Do you think gay marriage has an impact in terms of our relationship with Asia?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
BARNABY JOYCE: Yeah, well - yes, I don't think Anwar Ibrahim would be terribly happy about the definitions as he sees them as to how his government may see them. But I think that what we have to understand is that when we go there, there are judgments, whether you like it or not, that are made about us and they see in how we negotiate with them whether they see us as - whether they see us as decadent. Now, people say, "Well that's outrageous. How can you make that ...?" Well that is a statement that - that is how ...

BARRIE CASSIDY: So they'd see us embracing gay marriage as decadence?

BARNABY JOYCE: I think that in some instances, they would, yeah.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
: Insiders
Barrie Cassidy interviews Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce.
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