicate (as they had all other ISIS pockets in their sphere of influence) if it were not located inside the Kurdish-held area of Syria that American troops support.

Yet, that pocket has been there for months and the Kurds have done little to close it.

Tell that to the Kurds that have died fighting ISIS that they have done nothing the past few months. General Mattis believes it would be best to keep U.S. troops in Syria. Your manchild President who does not even know what the nuclear triad is, thinks he knows better. He obviously doesn't and unfortunately you are blind to that.

You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

Assad can gas them now, that will make quick work of them.

That is a violation of the ban on and use of Chemical Weapons. Not even your manchild leader Donald Trump agrees with that. He used airstrikes against the Syrian government last year when the Syrian military gassed people in Western Syria.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people.

Glad to see that there are other informed and intelligent people in this forum. Abandoning the Kurds is immoral and unconscionable.

US troops NEVER should have been in Syria in the first place.

Wow, looks like ISIS has a lot of allies in here. 14 people here support ISIS! Only three oppose them. Incredible!

Ad hominem, trolling bullshit.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

As for my supporting Trump's pullout?

ISIS has no air force or navy and has - at most - 2,000 troops in Syria. The vast majority of those are (apparently) mercenaries - not terrorists.

They are no military threat to the United States WHATSOEVER. And they are FAR too busy fighting for their lives to be a terrorist thread. And even if they were - that is up to law enforcement agencies to deal with (as they present themselves).

Maybe you don't mind brave American soldiers dying in the middle of nowhere, violating international laws by invading sovereign nations whenever American leaders see fit. But I do.

American troops in Syria had NO LEGAL RIGHT to be there. The duly elected, Syrian government did not invite them and wanted them to leave. That makes it an act of war.

And maybe you are for invading countries whenever the mood strikes you. But I am not.

Check out the map:

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

ISIS has been reduced to a tiny pocket that the Syrian government could easily eradicate (as they had all other ISIS pockets in their sphere of influence) if it were not located inside the Kurdish-held area of Syria that American troops support.

Yet, that pocket has been there for months and the Kurds have done little to close it.

Tell that to the Kurds that have died fighting ISIS that they have done nothing the past few months. General Mattis believes it would be best to keep U.S. troops in Syria. Your manchild President who does not even know what the nuclear triad is, thinks he knows better. He obviously doesn't and unfortunately you are blind to that.

You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

The United States has done fantastic work north of the Euphrates river in Syria. An area the Russians and Syrians avoided while they engaged in combat in Urban centers like Damascus, Hama, Homs, and Allepo against NON-ISIS elements.

Not only is defeating ISIS in Syria vital to the United States, but a U.S. presence there can be used as a bargaining chip to get Iran to leave, and create a peaceful reunification between the Kurdish area and the Syrian government controlled area as well as keeping the Turks out.

The sudden pullout of U.S. troops puts all of that at risk and heightens the chances of continued war and bloodshed in that part of Syria.

And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people.

Glad to see that there are other informed and intelligent people in this forum. Abandoning the Kurds is immoral and unconscionable.

But them invading a sovereign country (Syria) is fine with you?

Yes or no?
Now there is breaking news that Trump is looking into plans to withdraw from Afghanistan. More aid for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people. the Kurds invading and occupying large parts of Syria immoral and unconscionable?

Yes or no?
Wow, looks like ISIS has a lot of allies in here. 14 people here support ISIS! Only three oppose them. Incredible!

Ad hominem, trolling bullshit.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

As for my supporting Trump's pullout?

ISIS has no air force or navy and has - at most - 2,000 troops in Syria. The vast majority of those are (apparently) mercenaries - not terrorists.

They are no military threat to the United States WHATSOEVER. And they are FAR too busy fighting for their lives to be a terrorist thread. And even if they were - that is up to law enforcement agencies to deal with (as they present themselves).

Maybe you don't mind brave American soldiers dying in the middle of nowhere, violating international laws by invading sovereign nations whenever American leaders see fit. But I do.

American troops in Syria had NO LEGAL RIGHT to be there. The duly elected, Syrian government did not invite them and wanted them to leave. That makes it an act of war.

And maybe you are for invading countries whenever the mood strikes you. But I am not.

Check out the map:

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

ISIS has been reduced to a tiny pocket that the Syrian government could easily eradicate (as they had all other ISIS pockets in their sphere of influence) if it were not located inside the Kurdish-held area of Syria that American troops support.

Yet, that pocket has been there for months and the Kurds have done little to close it.

Tell that to the Kurds that have died fighting ISIS that they have done nothing the past few months. General Mattis believes it would be best to keep U.S. troops in Syria. Your manchild President who does not even know what the nuclear triad is, thinks he knows better. He obviously doesn't and unfortunately you are blind to that.

You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

The United States has done fantastic work north of the Euphrates river in Syria. An area the Russians and Syrians avoided while they engaged in combat in Urban centers like Damascus, Hama, Homs, and Allepo against NON-ISIS elements.

