CDZ Do you think Lyndon Baines Johnsons dream of the Great Society has finally been realized?

Considering that American poor people these days eat regular meals, sleep in beds, have color TVs and IPhones, and drive cars, I would say that the War on Poverty was a major success.

The poor that LBJ fought for had no shoes, running water or electricity.

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I agree ,I was one of those poor without those things.There still more work to do with the homeless,mentally ill. and crime.LBJ programs did alot of good to lift poor folks up. Could alot of it been handeld more efficiently?Yes.
You DO realize don’t you he was only continuing what kennedy started but he suppressed with his power that he had with influence and buy offs of people in the senate he was in good terms with so he could take credit for Kennedy’s accomplishments once he became potus don’t you? Lol
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

It wan't good intentions.......the democrat party had been murdering and abusing black Americans since the days of slavery, and had been fighting against every single Civil Rights act up to the last 2...and johnson himself voted against anti-lynching johnson realized they had to do something to get the votes of blacks.......and to keep them voting for democrats even though the democrats were the party of racism and violence.

Was he successful? Yes......the democrat party has managed to destroy the black family, and through this, they have kept blacks voting for democrats ever since...

You nailed it except nobody in their right mind now in this time this year would vote democrat,jfk is rolling over in his grave how the dem party has passed the gop as the more corrupt of the two.i have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true until these Past two years,the dnc has taken the trophy now,more and more blacks are wising up and leaving the dem party.
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An enormous waste of cash and resources.

Think of all the wars we could have had with the money we wasted on poor people
Leftist tools lake LBJ are the biggest warmongers in global history...Another true story.
Please provide more information
Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, and the Bushes (neocons are closeted leftists) all brought this nation into its most deadly wars.

Yet another true story.
You left out dick Nixon expanding lbjs Vietnam war. Dick is his perfect first name,that evil monster was never deserving of being called Richard,
There were no good intentions....

I'll elaborate in sound too.

It was a common term back then. Considered vulgar but not Obscene.

Times have changed

But LBJ's intent didn't....He wanted to enslave the blacks to dependence on The State, and has largely succeeded.

Total nonsense.

He wanted to help people who needed help, that is not slavery

Am I to believe you or his own words?

Actions speak louder than words

Insipid red herring platitude....Not an argument.

LBJ spelled out that his intents were clear.

Actions speak louder than words

Civil Rights Act
Voting Rights Act
War on Poverty Programs

Vpaid platitude combined with circular reasoning....Still not an argument.

We evaluate him on what he actually did rather than what he said.

You are evaluating him on chickebshit substituted for logical reasoning, while ignoring entirely what the man said himself as to the motivations for why he did what he did.

He always does
If Republicans hadn‘t trashed LBJs War on Poverty, we would be much better off.

As much as they have tried, they can’t get rid of Medicare and Medicaid
Oh brother-------corrupt johnsons war on poverty WELFARE is what has lead to rise in poverty and crime. Its the means by which the corrupt cities encourage the freeloaders to move in, out breed, and then overrun the government for political power. Its the reason most of the criminals have been born as their welfare ho mommas wanted more money from the government and didn't care about what they were breeding with or where their childs sperm donor was at. Welfare is the root cause of the illegals and all their destruction on the country as well---they come here for the freebies bringing in disease and bankrupting community hospitals, demanding more and more freebies, destroying cities, committing crimes and overwhelming government services. Johnson was a pig...a corrupt pig.
Welfare is a safety net

War on Poverty also included jobs, education and urban renewal
The reason your arguments is bogus is because of the Europeans and Asians who came to America with nothing and didn't receive welfare and have succeeded.
Try a different argument.

In some cases. Many Europeans came with nothing and barely succeeded. Asians were discriminated against and forced to create their own business community
Do tell which Europeans didn't succeed.
Discrimination causes success and most Africans want welfare.
Italians, Polish
You're kidding.
Tell us how many of these two groups live in slums?
Of course you'll have to lie.

View attachment 382169
Post hoc fallacy....Not evidence.
Objective evidence is something he has always been clueless
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

Oswald's rifle killed the last great Democratic President and replaced him with the most evil Democratic President LBJ. The Great Society was designed to ensnare Black people in the net of government dependence. He would be delighted to see how well his design worked.

Change that first sentence to saying The CIA’s RIFLES killed the last great democrat president and replaced him with the most evil democratic president LBJ and you then made the best post on here

This will make a certain Langley shill with the initials RW post a laughing smiley crying in defeat,that’s easy as clockworkto
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

It wan't good intentions.......the democrat party had been murdering and abusing black Americans since the days of slavery, and had been fighting against every single Civil Rights act up to the last 2...and johnson himself voted against anti-lynching johnson realized they had to do something to get the votes of blacks.......and to keep them voting for democrats even though the democrats were the party of racism and violence.

Was he successful? Yes......the democrat party has managed to destroy the black family, and through this, they have kept blacks voting for democrats ever since...

You nailed it except nobody in their right mind now in this time this year would vote democrat,jfk is rolling over in his grave how the dem party has passed the gop as the more corrupt of the two.i have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true until these Past two years,the dnc has taken the trophy now,more and more blacks are wising up and leaving the dem party.

Not only are they corrupt, they are actually in league with China and we see from the john brennan notes, hilary started the Russia hoax and joe biden's son took 3.5 million dollars from the ex-wife of the mayor of don't get to be the mayor of Moscow without putin saying so.....and then you have the 1.5 billion dollar deal hunter biden got from the Chinese when he flew over to China on Air Force 2.....the democrat party is the source of evil in this country......ever since they were founded by slave owners, and they have sided with America's enemies at almost every turn....

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