Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

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We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Isis will never be "DESTROYED" Isis is islam------more than a
Of course we should stop the airstrikes. ISIS is so few that bombs do more harm than good. This is ground hand to hand combat in a mop up. Let Russia and Assad do it. It would be hysterical idiocy to send our military on a ground operation.

yes------it is like a kind of ecology-----Isis is a predator against
our common enemies--------Turkey (edrogan) Russia (pootin)
and Syria (assad)
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
We need troops on the ground for airstrikes? We have about 14 of these:

those are GOOD------we need to fill the sea with OUR NAVY-------it is the sea we MUST PROTECT from Russian, Baathist,
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.
There was no viable third party candidate in the 2016 election. Any votes for unviable third party candidates are write in's are votes that are essentially the same as sitting at home and not voting. When you sit at home and don't vote, you essentially support whatever the outcome of the election is. Whether are like it or not, YOU are apart of the reason that TRUMP is now PRESIDENT.

Once again, you do not really seem to know how our system works.

The POTUS is selected via the Electoral College...those votes are determined by the individual states.

In my state 2.1 million people voted for Trump...they accounted for the exact same number of EC votes as my vote for Johnson did. ZERO.

Please, take a civics class and quit making a fool out of yourself.
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.
For months the DOD and CENTCOM reports are that ISIS is basically destroyed and only a few remain in small pockets....

And suddenly it's they are everywhere.....

STFU people.............I didn't answer the polls..........if they are all about dead then what the hell do you bomb...............

Geesh...........This is political BS.................or the military has been lying on this issue for months...........which is it..............

There is a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river comprising at least 7 to 10 Syrian towns that is still controlled by ISIS. The Kurds, backed up by U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes are in the middle of an ongoing military operation to retake this area. You don't pull out in the middle of an operation like this. Its premature and risks ruining all the progress that has been made. ISIS is a threat to the United States and the world. This is one of the reasons General Mattis is resigning. This is the WRONG move at the WRONG time. This is what happens when you let a reality TV show star run things and not a General.

When do you ship out for Syria?

When are you going to get treatment for your mental psychosis?
For months the DOD and CENTCOM reports are that ISIS is basically destroyed and only a few remain in small pockets....

And suddenly it's they are everywhere.....

STFU people.............I didn't answer the polls..........if they are all about dead then what the hell do you bomb...............

Geesh...........This is political BS.................or the military has been lying on this issue for months...........which is it..............

There is a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river comprising at least 7 to 10 Syrian towns that is still controlled by ISIS. The Kurds, backed up by U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes are in the middle of an ongoing military operation to retake this area. You don't pull out in the middle of an operation like this. Its premature and risks ruining all the progress that has been made. ISIS is a threat to the United States and the world. This is one of the reasons General Mattis is resigning. This is the WRONG move at the WRONG time. This is what happens when you let a reality TV show star run things and not a General.

When do you ship out for Syria?

When are you going to get treatment for your mental psychosis?

Sometime after you grow a set of balls and put action behind your words.
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.

I'm pushing for policies that will save lives. Your making up stuff about other people on the message board whom you do NOT know. Your focus is attacking message board users personally, not on policies that would help or save lives. You seem to be obsessed with it which suggest you might be mentally ill.
For months the DOD and CENTCOM reports are that ISIS is basically destroyed and only a few remain in small pockets....

And suddenly it's they are everywhere.....

STFU people.............I didn't answer the polls..........if they are all about dead then what the hell do you bomb...............

Geesh...........This is political BS.................or the military has been lying on this issue for months...........which is it..............

There is a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river comprising at least 7 to 10 Syrian towns that is still controlled by ISIS. The Kurds, backed up by U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes are in the middle of an ongoing military operation to retake this area. You don't pull out in the middle of an operation like this. Its premature and risks ruining all the progress that has been made. ISIS is a threat to the United States and the world. This is one of the reasons General Mattis is resigning. This is the WRONG move at the WRONG time. This is what happens when you let a reality TV show star run things and not a General.

When do you ship out for Syria?

When are you going to get treatment for your mental psychosis?

