Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

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The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

Do you support ISIS? If so, you then support the next 9/11 style attack on America.
ISIS didn't attack us. Saudi Arabia did

Wrong! The Al Quada attack of 9/11 was not an attack by the government of Saudi Arabia. The citizenship of the actual hijackers was irrelevant since Al Quada is a non-state entity that draws its members from all over the world.

ISIS has launched attacks against US interest all over the world including inside the United States and Canada. There have been multiple mass shootings in the United States committed by ISIS followers as well as many other attacks foiled before they could happen.
Yeah? And that prevents us from bombing from afar how exactly?
Great, we have 8 people who support letting ISIS get away! As long as the dear leader Trump says to do it, Trump followers will do it.
We have planes and ships with these newfangled things called guided bombs. They can wreck your day so I hear. We don't need boots on the ground to kill terrorists. All we need is good Intel and a willingness to act on it.

And yes, this has been my position for years.

U.S. advisors and other troops on the ground have been key to defeating ISIS through out Iraq and Syria over the past four years. Ground troops still have vital necessary utility from occupying ground to training indigenous forces. They are also vital to the air campaign in gaining intelligence and acting has spotters and observers to accurately target ISIS positions. You can't defeat a force like ISIS solely from the air.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
Whatever Trump does is OK with me. We need our troops here to prepare for the upcoming war with Mexico and martial law.

There is no need for martial law in the United States or a war with Mexico. That's just absurd. There are plenty of National Guard troops in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona to handle any problems along the southern border. There is an entire active duty army Armored Division stationed at Fort Bliss Texas near El Paso right along the border. There is another active duty Armored Division stationed at Fort Hood Texas.
So why hasn't it been handled? Nope, we need our troops here to help round up all the illegals and the coming martial law where all the traitors will be rounded up.
Great, we have 8 people who support letting ISIS get away! As long as the dear leader Trump says to do it, Trump followers will do it.

So tell the class what your military background is.

The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

Do you support ISIS? If so, you then support the next 9/11 style attack on America.
ISIS didn't attack us. Saudi Arabia did

Wrong! The Al Quada attack of 9/11 was not an attack by the government of Saudi Arabia. The citizenship of the actual hijackers was irrelevant since Al Quada is a non-state entity that draws its members from all over the world.

ISIS has launched attacks against US interest all over the world including inside the United States and Canada. There have been multiple mass shootings in the United States committed by ISIS followers as well as many other attacks foiled before they could happen.
Yeah? And that prevents us from bombing from afar how exactly?

Any bombing that is done requires intelligence and targeting by troops on the ground. You can't defeat a force like ISIS solely from the air.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
Whatever Trump does is OK with me. We need our troops here to prepare for the upcoming war with Mexico and martial law.

There is no need for martial law in the United States or a war with Mexico. That's just absurd. There are plenty of National Guard troops in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona to handle any problems along the southern border. There is an entire active duty army Armored Division stationed at Fort Bliss Texas near El Paso right along the border. There is another active duty Armored Division stationed at Fort Hood Texas.
So why hasn't it been handled? Nope, we need our troops here to help round up all the illegals and the coming martial law where all the traitors will be rounded up.

There is not a problem. Most illegals should stay in the United States to help the United States with its massive labor shortages. The United States needs workers and immigration from latin America is a good place to get them. Being called illegal is a technicality. Its good for the U.S. economy and only a problem for people that are RACIST!
You can't defeat a force like ISIS solely from the air.

You can't defeat a force like ISIS to begin with. They are not a traditional force and for every one you kill another is created. All you can do is manage the threat and that can be done with guided missiles.
The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

Do you support ISIS? If so, you then support the next 9/11 style attack on America.
ISIS didn't attack us. Saudi Arabia did

Wrong! The Al Quada attack of 9/11 was not an attack by the government of Saudi Arabia. The citizenship of the actual hijackers was irrelevant since Al Quada is a non-state entity that draws its members from all over the world.

ISIS has launched attacks against US interest all over the world including inside the United States and Canada. There have been multiple mass shootings in the United States committed by ISIS followers as well as many other attacks foiled before they could happen.
Yeah? And that prevents us from bombing from afar how exactly?

Any bombing that is done requires intelligence and targeting by troops on the ground. You can't defeat a force like ISIS solely from the air.
Why do we care? Trumps bringing our troops home. You go fight them.
Great, we have 8 people who support letting ISIS get away! As long as the dear leader Trump says to do it, Trump followers will do it.
Where is Syria in all this? Have they stopped fighting? Why can't they take over?
Great, we have 8 people who support letting ISIS get away! As long as the dear leader Trump says to do it, Trump followers will do it.
Where is Syria in all this? Have they stopped fighting? Why can't they take over?

They could take over.

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War
(the ISIS pocket is in the extreme southeasterly part of Syria - in dark gray)
(the bright yellow region - the Kurdish-held region - is where US troops are in Syria)

The only part of Syria that still has an ISIS pocket is in the Kurdish-held region (a region they stole from Syria when Assad's forces were getting beaten in the Syrian civil war).

This region is where US troops are. And Syria does not dare attack this region so long as those US troops are there.
Now that they (might) be gone - Syrian government troops could now eradicate the last ISIS pocket of resistance.
Especially since the Kurds seem unable (or unwilling) to close the pocket themselves.
Last edited:
2017? Last week? Link?[/QUOTE]You're either ignorant or a sleazebag, although they are not mutually exclusive:

December 17, 2018

U.S. airstrikes killed 62 militants in Somalia over the weekend, the U.S. Africa Command (Africom) said Monday.

Six airstrikes against the Al-Qaeda affiliated al Shabaab group were carried out near the capital Mogadishu on Saturday and Sunday.

U.S. Airstrikes Kill 62 Al Shabaab Militants In Somalia

Which is why of course you never provided a link. There is nothing else.
Great, we have 8 people who support letting ISIS get away! As long as the dear leader Trump says to do it, Trump followers will do it.
Where is Syria in all this? Have they stopped fighting? Why can't they take over?

They could take over.

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War
(the ISIS pocket is in the extreme southeasterly part of Syria - in dark gray)

The only part of Syria that still has an ISIS pocket is in the Kurdish-held region (a region they stole from Syria when Assad's forces were getting beaten in the Civil war).

This region is where US troops are. And Syria does not dare attack this region so long as those US troops are there.
Now that they (might) be gone - Syrian government troops could now eradicate the last ISIS pocket of resistance.
Especially since the Kurds seem unable (or unwilling) to close the pocket themselves.
It's over. ISIS has lost support in the Arab world as has radical Islam over the last decade due to disgust and attrition. The few remaining pockets are immigrants in Europe and a village or two controlled by desperadoes. Obama's JV team is actually Trump's JV team.

Radical Islam has been largely destroyed, but we're still left with a very weak and disfunctional Islamist movement which we will need to moniter for years to come. it is no longer the actions of Islamic independant movements, rather it is those controlled be states, espeicially Iran and or the organizations like Hamas.

US troops NEVER should have been in Syria in the first place.

Wow, looks like ISIS has a lot of allies in here. 14 people here support ISIS! Only three oppose them. Incredible!
If Trump pulls the troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan I will buy and wear a MAGA hat for a month.
MAD DOG MATTIS has resigned! Obviously does not agree with Trump policy in Syria!

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