Not only is defeating ISIS in Syria vital to the United States, but a U.S. presence there can be used as a bargaining chip to get Iran to leave, and create a peaceful reunification between the Kurdish area and the Syrian government controlled area as well as keeping the Turks out.

The sudden pullout of U.S. troops puts all of that at risk and heightens the chances of continued war and bloodshed in that part of Syria.

And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

No. Happy chief?
Now there is breaking news that Trump is looking into plans to withdraw from Afghanistan. More aid for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Prove - using only links to unbiased, factual proof (not opinions) - that America withdrawing from Afghanistan will help the Taliban and al Qaeda?
Now there is breaking news that Trump is looking into plans to withdraw from Afghanistan. More aid for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Been there for 18 years....time to go. Germany next, may hang out in Japan for the sushi.
Ad hominem, trolling bullshit.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

As for my supporting Trump's pullout?

ISIS has no air force or navy and has - at most - 2,000 troops in Syria. The vast majority of those are (apparently) mercenaries - not terrorists.

They are no military threat to the United States WHATSOEVER. And they are FAR too busy fighting for their lives to be a terrorist thread. And even if they were - that is up to law enforcement agencies to deal with (as they present themselves).

Maybe you don't mind brave American soldiers dying in the middle of nowhere, violating international laws by invading sovereign nations whenever American leaders see fit. But I do.

American troops in Syria had NO LEGAL RIGHT to be there. The duly elected, Syrian government did not invite them and wanted them to leave. That makes it an act of war.

And maybe you are for invading countries whenever the mood strikes you. But I am not.

Check out the map:

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

ISIS has been reduced to a tiny pocket that the Syrian government could easily eradicate (as they had all other ISIS pockets in their sphere of influence) if it were not located inside the Kurdish-held area of Syria that American troops support.

Yet, that pocket has been there for months and the Kurds have done little to close it.

Tell that to the Kurds that have died fighting ISIS that they have done nothing the past few months. General Mattis believes it would be best to keep U.S. troops in Syria. Your manchild President who does not even know what the nuclear triad is, thinks he knows better. He obviously doesn't and unfortunately you are blind to that.

You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

The United States has done fantastic work north of the Euphrates river in Syria. An area the Russians and Syrians avoided while they engaged in combat in Urban centers like Damascus, Hama, Homs, and Allepo against NON-ISIS elements.

Not only is defeating ISIS in Syria vital to the United States, but a U.S. presence there can be used as a bargaining chip to get Iran to leave, and create a peaceful reunification between the Kurdish area and the Syrian government controlled area as well as keeping the Turks out.

The sudden pullout of U.S. troops puts all of that at risk and heightens the chances of continued war and bloodshed in that part of Syria.

And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

No. Happy chief?


Where is your apology for accusing me of supporting a terrorist organization when you did not - in fact - believe I did?
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people. the Kurds invading and occupying large parts of Syria immoral and unconscionable?

Yes or no?

No, there is no other group In Syria that has acted with more restraint and sense of justice than the Syrian Kurds. That is one of the reasons why the United States has been so willing to support them.
Tell that to the Kurds that have died fighting ISIS that they have done nothing the past few months. General Mattis believes it would be best to keep U.S. troops in Syria. Your manchild President who does not even know what the nuclear triad is, thinks he knows better. He obviously doesn't and unfortunately you are blind to that.

You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

The United States has done fantastic work north of the Euphrates river in Syria. An area the Russians and Syrians avoided while they engaged in combat in Urban centers like Damascus, Hama, Homs, and Allepo against NON-ISIS elements.

Not only is defeating ISIS in Syria vital to the United States, but a U.S. presence there can be used as a bargaining chip to get Iran to leave, and create a peaceful reunification between the Kurdish area and the Syrian government controlled area as well as keeping the Turks out.

The sudden pullout of U.S. troops puts all of that at risk and heightens the chances of continued war and bloodshed in that part of Syria.

And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

No. Happy chief?


Where is your apology for accusing me of supporting a terrorist organization when you did not - in fact - believe I did?

I'm not apologizing for anything based on your semantics. Fact is, if you support Trumps new policy on Syria, you are aiding ISIS.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people. the Kurds invading and occupying large parts of Syria immoral and unconscionable?

Yes or no?

No, there is no other group In Syria that has acted with more restraint and sense of justice than the Syrian Kurds. That is one of the reasons why the United States has been so willing to support them.

Restraint? Sense of Justice?


They invaded and now occupy about 30-40% of Syria. With ZERO intention of giving it back.

The Kurdish area they stole from Syria is in yellow in the map below.


That is your idea of restraint? People with a 'sense of justice'?

These are the 'honorable' people you speak of?

Last edited:
Now there is breaking news that Trump is looking into plans to withdraw from Afghanistan. More aid for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Been there for 18 years....time to go. Germany next, may hang out in Japan for the sushi.