Sometime after you grow a set of balls and put action behind your words.

I'm not your psychiatrist, mother or babysitter. If you have something relevant to say on the topic lets here it. But I'm not going to listen and engage with someone that continues to endlessly whine and cry about something he does not know.
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.

I'm pushing for policies that will save lives. Your making up stuff about other people on the message board whom you do NOT know. Your focus is attacking message board users personally, not on policies that would help or save lives. You seem to be obsessed with it which suggest you might be mentally ill.

Which head is ISIS................when they are gone......another name another head.........and ISIS is pretty much dead.
There was no viable third party candidate in the 2016 election. Any votes for unviable third party candidates are write in's are votes that are essentially the same as sitting at home and not voting. When you sit at home and don't vote, you essentially support whatever the outcome of the election is. Whether are like it or not, YOU are apart of the reason that TRUMP is now PRESIDENT.

Once again, you do not really seem to know how our system works.

The POTUS is selected via the Electoral College...those votes are determined by the individual states.

In my state 2.1 million people voted for Trump...they accounted for the exact same number of EC votes as my vote for Johnson did. ZERO.

Please, take a civics class and quit making a fool out of yourself.

This has NOTHING do with how the system works. In any election, supporting unviable candidates or sitting at home and not voting is forfeiting your vote and supporting the whatever the outcome of the election is. Your vote for Johnson is the same as someone who did not vote at all. You threw you vote away by not supporting one of the viable candidates. There for, you supported the outcome of the election which means you supported Trump.
Cannon fodder. The United States military has one killed in action in Syria for all of 2018. The Kurds have hundreds.

The United States is NOT there to remove Assad, or violate the sovereignty of the country. The United States Is there to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to the region and world. We are also there to help Syria move beyond the conflict of the last 7 years by negotiating a peaceful reintegration of the Kurdish areas with the rest of Syria. Iran should not be in Syria at all, and precondition of the U.S. leaving Syria should be Iran leaving as well. The policy to date in Syria in combating ISIS and aiding the Kurds has done a lot of good and should not be suddenly abandoned. General Mattis is resigning for the reasons I have expressed here.

I support effective U.S. foreign and defense policy that protects U.S. interest around the world and saves U.S. lives as well as the lives of citizens in other countries.

Sorry, but you have no high horse to stand on yourself and are supporting policies that will lead to disaster for the United States and it citizens. Whether or not you once served in the military or in some other capacity is irrelevant to that fact.

Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.

I'm pushing for policies that will save lives. Your making up stuff about other people on the message board whom you do NOT know. Your focus is attacking message board users personally, not on policies that would help or save lives. You seem to be obsessed with it which suggest you might be mentally ill.

Which head is ISIS................when they are gone......another name another head.........and ISIS is pretty much dead.

Not according to General Mattis. Think about what General Mattis has said, instead of just blindly following a reality TV star.
Whether we are there to violate the sovereignty of the country or not, that is what we are doing.

What is relevant to the fact is that you are a coward that wants other to go and do thing they do not have the balls to do.

I have no respect for any warmonger that has not had the balls to back up their words with their actions.

I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.

I'm pushing for policies that will save lives. Your making up stuff about other people on the message board whom you do NOT know. Your focus is attacking message board users personally, not on policies that would help or save lives. You seem to be obsessed with it which suggest you might be mentally ill.

Which head is ISIS................when they are gone......another name another head.........and ISIS is pretty much dead.

Not according to General Mattis. Think about what General Mattis has said, instead of just blindly following a reality TV star.
Has nothing to do with a reality TV star shit...............I look at CENTCOM reports all the time............and DOD news releases..........

According to the last reports only 2000 ISIS is the estimates in MERV areas...........and are down to only 1% of territory in Syria........A DOD article said remaining ISIS are in caves hiding from air attacks and are in pockets that are basically surrounded.........If those CENTCOM and DOD reports are correct you don't even have to go can just keep them boxed and eventually they will starve to death.......or run out of water..........

Are you talking about MOAB to finish them suck the oxygen out of the caves..........If so..........go problem with that...........

