Do you think that Hillary would have cut taxes?

Who the heck works harder when more of their money is taken from them to fund questionable causes?

Not me...
She would have cut taxes on those who don't pay any taxes, if such a thing is possible. And most likely increased the hell out of entitlements as well.
She would have cut taxes on those who don't pay any taxes, if such a thing is possible. And most likely increased the hell out of entitlements as well.

You really think she'd cut taxes for multinationals? I don't think so.
Tax increases would have been my least concern with an HRC Presidency. Ugh I shudder to think what America would be like even a year in. Thank God, Karma and/or good campaigning for President Donald Trump.
Do you think that Hillary would have cut taxes?
That's an inane question, the answer to which I won't ponder because Hillary didn't win the election.
"What if" reasoning in the abstract has no value. What if frogs had wings? Would they bump their asses when they land? Maybe they would; maybe they wouldn't. Whether they would or would not depends on how they land, not whether they have wings. Inasmuch as frogs don't have wings, we'll never know. So it is with regard to whether Hillary would or would not have pushed Congress to cut taxes.
Hillary and taxes? lol...... who cares about that....she has other things in her mind.

Oh, I see. I thought she said "more salami" but she actually said "more Somali". Silly me.

More muslims, Africans on the dole is her plan. Breed em' if ya got em'
I think Hillary would of cut back on smoking cigars being smoking is bad for the brain and left thigh
Tax cuts for the rich are more of a repug thing. It's their panacea for all ills. Bad economy? Tax cuts for the rich. War in Iraq? Tax cuts for the rich. Abortion? Tax cuts for the rich. Climate change? Tax cuts for the rich. Shoes too tight? Tax cuts for the rich.
Tax increases would have been my least concern with an HRC Presidency. Ugh I shudder to think what America would be like even a year in. Thank God, Karma and/or good campaigning for President Donald Trump.

Yeah. The horror. Having the most qualified public servant in the nation as president. Who could imagine that?

Tax cuts for the rich are more of a repug thing. It's their panacea for all ills. Bad economy? Tax cuts for the rich. War in Iraq? Tax cuts for the rich. Abortion? Tax cuts for the rich. Climate change? Tax cuts for the rich. Shoes too tight? Tax cuts for the rich.

Nutbag; Woohoo! I’m getting $12 more in my paycheck! MAGA, bitch!

Me: That’s cool. Trump is getting several million in tax breaks, your insurance premiums will go up more and your $12 break expires in a few years.

Nutbag: At least I ain’t brown or gay and I don’t kill babies! MAGA, bitch!
Tax cuts for the rich are more of a repug thing. It's their panacea for all ills. Bad economy? Tax cuts for the rich. War in Iraq? Tax cuts for the rich. Abortion? Tax cuts for the rich. Climate change? Tax cuts for the rich. Shoes too tight? Tax cuts for the rich.

Tax cuts are pretty much always a good idea though.
Tax cuts for the rich are more of a repug thing. It's their panacea for all ills. Bad economy? Tax cuts for the rich. War in Iraq? Tax cuts for the rich. Abortion? Tax cuts for the rich. Climate change? Tax cuts for the rich. Shoes too tight? Tax cuts for the rich.

Tax cuts are pretty much always a good idea though.

You make statements like that with such ease.

Meanwhile, economists who have studied the matter for their entire lives say that it is sometimes a bad idea to cut taxes.

So, you end up looking like an idiot.

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