Time to go only if you want to increase the chances of another 9/11 style terrorist attack on the United States and ruin all the progress that has been made in Afghanistan over the past 17 years. Germany is still vital for U.S. bases to support NATO forces in Eastern Europe guarding against potential Russian aggression against Poland, Estonia, Latvia, or Luthuiania. Russia's illegal invasion and annexation of the Crimea from Ukraine has increased the possibility of conflict between NATO and Russia.
Tomahawk cruise missile costs roughly $1.5 million.....
Hellfire rockets cost an eye-watering $115,000 each

Enough already...don't ya think?.....
You ducked my question...coward. Answer it or stop wasting my time.

Yes or no - do you seriously think that I support ISIS?

Just 'Yes' or 'No'?

And I think Trump is - other then this decision - a HORRIBLE POTUS.

If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

The United States has done fantastic work north of the Euphrates river in Syria. An area the Russians and Syrians avoided while they engaged in combat in Urban centers like Damascus, Hama, Homs, and Allepo against NON-ISIS elements.

Not only is defeating ISIS in Syria vital to the United States, but a U.S. presence there can be used as a bargaining chip to get Iran to leave, and create a peaceful reunification between the Kurdish area and the Syrian government controlled area as well as keeping the Turks out.

The sudden pullout of U.S. troops puts all of that at risk and heightens the chances of continued war and bloodshed in that part of Syria.

And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

No. Happy chief?


Where is your apology for accusing me of supporting a terrorist organization when you did not - in fact - believe I did?

I'm not apologizing for anything based on your semantics. Fact is, if you support Trumps new policy on Syria, you are aiding ISIS.

Big shock.

The man admits that his earlier attack was false.

But he has not got the guts to apologize for knowingly-accusing me of something he did not think I believed.

So noted.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Turning our backs on the Kurds yet again is immoral and unconscionable. This is being done for one reason and one reason alone. Money. The Russians dont give a rats ass about ISIS, or the Kurds. They want sanctions lifted and the security of their water ports. The Saudis want Turkey to stfu about the Kassoghi massacre. Turkey wants the cleric living in the Poconos. Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump want mney for their buildings. Both are two happy to accomodate all involved. The situation in Syra, the Kurdish fighters who have been our single biggest ally in the middle east, are not even a second thought to these people. the Kurds invading and occupying large parts of Syria immoral and unconscionable?

Yes or no?

No, there is no other group In Syria that has acted with more restraint and sense of justice than the Syrian Kurds. That is one of the reasons why the United States has been so willing to support them.


They invaded and now occupy about 30-40% of Syria. With ZERO intention of giving it back.


The Kurdish area they stole from Syria is in yellow.

That is your idea of restraint?


They took it from ISIS. You call that stealing? Syrian KURDS are just as much citizens of Syria as anyone else in the country. The retook the area in YELLOW from ISIS while the Syrian military spent all its time attacking areas near Damascus, HOMS HUMA, and Alleppo The only thing is, a KURD can't be President because Syria is a Dictatorship. Damn, looks like you might be an ASSAD lover as well. Damn, defending letting ISIS of the hook and now defending ASSAD against the Kurds. Wonderful!
If you support pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, it helps ISIS. It possibly allows them to survive and gives them a chance to rebuild.
If you support actions that help ISIS, then you are supporting ISIS. So the answer is YES!

The United States has done fantastic work north of the Euphrates river in Syria. An area the Russians and Syrians avoided while they engaged in combat in Urban centers like Damascus, Hama, Homs, and Allepo against NON-ISIS elements.

Not only is defeating ISIS in Syria vital to the United States, but a U.S. presence there can be used as a bargaining chip to get Iran to leave, and create a peaceful reunification between the Kurdish area and the Syrian government controlled area as well as keeping the Turks out.

The sudden pullout of U.S. troops puts all of that at risk and heightens the chances of continued war and bloodshed in that part of Syria.

And you ducked the question...again. I did not ask if you thought my beliefs would end up helping ISIS. I asked if you think I support ISIS.

sup·port | \sə-ˈpȯrt \
supported; supporting; supports

Definition of support
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR

2a(1): to promote the interests or cause of'

Definition of SUPPORT

Do you believe that I support (i.e. - promote the interests or the cause of ) ISIS?

Yes or No?

No. Happy chief?


Where is your apology for accusing me of supporting a terrorist organization when you did not - in fact - believe I did?

I'm not apologizing for anything based on your semantics. Fact is, if you support Trumps new policy on Syria, you are aiding ISIS.

Big shock.

The man admits that his earlier attack was false.

But he has not got the guts to apologize for knowingly-accusing me of something he did not think I believed.

So noted.

I'm interested in discussing policy on Syria. If you want to focus on yourself and whether you should be offended by something on a messageboard, go ahead.
The Turks own Trump, and they want the U.S. out of Syria so they can attack the Kurds.

That's all there is to it.

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