Mattis is leaving probably because of the Kurd issue once we are gone........or IDLIB region where the remaining refugees are at on the border with Turkey.........................which is it.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .

I do indeed. If we aren't going to fight to win (we haven't since Nam) we don't belong there.
I have no respect for someone that is mentally deluded enough to form false assumptions about people he does not know on a message board. I don't know what your problem is, but your unwarranted personal attacks on other people instead of focusing on the topic and policy being discussed shows a level of insecurity that you need to deal with before you can become a responsible contributor to discussions here.

The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.

I'm pushing for policies that will save lives. Your making up stuff about other people on the message board whom you do NOT know. Your focus is attacking message board users personally, not on policies that would help or save lives. You seem to be obsessed with it which suggest you might be mentally ill.

Which head is ISIS................when they are gone......another name another head.........and ISIS is pretty much dead.

Not according to General Mattis. Think about what General Mattis has said, instead of just blindly following a reality TV star.
Has nothing to do with a reality TV star shit...............I look at CENTCOM reports all the time............and DOD news releases..........

According to the last reports only 2000 ISIS is the estimates in MERV areas...........and are down to only 1% of territory in Syria........A DOD article said remaining ISIS are in caves hiding from air attacks and are in pockets that are basically surrounded.........If those CENTCOM and DOD reports are correct you don't even have to go can just keep them boxed and eventually they will starve to death.......or run out of water..........

Are you talking about MOAB to finish them suck the oxygen out of the caves..........If so..........go problem with that...........

Mattis is leaving probably because of the Kurd issue once we are gone........or IDLIB region where the remaining refugees are at on the border with Turkey.........................which is it.

ISIS actually expanded its territory, nearly doubling it back in November when Kurds stopped the offensive they were engaged in with U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes to send soldiers to respond to Turkish threats along the border with Turkey. All be it, it was the doubling in size of a small area north of the Euphrates river, but it showed that ISIS is NOT dead and still capable of launching an offensive and taking and hold territory when certain parts of the coalition took their eye of the ball.

ISIS in this last pocket is not hiding in caves. They hold territory, multiple towns, and the fighting has been difficult for the Kurds, with territory being retaken and lost over the past month despite U.S. advisor support and U.S. airstrikes. ISIS forces are still able to mount counter attacks and retake territory despite U.S. advisor support and U.S. airstrikes against it. That is a serious problem and its why General Mattis is against pulling U.S. forces out now.

The United States needs to remain in the region north of the Euphrates to insure the destruction of ISIS, train local forces to combat any ISIS insurgencies that erupt after that, and help negotiate a final peaceful end to the war in Syria with Russia, Turkey, Iran, and our Western European allies. Pulling U.S. troops out now takes away U.S. leverage in further negotiations on the conflict in Syria.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .

I do indeed. If we aren't going to fight to win (we haven't since Nam) we don't belong there.

The United States has been fighting to win against ISIS. U.S. advisors and U.S. combat aircraft are in the middle of an operation to defeat the last remaining areas openly held by ISIS in Syria. Pulling the plug on a military operation to destroy ISIS while it is in progress is insane.
The topic at hand is that you are pushing for more war, more deaths and more fighting...yet you lack the personal integrity to put yourself in harms way to back up what you are calling for.

I'm pushing for policies that will save lives. Your making up stuff about other people on the message board whom you do NOT know. Your focus is attacking message board users personally, not on policies that would help or save lives. You seem to be obsessed with it which suggest you might be mentally ill.

Which head is ISIS................when they are gone......another name another head.........and ISIS is pretty much dead.

Not according to General Mattis. Think about what General Mattis has said, instead of just blindly following a reality TV star.
Has nothing to do with a reality TV star shit...............I look at CENTCOM reports all the time............and DOD news releases..........

According to the last reports only 2000 ISIS is the estimates in MERV areas...........and are down to only 1% of territory in Syria........A DOD article said remaining ISIS are in caves hiding from air attacks and are in pockets that are basically surrounded.........If those CENTCOM and DOD reports are correct you don't even have to go can just keep them boxed and eventually they will starve to death.......or run out of water..........

