Do you think Clinton should take some responsibility for Oklahoma city bombing.


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
Am I the only one who thinks Clinton should take a lot of responsiblity for the Oklahoma city bombing? I know McVeigh was pissed off at the government and he was crazy but what was he pissed off at? He was pissed off at what happen at Waco so should the president take some responsibility for his screw up because if he did not murder all those children then McVeigh would not have flipped out.

He spent his whole fricken life blaming talk radio for making people mad but when you examine the reason why McViegh was mad it seems to point not at talk radio but the incompetene of his administration over the handling of Waco.
So wait, McVeigh was justified in killing innocent children because he was mad about what Clinton supposedly did?

Let me guess, you think Hitler was justified for the Holocaust because the Jews dared think they were equal to their fellow human beings?


Fucking whackjob.
The extreme right wing who inspired McVeigh is to blame
I'm no fan of Bill Clinton but I don't see how you can lay this on him. McVeigh was a complete asshole that had a bone to pick with the government and instead of addressing that problem with the organization causing him such a state of stupidity, he blew up and killed many innocent people because he was nothing more than a dipshit that wanted everybody to know his name.
Am I the only one who thinks Clinton should take a lot of responsiblity for the Oklahoma city bombing? I know McVeigh was pissed off at the government and he was crazy but what was he pissed off at? He was pissed off at what happen at Waco so should the president take some responsibility for his screw up because if he did not murder all those children then McVeigh would not have flipped out.

He spent his whole fricken life blaming talk radio for making people mad but when you examine the reason why McViegh was mad it seems to point not at talk radio but the incompetene of his administration over the handling of Waco.

Channeling Limbaugh, dumbshit?
Am I the only one who thinks Clinton should take a lot of responsiblity for the Oklahoma city bombing? I know McVeigh was pissed off at the government and he was crazy but what was he pissed off at? He was pissed off at what happen at Waco so should the president take some responsibility for his screw up because if he did not murder all those children then McVeigh would not have flipped out.

He spent his whole fricken life blaming talk radio for making people mad but when you examine the reason why McViegh was mad it seems to point not at talk radio but the incompetene of his administration over the handling of Waco.

NO. Why should the President of the US be responsible for a retard? Should Carter take responsibility for Ted Bundy? Eileen Wournos/ Johnson the Boston Strangler?

Who gets credit for the Blue Dahlia murder?

Try to be real, huh?
Am I the only one who thinks Clinton should take a lot of responsiblity for the Oklahoma city bombing? I know McVeigh was pissed off at the government and he was crazy but what was he pissed off at? He was pissed off at what happen at Waco so should the president take some responsibility for his screw up because if he did notmurder all those children then McVeigh would not have flipped out.

He spent his whole fricken life blaming talk radio for making people mad but when you examine the reason why McViegh was mad it seems to point not at talk radio but the incompetene of his administration over the handling of Waco.

Koresh Murdered those children

Why do you claim it was Clinton?
Ihopehefails... you are really overreaching here to make a critical point over the Clinton administration. No... Bill Clinton is not to blame for some wack job extremist blowing up a federal building. No sir... you are way off based.
Clinton is not responsible for the OKC bombing, despite McVeigh's anger over Waco.

Clinton should quit exploiting the tragedy by making cynical veiled insinuations that the anti-Big Government sentiment of the Tea Party Movement is at all related to McVeigh's form of anti-governmentism.
Am I the only one who thinks Clinton should take a lot of responsiblity for the Oklahoma city bombing? I know McVeigh was pissed off at the government and he was crazy but what was he pissed off at? He was pissed off at what happen at Waco so should the president take some responsibility for his screw up because if he did notmurder all those children then McVeigh would not have flipped out.

He spent his whole fricken life blaming talk radio for making people mad but when you examine the reason why McViegh was mad it seems to point not at talk radio but the incompetene of his administration over the handling of Waco.

Koresh Murdered those children

Why do you claim it was Clinton?

I think it was the tanks rolling into the compound that did that and if left alone nothing would have happen. I know it was a cult but cults have a right to exist in this country so why did the Clinton administration feel a need to invade? I'm curious what was the threat about people who believe Koresh is the messiah?
So wait, McVeigh was justified in killing innocent children because he was mad about what Clinton supposedly did?

Let me guess, you think Hitler was justified for the Holocaust because the Jews dared think they were equal to their fellow human beings?


Fucking whackjob.

I'm saying a live and let live policy would have been better. They were not harming anyone else so what was the point of invading?

BTW, the real fucking whackjobs of this world are people who think government authority justifies all deeds. I can't figure out why the government was correct when the end result was the deaths of hundreds of people. The justification I hear is that they were in violation of the law but so what. When did that give anyone the right to cause the deaths of hundreds of people.
Am I the only one who thinks Clinton should take a lot of responsiblity for the Oklahoma city bombing? I know McVeigh was pissed off at the government and he was crazy but what was he pissed off at? He was pissed off at what happen at Waco so should the president take some responsibility for his screw up because if he did notmurder all those children then McVeigh would not have flipped out.

He spent his whole fricken life blaming talk radio for making people mad but when you examine the reason why McViegh was mad it seems to point not at talk radio but the incompetene of his administration over the handling of Waco.

Koresh Murdered those children

Why do you claim it was Clinton?
Police State tactics are not the way to handle situations.
I'm no fan of Bill Clinton but I don't see how you can lay this on him. McVeigh was a complete asshole that had a bone to pick with the government and instead of addressing that problem with the organization causing him such a state of stupidity, he blew up and killed many innocent people because he was nothing more than a dipshit that wanted everybody to know his name.

Normally I would agree with you but I think if people are going to blame talk radio for this then we should examine the facts more closely. It was clear the McViegh was pissed about Waco and talk radio did not cause Waco so the next time I hear someone blame the far right wing, teaparties, or whoever happens to be their political enemies then I'll just remind them of the guy who pulled the trigger on Waco.
No one here is saying talk radio was responsible for Timothy McVeigh and his atrocities. :rolleyes:
You are wrong , Koresh started the fires and refused to surrender.

Are you telling yourself this because you can't handle the idea that the government might not have the moral high ground in this situation?

No... he is saying so because that's the truth of the matter. Koresh did start those fires that killed all of those women and children.

What if the government just decided it wasn't worth it and left the people alone? I'm not endorsing cults but when did being in a cult become suspect in this country? If these people were such a threat to the peace why didn't the state of Texas do something about it?

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