Are you talking about MOAB to finish them suck the oxygen out of the caves..........If so..........go problem with that...........

Mattis is leaving probably because of the Kurd issue once we are gone........or IDLIB region where the remaining refugees are at on the border with Turkey.........................which is it.

ISIS actually expanded its territory, nearly doubling it back in November when Kurds stopped the offensive they were engaged in with U.S. advisors and U.S. airstrikes to send soldiers to respond to Turkish threats along the border with Turkey. All be it, it was the doubling in size of a small area north of the Euphrates river, but it showed that ISIS is NOT dead and still capable of launching an offensive and taking and hold territory when certain parts of the coalition took their eye of the ball.

ISIS in this last pocket is not hiding in caves. They hold territory, multiple towns, and the fighting has been difficult for the Kurds, with territory being retaken and lost over the past month despite U.S. advisor support and U.S. airstrikes. ISIS forces are still able to mount counter attacks and retake territory despite U.S. advisor support and U.S. airstrikes against it. That is a serious problem and its why General Mattis is against pulling U.S. forces out now.

The United States needs to remain in the region north of the Euphrates to insure the destruction of ISIS, train local forces to combat any ISIS insurgencies that erupt after that, and help negotiate a final peaceful end to the war in Syria with Russia, Turkey, Iran, and our Western European allies. Pulling U.S. troops out now takes away U.S. leverage in further negotiations on the conflict in Syria.
Then why the hell did the DOD report that recently.....

Task Force Commander: ISIS Forces Degraded From Caliphate to Caves > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article

Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve Press Briefing By Col. Ryan via Teleconference from Baghdad, Iraq > U.S. Central Command > Transcripts

Can you characterize the remaining ISIS contingent in the MERV? And give us your assessment about how they were able to launch this big counter-offensive.

COL. RYAN: Well, I can tell you, they have not lost their -- their will to fight. And we're seeing about 2,000 fighters still left in the MERV area. They're determined. We're seeing some foreign terrorist fighters that have nowhere else to go, so they're going to fight to the end.

A lot of them wearing suicide vests, like I mentioned before. So anyone can have a good day -- any given Sunday, right? And they had theirs. And the SDF responded back, and regained all the territory back.

Like I said, sometimes war is a give-and-take. And you're going to have good days and bad days. They just happened -- the enemy just happened to have one good day. And then the SDF beat them right back.

So we still are -- a hundred percent feel that they're going to be taken over in -- in the MERV area. And that the SDF will beat ISIS down, and we're pretty confident about that.

Q: Okay. Just to follow up, it's been -- I'm sorry I don't have an exact timeline, but it feels like it's been at least a year that we've been hearing this -- and the same number, and the same area.

So is it that the -- the overall number of ISIS fighters is not diminishing, i.e. they're being replenished, or there's a stalemate, or what's going on there? Why is it taking so long?

COL. RYAN: Well, again, it's -- it's less about the number of fighters and more about capabilities. And I can tell you, every day their capabilities are being degraded as far as communication, logistics -- any type of supplies, food, ammunition. So that's more important.

The numbers game is difficult to count because ISIS is underground. They're in tunnels, they're hiding. So it's not like they're -- we walk -- we watch them walk into a building, we're counting as they go in.

So they're -- they're spread apart. And you have to understand, the battlefield is a very big desert battlefield as well, so it's very difficult to come up with numbers to do that.

And of course, I believe General Dunford had said last month that for a while there, we're seeing about a hundred, you know, fighters come into the region as replacements as well.

So the number has -- has kind of stayed in that area. But, again, it's just a -- an estimate. And eventually, they'll be overtaken.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .

I do indeed. If we aren't going to fight to win (we haven't since Nam) we don't belong there.

The United States has been fighting to win against ISIS. U.S. advisors and U.S. combat aircraft are in the middle of an operation to defeat the last remaining areas openly held by ISIS in Syria. Pulling the plug on a military operation to destroy ISIS while it is in progress is insane.

You are incorrect. Had we been fighting to win we would have stopped this from happening, those convoys were sitting ducks and we did nothing.


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